New Twitter Anti-Progressive Fairy Tale Narratives thread (5)

Bikki, the Dems actually looked like the normal party last night. No screaming - no fear tactic. Who ever is running the dem party is doing a great job of keeping the party on message.

People are tried about hearing how the country is in terrible shape. How the world is coming to an end. When you talk fear and that is all you do - people will stop listening.


Remember this walking cunt during covid?

And he’s talking about irrational fear?

Absolute worthless piece of shit.

Kamala is a communist. Read the attached article. She’s unfit to be president. Can you name one single thing Kamala accomplish as Vice President. I find myself shaking my head wondering why Elite80 would vote for an anti-Israel candidate when Trump has been the best president supporting Israel in nearly a century of time.

Bikki, I can’t understand how you can vote for a man who has no morals. This is why trump won in 2016. He ran on things that those on the right wanted to do but were to scared to. He got the judges through and passed a tax cut. Outside of that he botched the COVID situation. He is an awful human being. Kamala husband is jewish. Seriously it’s bs.

Kamala is a communist. Come on—

Like father, like daughter, both communists. Do you want price controls on your business? Do you want to be a servant of government? How about a tax hike? Kamala’s talking about a 70% rate for the wealthy plus a tax on unrealized gains. If your home, Fish, is worth a million more than you paid for it, Kamala wants to tax you for unrealized gain, that is, before you even sell it., You’re ready for that. Same goes for your stock portfolio. Yes, it’s communism.

Kamala’s position on Israel is the same as that of Obama who was the most anti-Israel president in recent history. Trump is far and way the most Israel-friendly president, and Trump’s foreign policy was one of the most successful features of his administration. Big difference of opinion politically between Jews in America and those in Israel. Wonder why? Those in Israel lived under communism,

Under Trump, inflation was not worrisome at all. Look what happened after three and a half years under Biden. Last Saturday, I took Lisa to Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse in Destin. My bill was over $400. I gave the waiter a Benjamin for a tip. My bottle of Veuve Cliquot was $130 alone. Under Trump, Veuve cost $60. Pretty soon, I’ll be relegated to drinking proseco. They had a killer saxophone player. I gave him a twenty to play Summertime for Lisa. Good thing I can deduct half the cost as a business expense.

Morally-speaking, Trump is like a Boy Scout. He neither smokes nor drinks and raises wonderful children. No Hunter Bidens in his family. Kamala on the other hand is thought to be alcoholic, at least as a spate of articles have posted recently pertaining to this matter. Three cocktails for lunch and hyena like laughing afterward.

I don’t want price controls - that being said companies like fpl and Comcast are raping their clients. At some point the consumer can’t afford the asking price. How many months of record profit do these companies need to make. Billions, trillions? You can’t complain about inflation but when someone wants to do something about it say - oh that communist. This bs needs to stop. Kamala is not a communist. The only time our country felt like we were in communist Russia was when trump was in office, we had to stand in line for toilet paper and told we could only buy one pack. Ironically that is the only time in my or your lifetime it felt like we were living in a communist country and who ran us - trump. I am sorry but that communist shit ain’t flying this time.

You can keep bringing up inflation…are you telling me that trump spending like a drunk sailor, lowering taxes and handing out billions of dollars had nothing to do with inflation under Biden…seriously.

Morally speaking…his family is great. lol. Man you kill me. JD mom was a meth head…yeah great pick of talent. When you have that much money and can make mistake after mistake must be nice.!

@Bikki, I can’t understand how you can like sundaes this is why I like cones

She literally tells us she’s a communist…When someone tells you they are going to implement communist policies, well what else are they?

Simple stuff here.

Someone really typed this?

Absolute fucking lunatic. Stupidity+Delusion = dangerous

Now I know why you guys feared Michelle. She just owned the orange man. Storm and Bikki maybe right…she just rubbed her nuts on trumps foreheads.

Imagine a grown man turning into a little cheerleading faggot like this…Rah rah!! Get him Michelle!! Orange Man Bad!! Man she showed him!!!….

(I have to run to the canes board right away!! Wait til I tell these guys!!)

Big Bad “Orange Man” forever owns little easily triggered cunts like 80

We have a really bad lack of economic sense on this board. Warden is right there with you.

People don’t seem to know that government spending causes inflation. It’s simple stuff that the Biden administration handing out money and massive spending bills is causing inflation. Not that hard if you know Econ 101. I’d advise you all to listen to some real economists and then form an opinion.

Price controls aren’t new. They were tried in the Roman times. They don’t work. Short term relief but then they really bite you hard. So dumb. The Dems have nothing on policy to fix inflation. Nothing!

Trump proposes to cut regulations and improve supply, which is an actual policy to try to address inflation.

Kamala wants to overheat the economy more by $25,000 down payment for new home buyers (inflationary) and price controls (leads to shortages).

There’s a reason the Dems haven’t talked much policy at the convention. They have nothing good to sell on the economy.

No fear tactics? The Obamas spent almost their entire speeches hammering Trump.

Biden wasn’t yelling like a lunatic the other night?

Handing out money - what do you think those stimulus checks did. What do you think those loans during Covid did. Trump handed out free money and lowered taxes on the rich. Whether fair or not it was his doing that caused inflation. Every economic expert worth a damn said this would happen.

They did hammer him…which they should have. But they did not get up there and say well the world is coming to an end. That there will be WW 3. That the Mexicans are coming.

You really are going to talk about policies: trump policies is to lower taxes, spend billions, zero policies…zero. We are going to round up ten million people and ship them out. What do you think the cost of that is going to cost.

Just by lowering drug prices
Having an infrastructure plan be put in place
Actually allowing women to choose what they want with their bodies

Biden was yelling…lol

Indiana / you guys hitched your wagon to trump. You don’t like what the other side is proposing then run someone normal.

Hey trump is going after one those black jobs…poor trumpies can’t handle that someone can jab back. You chose a clown and now have a circus. Perfect party for someone like skeeter who is dumb as shit.

He did during COVID. And yes, some of that was needed.

I’m talking about everything that Biden did after that. They were printing money like crazy when we needed to back off the spending during an overheated economy.

Kamala had been light on policy talk so far, but what she has proposed isn’t going to help the inflationary environment we are in.

I can get past my feelings for the man and vote based upon what he’s done and what he proposes to do.

You seem to be too caught up in your hatred of the man himself.

Dems have a lot of feelings and vibe voters it seems.

You guys are just so in love with sundaes you don’t like that cones are normal

Noooooo……Not 80!!! He’s really rational on all fronts.

So basically if Hitler ran the same campaign as trump, you would be ok with it. This is my single biggest issue with trump voters. The guy is a pos. I believe even the most loyal trump voter can agree with this.

These are facts you can’t deny…

  1. he got sued for bank fraud in NY. True or false and lost. True

  2. he lost his case by a jury of his peers 34 counts by the way. True

  3. he started an insurrection because he lost an election - true

  4. he was accused of rape and lost the civil case - true or false - true

  5. he got sued and lost for a fake university- true

  6. he got sued for not paying contractors for his casino

  7. he got sued for not paying painters for his doral golf club - true

  8. he did a deal with mark Cuban partner and got sued and lost - which Cuban came on the radio this week

Now you can sit here and say I am blind - by the way if Biden had stayed in the race I would not have voted…and I voted for Rubio the last election. But the facts are the facts. Trump is both morally and ethically bankrupt- these points above prove my argument. So basically no matter what trump does he has your support. You are one of his sheep. That is what dictators and cult leaders do…they can get away with anything and people like you are ok with it…but god forbid a women has an abortion.

The Hitler comparison is so bad. Hitler actually had policies that called for wiping out an entire race. Last I checked, none of Trump’s policies call for anything like that.