New Twitter Anti-Progressive Fairy Tale Narratives thread (5)

Bikki ONLY has a problem when its against his team. He has literally zero morals, zero character, zero integrity. As I said early on, he’s a bad actor, internally. Of all the cats on this board, Bikki is the one with a true black heart. GSC is a scumbag, self righteous, slightly an idiot, and mommy told him he was too special. Skeeter is a shithole who’s unhinged, but probably not too bad in day to day life. Indi is a talking bobblehead of GOP talking points, even the ones they think won’t sell. Bikki, however, is an actual bad soul, I believe. Bikki would watch a kid burn alive if it meant he gets a dollar off his new Trump flag. If the kid was brown, he’s buy marshmallows and make Smores. The classical cartoon, evil old man who gets joy out of the suffering of others…this is your guy. Something tells me most of the others throughout his life see that as well.

20 new far left wackjob meltdown OrangeManBad posts per week…Yeah, you’re reeeeeeallly well-adjusted

Been saying this for years…And some of you just keep begging for more.


Both Riley and the tweet he is responding too pretty much nail it.


Bikki ONLY has a problem when its against his team. He has literally zero morals, zero character, zero integrity. As I said early on, he’s a bad actor, internally. Of all the cats on this board, Bikki is the one with a true black heart. GSC is a scumbag, self righteous, slightly an idiot, and mommy told him he was too special. Skeeter is a shithole who’s unhinged, but probably not too bad in day to day life. Indi is a talking bobblehead of GOP talking points, even the ones they think won’t sell.

Nice goatee, commie faggot

This is what today’s left has been reduced to

I love being included despite my allegedly having a black heart in this august group of posters whom I regard as persons who cherish individual rights rejecting governmental control over lives of citizens, and just want to be left to their own devices. They more properly understand the concept of liberty. They too are the true champions of diversity and not imbeciles imbued with a faux sense of tolerance for what is inherently intolerable. True Americans, they are.

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Beautifully said

And “not caring” is just fine and dandy and the far lesser sin then pretending to care, and forcing what you care about onto everyone else.

A simple answer (as always exists to idiotic progressive questions)

Hiring 87,000 new IRS agents to wring nickels out of Americans isn’t a winning strategy. Soon IRS agents will be monitoring junior’s lemonade stand. What’s needed is 87,000 new Border Patrol agents to fight against the illegal immigrant INVASION. On second thought, perhaps they should hire more cops. But, who would want to be a cop in a city governed miserably by a liberals?

Not to mention beefing up their artillery.

So well said

But hey…OMB!!