New Twitter Anti-Progressive Fairy Tale Narratives thread (5)

Couldn’t be more spot on.

Holy shit! As of today (Despite this goof Biden’s efforts otherwise)

So clutch for me…I fly for the first time since last summer tomorrow. What timing.


Look we all vote for who we want… And I don’t spend my days pouting about Joe Biden and would love the seemingly mythical outcome of us all coming together and comprimise

But how does anyone respect this type shit?

The left refuses to move the fuck on…At this point how the fuck can you still defend any type of mask mandate?

What “I’m a good liberal” argument are you still trying to win here? We have vaxes, we have a much more extensive knowledge of treatments, we have upteen boosters if you don’t like your risk level. Move the fuck on people.

Shit is wild AF

9 posts to yourself, imagine that.

Lol…I swear dj is a 16 year old cheerleader…is it “tots” wild AF, commie cunt?

Probably says “bro” a lot too

I figured it be crickets here…

Sick fucking people


Sure are a ton of right wing conspiracists flying nowadays.

Which one of you hypocrite partisan twats is boycotting flights now?

Masks work, unless it’s an election year. Then fuck em. Right?

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Dare one of these idiots to defend Biden on this.

I’d bet crickets though…They can’t show face on this now.


Including a few of us on this message board…Quite vehemently

And don’t forget…They went out of their way to prolong it. (may have to click on DeAngelis link)

Figured it be crickets there ^^^

I don’t see Musk as the savior of social media and the world as many do right now lol…I like a lot of what he tweets and stands for but not in the “Savior Musk Dickride Club”…I don’t have strong opinions on billionaires either way.

But this point is 1000% the way myself and so many feel…For the love of god, just cut the bullshit!!

Unfortunately I worry that there has been enough brainwash that we are not the majority or at least the overwhelming majority that some think we are.

Wack job commie cunt cultists like djrion truly think they have some type of magic Utopia formula to save the world from things it simply doesn’t need saved from. And they have won a lot of people over through minion media.

So true…And so many of you were fine with it.

All crickets…Figured

This is the type of piece of shit hypocrite a dick-riding progressive like djrion just stands in awe of lol

Read the comments from that account…He absolutely destroys this phony piece of shit.

How convenient. The idiots who think masks don’t work, demanding their removal the whole time, are obliged their position, and then try and flip the script like it is a political move.

Denial of reality is the essence of conservatism.

Fixed it for you.

What’s Biden proposing that’s “transformative” or fits into this category?