New Twitter Anti-Progressive Fairy Tale Narratives thread (5)

Adorable. You hang on that chin-beard douchebag’s nuts as much as you do GSC and Bikki. I have never seen such a clear example of this kid from a Christmas story in my life as you embody on a daily basis


You’re like the resident resting place for their ballsacks…almost like a little statue for tea bagging

Ahhh how cute…Little cornball faggot with his pics. How about a meme or a gif when you get home from high school cheerleading practice?

This is a real tweet ^^^

She has us alllllllll figured out

Sick, sick fucking people

It’s a parody account, ya fucking moron

Lol…My bad

She does look like exactly like someone else int hat picture who is just non-stop on twitter with that shit.

Joke’s on me.

LOL…Imagine this sick fuck discussing integrity

Sometimes things I don’t know about contemporary culture surprise me. My dazzling girlfriend Lisa showed me that with your hand making the sign of the letter “L” with your thumb and index finger, you are gesturing that someone is a loser. I didn’t know that. What a handy device.

I am glad finally to have been brought up to date, and I have already sent out my signal several times. Even in Pensacola, you run into people like Warden and Low T.

GBD owned everyone of you covid cultists


It’s never enough for the cult.

Old quote. But yes…This is why I would love to see this piece of shit get assassinated. Imagine equating covid vaccine with racism.

But by all means. Double and triple down on your bullshit BLM

I can only imagine what a dirty legged whore that bean-tard looks like. I am surprised she’s of age, Bikki.

This woman is more annoying to listen to than Trump/Biden combined…My god

Here’s your progressive movement gentlemen ^^…Keep signing up for it.

And his first two tweets under the initial tweet.

None of the above here…It makes me pissed at the media for keeping racism alive.

But of those choices the 2nd one would be the closest for me. And he addresses the 4th choice in his next tweet which speaks to Warden’s tweet that some people may be catching themselves doing it.

Empathy/Racism…There are no two more abused words in America right now.