New Twitter Anti-Progressive Fairy Tale Narratives thread (5)

You’re STILL on the masks? STILL?

Man, nobody was as devastated as you were by Covid, obviously. Wow.

Lol…Like it wasn’t a political movie

Imagine still thinking masks worked

You’re STILL on the masks? STILL?

Man, nobody was as devastated as you were by Covid, obviously. Wow.

You’re still on republicans cheating on their wives? Can we expect 8-9 posts about one of them being late on a parking ticket this week.

1st covid post in a couple weeks…Let me guess, you want us to forgive and forget? I guess I would too…Like GSC said, gotta sweep it under the rug when it’s time for votes.

Do you have any examples?

Wow, you managed to go 2 whole weeks without talking about masks and Covid, huh?
Good job, little buddy. I think we have a special cookie for you.

Who needs your forgiveness? I don’t recall anyone asking for it

Lol…Just sweep it under the rug. Wouldn’t want it to interfere with votes, right?

You people begged for more senseless covid mitigation…Was so funny to watch.

We did? I’m sure you have background you can cut and paste in here to show that I “begged for more senseless covid mitigation.”

I’ll wait…

You were on the board briefly from what ? Jan and Feb 21 to celebrate Biden…Then you disappeared for a few months…So you were only on board for the last what 30-40% or so of covid?

But regardless, you support with all your blessed little heart those who, for instance, are STILL FUCKING FIGHTING (unless something has changed in the last week or so) to have masks made mandatory in planes!

The day the ban was lifted…You can pull up links from everywhere saying how Biden was trying to reverse it. Imagine being that fuckin sick?

It’s your blue progressive governors still keeping kids in masks for god’s sake.

So even if it’s not you personally, you are clearly aligned with them and your partisan sheepdom shows every other day on here with your super informative links to some evil Republican cheating at Wordle.

Seems odd. Covid started in 2020. The board seems to start in 2020, December. I was on in Jan 21’.
Seems like the board itself was only around not much longer. BUT, doesn’t change that your statement was one thing and you can’t prove it.

So what? I don’t support anyone 100%, outside of Dirk Nowitzki. I’ve been clear in my Covid positions.
You’re clearly mis-characterizing the situation.

Are they? Which ones?

Again, I’ve been clear on my position regarding masks and covid mitigation.

So, you’re lying is what you’re saying? Or, you were just wrong? Which is it?

We were all obviously on another board…You know what I mean

And then don’t forget your couple month violin swan song after your original sign up

Are they? Which ones?

Again, I’ve been clear on my position regarding masks and covid mitigation.

And again you support these sick motherfuckers milking it to this day. My point stands

If something has changed in the last 2-3 weeks I digress…But it doesn’t change my point because that is still inexcusable… Illinois, NY, Mich. YOUR sick fucking progressive governors are/were hanging on covid to the bitter end.

Don’t play stupid.

I don’t even know who you’re talking about. I have no earthly idea who is still masking.
I’m in Texas. We haven’t had anything for a long time. I’ve been outspoken for quite a while with my opinion on masking children, directly to you. If we’re talking about playing stupid, you’re doing so right now.

They’re mine, huh? Are the GOP ones yours? Do we get to hold you accountable, regardless of anything you’ve ever said on the topic, for everything they do? Oh, you’re not a registered Republican?
I’m not a registered Democrat. I can’t vote in any primaries in Texas. Officially, I’m an independent.

That’s why I am supportive of guns. Just think we need some basic regs and actual investment in mental health treatments. I’m against anyone who states they want to take away your AR15. I’m against anyone who says reparations in a positive light.

I definitely side with liberals more than conservatives and think the modern GOP is damn near a terrorist organization. But, does that mean I am beholden to every liberal throughout the country and all their decisions? If so, I get to hold you accountable for every conservative.

I was clear on Covid. I cheered it on. I still do. It might have been considered tongue in cheek, but it wasn’t. I had higher hopes for it, honestly.

Are you really trying to tell me…As one of the more political dudes on this message board with a strongly apparent partisan stance…

That you didn’t notice a difference between red/blue states and the overall, sanctimonious badge of honor, cult-like (for lack of better, friendly word as I’m in a hurry) approach to covid by progressive lefts during the last 2 years?

That doesn’t even make sense.

And yes you did describe your covid stance and your non-support of masks with children this spring. So when I ay “you people” obviously I mean the people you CLEARLY support…But isn’t odd and ironic that the refreshing, somewhat common sense covid approach and return to normal in many ways is because you live in a red state? (I’m talking overall throughout the course and each stage of the last couple years).

No I’m not…I’m registered independent. And for the 9000th time on this message board 2020 Donald Trump was the only time I ever cast a Republican vote in my life. And it may be the last…Not sure. (I do kinda like DeSantis) Although I will say I will not vote for anything progressive. No chance…Want nothing to do with that cult.

That’s why I am supportive of guns. Just think we need some basic regs and actual investment in mental health treatments. I’m against anyone who states they want to take away your AR15. I’m against anyone who says reparations in a positive light.

Fair enough…We agree. Not the 1st time we have agreed…Hell I may even say an AR15 is a bit much to own lol.

I definitely side with liberals more than conservatives

I’m probably 50/50…Maybe even more left if we count each individual topic.

I was clear on Covid. I cheered it on

I’m not sure what “cheer on” means…But based on context of this thread, you cheered for “us to move on” from it??

It is the highest selling gun because its easy to personalize. But, not too terribly large a caliber. It’s not too far down that list you end up with a thirty ought six…that doesn’t look as “scary” but will go through the person you’re shooting at, three people behind them, and the wall behind them. These people like Beto need to think before they speak. Take away the AR and you won’t end school shootings. You could make them much more dangerous.

It means I’m a worse person than you. Deep down, I cheer for a global pandemic to wipe us all out. We’re a terrible species

We believe in free speech as long as it’s the speech we tell you to say.

Sick fucking cult.

People like this should have their jaw stomped out of their head.

Clear as day…They love to tell you “well that’s because of covid”


This is also when you knew they were full of shit re: covid as well.

Pretty fair and accurate.

To me money is not the most important thing in life. Your health is worth two per cent. Actually, I love money because it provides one with the most valuable luxury on earth, that being personal liberty. I would love being a billionaire, and I think I’ve made a valiant stab at so doing. I’m much better off than the average bear in the forest and I am thankful for it.

I believe in very restrictive inheritance laws. I do not think it is fair for elites to pass on large fortunes to their families. Fortunes are now passed on through private foundations and corporations to avoid inheritance taxes. A person should be rewarded in life through learning, effort, and even toil. My greedy relatives are going to be disappointed severely when I depart. They will get no legacy whatsoever. I will leave lovely Lisa who is now 65 years old a nice waterfront home, a luxury car, and a lifetime annuity all of which on her death will be donated to charity. I will pay off the mortgages of my two best friends. My estate will go to a list of charities that have very low operating and administrative costs. Nothing for the greedy family members. Nothing even for the Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Foundation. I however may set up an escrow account to send Djrion to fight in Ukraine, but that war should be over in a short while.

Disagree with this…People should be allowed to do whatever they want with their money.

Wrong thread though?

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Because…It’s a cult