New Twitter Anti-Progressive Fairy Tale Narratives thread (5)


I’m finding the only people who really care about January 6 or ultra libs And Washington DC/military intelligence types or attorneys that were near Capitol Hill or have that sort of background working in Washington DC. Normal regular average down the middle and conservative Americans even some center left don’t give to fucking shits

…says the guy who thinks we’ve never been to space, NASA is lying along with all of the tens of thousands of people and contractors working for them, who’s not once entered into a conversation on here in good faith and with honesty, and consistently tries of lie and obfuscate.

Ya same here…And backed up by the fact that ratings are very mediocre.

Good stuff here

Oh is there Joe? They’re going to be common now right?

Love for you progressive idiots to embarrass yourself defending this one.

Easy to know when you (the government) are the designer.

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As if this clown has any friends in real life. So now he’s running a polling service gauging public sentiment on the hearings. Thanks for keeping us abreast with your completely fictitious analysis. Please bring us more lies so we can laugh our assess off.


These kinds of statements of pure ignorance make me laugh out loud. If you only knew Djrion. If you only knew.

Ratings speak as well

You "progress"ive maniacs that have been sitting a foot away from the TV screaming OrangeManBad!!! for 6 years are the only fucking idiots tuned into this fairy tale.

Does that absurd goatee help you make real life friends fuckboy?

Some polling recently said that 10 percent of the public is highly invested in these hearings. I knew it would be low, but surprised it’s that low.

Actually, they knocked it out of the park in primetime. Shifting to regular working hours complicates the equation drastically. Hopefully, they’ll end with another primetime. Been absolutely stellar so far.

as long as the DOJ is one of the watchers…quite expansive criminal charges available for lots of people

Imagining supporting “knocking it out of the park”…I.e. it doesn’t matter what happened, just knock it out of the park so we can convince people of our side. Disgusting partisan media sheep.

Been absolutely stellar so far.

Imagine this fucking fat ass with that goatee sitting real close to his tv cheering on the “stellar” coverage.

Agree with her again

As there should be.


Dramatic language doesn’t HAVE to work if you don’t let it.