New Twitter Anti-Progressive Fairy Tale Narratives thread (5)

Really, he does not have this idea of rounding up 10-15 million people, putting them on trains and shipping them out. That sounds very similar to nazi germany. You really think rounding up 15-20 million people against their will is going to go well.

Shit the people who have a heart attack over sensible gun laws want to start a civil war but rounding up millions of people they will be ok with it. You don’t think there will be violence in the streets. It sounds great - oh let’s round these immigrants up and ship them out. Good luck.

No it doesn’t…not at all.

Very stupid
Very delsuional
Very dramatic

Deadly trifecta

It’s a wrap.

That’s literally the exact thing they did. Hitler ordered the deportation of Jews between 15-17 Sept 1941. Following the order, they immediately tried to deport them to overcrowded ghettos in Eastern Europe. Officials in Łódź, Litzmannstadt, Minsk and Riga were all told they would have to absorb the population of Jews regardless of their current overcrowding. The overcrowding along with the slow progress of the German invasion of the Soviet Union led to the “final solution” to the “Jewish problem” and concentration camps, gas chambers, etc.
The Wannsee Conference of 1942 formalized the Nazi policy of extermination of Jews in occupied Europe.
We literally have pictures of them doing this very thing, along with their public statement, a myriad of newspapers and eyewitness statements, etc.

You’re an imbecile

Not originally. Originally, they had isolation policies and state sponsored racism, mass deportations…very similar to your party’s published ideology. They had the establishment of ghettos and deportations, the Nuremburg Laws of 1935 where their citizenship was removed, banned their right to vote, etc.
It wasn’t until 1941-1942 where they mass deportations led to concentration camps and gas chambers.
In fact, your whole schtick is quite similar.
Persecuting homosexuals was a major priority of the Nazi party dating back to 1933.
They confiscated printed material on homosexual topics in March 1933 and their publishers were targeted
More than 12,000 books were publicly burned on May 10. 1933.

Dating back to 1919, Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf that he believed in the complete removal of Jews from Germany. From 1933 to 1941, there were crackdowns and deportations of Jews throughout Germany…removing their rights, identifying them, isolating them politically and economically and in 1939 after the invasion of Poland…started forcing them out their homes, etc.

Like economics, you struggle with basic history.

Your Econ 101 isn’t so hot considering you have no clue why we are in the inflationary environment we are in now.

Carry on with the unhinged Hitler comparisons though.

Talk about projection. :rofl:

Yet, Trump spent more than Biden.

Right, so you want to pretend the PPP loans, 2 rounds of Trump’s covid checks, and the ELD loans just aren’t part of the equation and pretend we start where you want to start. Gotcha.
Despite that, Trump still spent more than Biden did, by a landslide.

Just like trying to blame Biden for inflation in the US when the entire world is also suffering from the exact same inflation, you’re mind-numbingly dimwitted. Further, we’re at 2.9% inflation right now, better than anyone else in the world.

Again, you’re a bobblehead of talking points without a shred of actual thought

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

You’re like talking to a puppy. Said it before…you don’t appear to be intellectually capable of actual reason or basic thought, just a human sticker for Republican talking points.

Listen to any economist and they will tell you that what the Biden admin did post COVID was unnecessary and inflationary. They overheated the economy when we needed to stop printing money. Trump did spend more than he should have. Biden made things way worse.

And Kamala’s proposed policies will exacerbate inflation if implemented.

Respect your history knowledge but you are lost on Econ.

Doesn’t appear that you know what that number means. What an idiot.

Warden needs to go back to supply and demand fundamentals and then get back to us.

He’s going to Google the liberal sites right now and try to dispute the fact that Biden/Harris have no plan to fix this.

Indiana, the Republican Party and trump are tone deaf right now. Trumps run reminds me of Hillary in 2016. She did not listen and continued to stay on course. This election is not about actual policies. People in this county don’t want chaos. Trump does not understand that it was trump who told his party to not vote for an immigration bill. It was trump how he handled COVID was terrible. You don’t get that people in this country see Jan 6th as disgusting.

Policy is great but this election is about decency vs someone who is a pos. Trump is running a play book that worked in 2016 but people now are not buying what he is selling it. When Republicans and former trump aides are not backing him should tell you all what you need to know.

Trump is the wrong candidate- it’s about timing. The moment Biden backed out trump was done as long as the Dems did not screw it up. The people running the Dems right now has put a message out which is working.

Really? Who are your top 3 economists that you “listen to”?

“Overheated” means the economy is expanding at an unsustainable rate.

Real GDP increased 5.7% in 2021 in contrast to a decrease of 3.4% in 2020.
Leave it to GOPers to attack a strong economy. It’s hilarious how easily duped you people are.

Money supply had a enormous spike in 2020…a year before Biden took office…when Trump was in office and issued the 2 checks and PPP loans, of which there was massive grift

How did Biden make it “way worse”?

How so?

Unfortunately for you, I have about 10-12 graduate level classes in Economics under my belt and am every bit as capable on the subject as history. You’d have more luck winning a discussion on taxation, but you stand no chance on macroeconomics, despite your 9th grade single semester in Macro and single semester in Micro.

You’re not really offering much. Do tell.

Dunning Kruger is quite strong with you.

$25,000 down payment for new home buyers.

Forgiveness of student loans.

Seems pretty obvious, no?

No, not really at all.
Again, you’re not giving anything that contributes to your argument. How exactly would either of these contribute to inflation?

You appear to believe that any additional money in the pocket of citizens equals inflation. That’s not how it works. Our GDP is at a growth rate of 2.8% in 2024.
Do you need some time to go learn your definitions, maybe ask your cat?

Supply and demand. What about demand for housing and goods with 11 million illegals?

Put those Econ grad classes to use. You are struggling mightily here. It’s embarrassing.

Wow… It’s “literally” not the “exact” thing…do you understand what these words mean (then the dumb cunt adds dramatic pics for effect…he’s such a broad)?

No you dumb fuck

Wanting to deport illegal immigrants of all races as opposed to crossing the border LEGALLY after going thru vetting, is not the same as singling out anyone from one race, threatening and then later killing them.

Did I clear that up for you, cunt?

You like those price caps too right? Want me to draw a supply and demand curve for you and see what happens?

Dunning Kruger Effect.

Nope, just another day and another example of you being a far right lunatic