New Twitter Anti-Progressive Fairy Tale Narratives thread (5)


Grown man typed this ^

Donald Trump was always a professional dealing with the Miss Universe Contest and made it quite a spectacle. Trump has never been creepy. He is lighthearted and appropriately friendly. He was a great entertainment impresario, and he was monumentally successful.

Trump is a winner, a person who outperforms expectations. When he campaigned for the presidency, he laid out his goals, and he achieved more of them than any president who preceded him into office. . The winning created unparalleled prosperity in America. The poor were uplifted. Business was robust. His foreign policy was brilliant.

Are we winning now? What happened to winning? Under the brilliance of liberal governance, we see high prices on food, empty shelves, no baby formula, highest gasoline prices in history, mayhem in the cities,a border invasion, transgender nonsense, Antifa, even turd avoidance maps in our cities. This is your liberalism in action. Small wonder so many reflect on just how great America was just a short time ago.

Biden is so bad that even the liberals are turning on him. His son Hunter would give Satan a good run for the money. His wife Jill is a complete fool who despises another fool who is the Vice President of the United States. Under Trump, we were winning to such a degree that we were fearful of becoming blase by the stunning success. Under Biden, we’re descending just as Trump sapiently predicted into an economic depression. We’re losing. Losing more each day. We’re losing so badly that people are becoming sick of losing. Liberalism has struck out.

I don’t think it’s appropriate for any adult to be in a room with minors that are nude. Period. Full stop.

I know it was reported that this happened. From my understanding, Trump denied the story. Right? Or is that not correct?

Of course he denied it. He denies EVERYTHING.

So then how do you know it’s true?

Because it’s well documented and witnessed by multiple people. And he’s said in the past he could “just do it.”

You can choose to not believe it (after all, you defend virtually everything about him); I’m not going to convince you otherwise.

“Our first introduction to him was when we were at the dress rehearsal and half naked changing into our bikinis,”

If I were litigating here I would ask what “half naked” means. Because the qualifier certainly eliminates full nakedness right?

So does it mean they had bikini bottoms and tops on? Ok- if that’s the case, then where’s the foul?

This is the kind of shit you fall for all the time.

GSC….ever defending Trump at every turn. He’s just an innocent victim in each of the billion situations he’s been in.

It’s pathetic. :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

Actually, they said naked and semi-naked. But, it does show who you are a person and your lack of morality in that you immediately go to qualifiers, trying to litigate fault, while ignoring a grown man used his power to watch underaged girls get dressed. In the end, you’re looking for a way out and to justify it. You have no morals, whatsoever. You didn’t question whether it was right or wrong in general…you asked if Trump denied it and that appeared good enough for you, despite him being on record admitting to it, word for word. You immediately tried to justify it. That clearly shows you have literally zero morals. When it comes to Trump, he could rape your daughter and you’d claim she was asking for it or he said it didn’t happen, so…
Hell, you’d probably watch with your MAGA hat on

Also, he admitted to it on the radio

“Well, what you could also say is that, as the owner of the pageant, it’s your obligation to do that,” Trump said, before discussing how he got away with going backstage when the contestants were naked.

“Well, I’ll tell you the funniest is that before a show, I’ll go backstage and everyone’s getting dressed, and everything else, and you know, no men are anywhere, and I’m allowed to go in because I’m the owner of the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it,” Trump said. “You know, I’m inspecting because I want to make sure that everything is good.”

“You know, the dresses. ‘Is everyone okay?’ You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. ‘Is everybody okay?’ And you see these incredible looking women, and so, I sort of get away with things like that. But no, I’ve been very good,” he added.

Again, you are barren of morals…absolutely barren.

This is where GSC disappears.

I’d love to see GSCl :lying_face: wn in front of a judge and jury telling them that the minors were only half naked.

Listen, what do you want me to say? He makes a good point when he says as the owner of the pageant he has a duty to be back there to make sure all is ok.

Is there an allegation that he touched or harassed a contestant? Doesn’t sound like it. So but if a non story and obviously no one has sued him for anything like that so…. You know.

Funny thing is that they are all non stories to you. Ever think why you justify every fart your messiah makes?

Then, he tries to start trash about Biden sniffing a girls hair, when he clearly didn’t even do that.

GSC shows is pretty clearly…there can be no doubt in anyone’s mind, even the perverse thoughts of Bikki…GSC is an immoral scumbag. No working around it. No pretending morality. No pretending to be honest. No pretending…immoral scumbag in every possible sense of the word

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This is classic GSC backtracking.

The very fact that he knowingly entered a changing room full of undressing underage girls is creepy at best, criminal at worst.

But Trump did it. So, cool.

It would have been better if you had just disappeared from this thread.

I’m not backtracking at all.

You absolutely are. You do this all the time.

You try to deny a story about trump is true.

We provide proof that it is.

Then you drop the “if I was a litigator” line as a way to defend something trump did (“what does have naked even mean?”).

Then an article is posted where trump literally admits - from his own mouth - that he has walked in and seen these girls undressing.

You respond by saying that there was no allegation of touching or harassing.

You’re trying to change the topic entirely. No one brought up allegations of touching or harassing.

Zero integrity. Just stop and disappear from the thread. You’d look way better that way vs continue to try and dig the hole deeper.

I never denied it was true. I said Trump denied the story.

Well that sucks for you.