New Twitter Anti-Progressive Fairy Tale Narratives thread (5)

This asshole really responded with this…Pure comedy.

Need to bring in some friends to help you? Maybe cry a bit louder that you flat out admitted you think black people are inherent criminals while pretending you’re not a racist? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Again, nothing but a right wing receptacle

Ask 500 peoplein my life if I’m a racist…You’ll get 500 “nos” and I’d have a real problem with the any single one of them who said otherwise. Those 500 includes would include my spazz ex whose maniac ways you defend to win a message board arguement…After all our disagreements she would defend me vehemently and we wouldn’t have been an item so many years on and off if she thought I was a racist.

Yet the one you’ve brought up here based on you telling us what happened…your idiot liberal girlfriend called YOU a racist

And you’re calling me a racist. See a pattern with you maniac libs? (hint…everyone’s a racist and it’s all important you who are going to save the world from all of them!)

Reel it in, maniac

The guy who thinks that black people are inherently criminals doesn’t think he’s a racist. Big shocker.

You have zero self awareness

Why you lying?

I literally just typed that black people are more likely to be criminals…But not because they are black.

In America? Yes they, but not because they are black. If you are going trying to solve a murder or robbery in the hood…Do you start your search in white suburbia? It’s not an insult or racism, it’s logic.

So why are you adding the word “inherently” coming from…Did your girlfriend train you to add words or is it just because you are a inherently a race baiter or just a fucking idiot.

You’re losing here, junior.

Can’t make this shit up.

Just another racist who thinks he’s not racist

Then why?

Ignores part where I say


So desparate

Because a larger percentage are poor and a larger percentage come from worse situations (no father, no guidance, being around violence as a child or adolescent, the lure of money they have no other access too, etc)

I think you would agree with me on that “liberal”

But it doesn’t change the math that they are more likely to be criminals (that’s not an insult, it’s called a ….CALCULATION, see we have ways to prove words like “likely” or EDIT: I just looked back “inclined” same thing)

Following along, dipshit?

But, again…why? Why are a larger percentage of black people poor and come from worse situations? Why do they have no other access to money than crime?

So now you are moving on to the next part…

After me showing you the error of your first accusation, correct?

Sure. So…now why? Again, you have a longstanding premise that racism is pretty much void of affect in today’s world, and institutional racism simply doesn’t exist…so, again…why?

So next time think before you try to get cute and win a bullshit message board argument you fucking spazz

So again…why?

Non-pertinent to this convo. I defended myself…I’m willing to listen to all approaches to helped underprivileged anywhere.

I’m just anti-absurdity

It’s absolutely the crux of the conversation. Also, you blamed black people for their own plight, so that doesn’t make them underprivileged. That makes them the cause of their own concern. This is your argument. It’s not that they weren’t given any opportunity to own property, by and large, throughout their entire history. It’s not that their schools were underfunded. It’s not that they weren’t given anything even remotely resembling civil rights until our parents were teenagers (pretty recently) or that Jim Crow laws were so bad that Hitler based Mein Kampf on it…nah, none of that matters. It’s not that crack cocaine flooded their neigborhoods with penalties 1000 to 1 vs the more expensive powder cocaine, or that they are incarcerated at 100 to 1 vs white people committing the same crimes into a for-profit prison system where it’s legal to have slave labor almost every single major company uses prison labor for free…nah, it’s because of them. They did it to themselves in your eyes…but, not because they are black, right?

What a joke

Nope, not all of it…And it’s not blame, it’s an observation and a comparison to what all this “Evil whiteness” offers it.

It’s not that they weren’t given anything even remotely resembling civil rights until our parents were teenagers (pretty recently) or that Jim Crow laws were so bad that Hitler based Mein Kampf on it…nah, none of that matters. It’s not that crack cocaine flooded their neigborhoods with penalties 1000 to 1 vs the more expensive powder cocaine, or that they are incarcerated at 100 to 1 vs white people committing the same crimes into a for-profit prison system where it’s legal to have slave labor almost every single major company uses prison labor for free…nah, it’s because of them. They did it to themselves in your eyes…but, not because they are black, right?

Nope, many of us discussed this shit ad nauseam on this message board, long before you were here. The difference of opinion is I don’t believe that your insistence on misguided blame and suggested your suggested paths out of the cycle are the best way out.

I’m also cool with an imperfect world and think the way everyone acts in their daily lives towards each other is just as or most important.

I’ve yet to offer my opinion as to a pathway out of it or even assign to the overall blame. I’m simply insisting that institutional racism abounds and plays a significant role in their current situation. I don’t believe it’s the only reason by any means, but accounts for the vast majority of the underpinnings of our racial divide.

I don’t believe it does anymore. But I believe what is left or has been moved away from is being flamed by the far left in absurd, yet dangerous, and often profitable ways. I simply believe the far left is too loud right now and causing way more harm than good.

The world could be dead nuts perfect right now, and many people would be too blind and sanctimonious to see it because there are certain people who are creating or re-creating the problems or illusion of those problems.

Gotta run. Busy.

Agree on most…The whole thing underlying approach is ass backwards.