New Twitter Anti-Progressive Fairy Tale Narratives thread (5)

Had to

Hypocrites like this being exposed left and right

Move on people

And let us not forget this gem

Democracy was at its apogee under Trump whose administration compared to that of Joe’s was a period of unparalleled prosperity and record achievement. As much as Trump has been investigated, I think he should be regarded as the Boy Scout president, one who neither drinks nor smokes and emanates honesty and wholesome values which are being lost under Biden. Just as el Donaldo predicted, I believe we’re headed not into recession but a second depression, all caused by Obama/Biden misgovernance.

Where does fucking a porn star, lying profusely about most things (COVID especially), insulting a gold star family and 2 military heros as well as trying to illegally stay in power and witness tampering fit into this description of Trump?

Could you imagine someone like this just tearing the ridiculous fairy tale opinions of say…a djrion…apart?

Read his #3 and #4 follow ups as well…

But yet the sheep will cry “racism”…


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White liberals are the true minority when it comes to not being racist…How would we ever be saved from racism otherwise?

Best thread ever

Only if you truly appreciate how fucking stupid and delusional most of you progressive assholes are.

Can’t be…I was told there is no violence from the left? What is Starbucks so afraid of?

Meanwhile our commander and chief is off sniffing the heads of prepubescent children.

Guy is starting to look like he can drop dead any moment.

How unbelievably dishonest you are. It’s always those who think they’re so religiously righteous who are the worst people. You embody that.

But, of course…being the good Catholic you are, have no problem with Trump literally watching underage girls undress because he owns the beauty pageant…probably, why he bought it in the first place.

Odd how he ignores this. Freakin’ gross. Literally anyone else would have a cops knee in his back. As they should.

I ignored Trump watching underage girls? Really? When did I do that?

You glossed over it when it was reported, at best.

Even when trump declares himself :crown:, GSCl :lying_face: wn will still be there defending him…