New Twitter Anti-Progressive Fairy Tale Narratives thread (5)

Will it or will it not drive up the cost of housing?

Does student loan forgiveness increase or decrease the cost of going to college?

Price caps on drugs, yes…I do, absolutely.

Again, you’re like a confident toddler trying to explain to argue with their parents on how something works but without knowing almost anything about it.

Cop out…White flag accepted

Imagine making the comparison this stupid spazz tried to… He even included the pics.

Hold that L little man

Ah but she talked about prices for food.

You know grocers have really low margins right?

Even the Washington Post said she probably shouldn’t talk about price caps when the charge against her is that she is Communist.

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Neither. Student Loans forgiveness was issued to people who were out of college, not in college or going to college.

Will what drive up the cost of housing? More $ in the pocket of citizens?

This is such a hilarious conversation. You’re literally arguing that price caps on drugs, where we pay more than any other country for the same stuff, is a bad thing…and that more $ in the pockets of citizens automatically equals inflation and is a bad thing.

This is what Trump did to you rubes.

That would be a good argument if I ever talked about price caps on drugs or used price caps to talk about inflation. But I didn’t, so it’s more lies from you.

Right. But you realize how incentives work. Also, the majority of the student loan forgiveness went to grad students, many of which make more than $300,000 a year.

More money, chasing fewer good and services.

My father ran a grocery store his entire life, yes. I do quite well, actually.

Again, you don’t know the definitions of words, or are simply dishonest.
A lie would mean I knew what you were talking about and misrepresented
Your exact words

You never cited price caps on what. The only price caps presented were on prescription drugs.

Harris never mentioned price caps on food. She proposed a price-gouging ban. That’s not price capping. Again, you should learn the meanings of the words you use

Considering about half of recorded inflation was listed as price gouging by corporations, doesn’t seem outlandish.
But, like always…anything that doesn’t hurt the consumer and help the corporation, Republicans are against.

Also, you GOPers have called every Democrat a communist dating back to the 50s. It means nothing anymore.

Grad students make more than $300,000 a year? You mean, while they’re in graduate school?
What a dunce. Apparently, you’ve never met a graduate student before.

Also, where exactly are you getting most was given to graduate students?

How on earth do you not choke on the air?

Yes, much of the debt that is being forgiven is for graduate school. Doctors have nice salaries. Folks now making over $300k per year are having debts forgiven. Makes a ton of sense.

So, you’re making two different statements…again, trying to run away.

Graduate Students don’t make $300,000 per year. They’re students and in school.

Again, you said the majority went to grad students.

Now you want to pretend you meant graduate school, and they’re doctors.

So, to you a Master’s Degree means you’re a doctor? Man, you really don’t have a ton of education or educated friends, do you?

How many people make over $300,000 per year?

Again, you’re terrible at this. You still haven’t provided anything to support a single claim you’ve made…but, for you that’s normal, huh?

I’m talking about Grad School debt.

Warden, how would you solve the inflation issue? Trump has provided some proposals. Kamala has not. Shocker.

Curious about that you’d do outside of posting left wing rag articles.

That’s weird considering your words said “graduate students.”

false, no evidence even listed.

Really? What economists? Consumer spending accounts for 3/4 of our GDP. Spending doesn’t increase inflation on its face. It must be coupled with a limited supply of whatever the fuck they want to buy with that consumer spending.

Erroneous, no evidence of any kind to support that statement


I quit after that…the entire article is essentially unsubstantiated claims and erroneous anecdotes.

Where’s the beef?

Really? What exactly are his proposals? All I’ve heard him say are he’ll make all the prices go down, but never says how. Making all prices go down in general is deflation, which is caused by a recession. Deflation leads to more deflation and into a spiral, like Japan in the 90s…a decade long stagnation and no GDP growth.
Right now, wages are outpacing inflation, which is at 2.9%. Though, prices are not where they were, and they’re not going to be. That’s never happened outside of major recessions and the stagflation of the 70s.
Bringing down prices sounds great, until you realize once that starts happening businesses immediately begin cutting staff and wages. The basic answer is contracting monetary policy, which we’re in the midst of with interest rates, but nobody is addressing it with the banks.
We removed the Required Reserve in 2020 from the banks, which is inherently dangerous. We should reconstitute that immediately and raise it. Also, the Federal Funds Rate should be significantly higher than 5.5%. Historically you can do what Volker did and put the interest rate out of reach for 2 years and just stop the economy in its tracks. Brave gamble, and it worked but I don’t think it works today. You have to grow it to keep pace while holding inflation at the standard 2% of below, which we’re moving towards quickly.
For instance, Trump’s tariffs adds about $1700 per year on US households. Despite what he keeps saying, tariffs are paid by the importers of record, the US companies and then the prices of goods increases. That’s the fucking definition. To this day, he claims the foreign countries pay them…as empirically wrong as humanly possible. His idea of deporting millions would dramatically cut the supply of workers, driving up wages and prices.
That’s why 16 Nobel Prize winning economists earlier this summer said Trump’s agenda will reignite inflation.


Well said

Yup…This is what I was talking about it. Maybe not the exact poll I posted a year or two back, but similar subject and results.

And this is all a result of the progressive liberal movement igniting and doubling/tripling down on their fake ass race war and brainwash.

Bahahahaha….Sick, brainwash

Never enough control. This is what you people are supporting ^^

“Lost his privileges”?? Who the fuck are you to give him a privilege?

They FUCKING LOVED twitter til the playing field was leveled and the other side was allowed to respond…Now they want it shut down

They FUCKING LOVED Elon musk when he was contributing to a greener world…Now it’s “eat the rich” again

They FUCKING HATED Bill Gates…Til he gave them medical advice and told them another pandemic was going to come any minute…Now he’s their hero

Sick, sick, brainwashed and brainwashing…power-hungry maniacs


vOtEr i.D. iS rAcISt

“Ignorant”…Nuff said