New Twitter Anti-Progressive Fairy Tale Narratives thread (5)

Of course I’ve moved on…I moved on long ago. It’s your favorite political side that wouldn’t let people move on. I’m just giving you an example. I mean you wanna butt in my thread and tell corny jokes because I post some social media links that expose your delusion.

Very alarming…And although some liberal “study” will come in soon at twist science around and move goalposts and tell us it doesn’t matter

But clear common sense, imo.

How can anyone defend this?

It is truly a fucking cult

Bingo…Been saying this for a while. And there are some in here who fall to this sheep line of thinking.

I would run through the fires of hell to support and vote for this man

Brian Echivarria is his name, here is his twitter handle for any
interested…He is running for office in NC

He’d definitely have my vote. The most colossal of all myths presently perpetrated is that the Democrat Party stands for Constitutional rights. Look how freedom of speech is throttled, when the former GREAT president of the United States is banned from Twitter. Maybe Elon can change that situation.

Poor thing. Conservatives, with the little integrity shared between them as a party and even less honesty, don’t know the Constitution or even care much about it.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

That says nothing about private companies allowing their terms of service to be violated nor about private companies and “free speech.”

As consistent with your nature, you show daily how little honesty, little integrity, and little value you have.

Partisan Sheep Alert ^^^

Stop insulting the sheep bro.

Everyone has him blocked except I guess you and 51.

Thank gaaaad (Uecker voice)

Yep, meltdown Mollie is a broken record. Best thing to do is not listen.

Then someone go ahead and relay the message and tell this commie cunt to go fuck his whore mother.

Imagine this cunt accusing someone of meltdowns after his tirade on this board yesterday?

Partisan sheep gonna partisan sheep

Also far as know there are only 2 people that CLAIM to have me blocked (but somehow manage to show up and mf me on occasion) are the two wack job far left cunts on this board. Go figure

So yeah, that’s…2…For those counting at home.

Couldn’t you see prom queen djrion and his bull Warden in the front row singing hymns together as they denounce “whiteness”.

How is anyone still a liberal with this disgusting bullshit?