New Twitter Anti-Progressive Fairy Tale Narratives thread (5)

Free your mind you little cukc’d wimp…You’re not a racist…Say it with me…you defeated spineless little cuck twerp

I feel like Robin Williams trying to help Matt Damon in good will hunting…

Say it with me @Warden84


Meanwhile, the maniac’s head is about to blowup because he has been programmed that he is…Til finally he just breaks down in a heap of emotion (except well…This maniac breaks down every day in a heap of emotion…see this message board)

And then we have a moment together.

But then on his way out the door…I kinda have to hint…

“but you are a partisan sheep and your little piece of shit girl has cuck’d you”…But we’ll deal with that in the next session!

Right, right…99% of everything you’ve ever written in here is just maniacal lashing out at anyone who’s not a far right winger, like you’ve been hired to protect GSC, Bikki and Storm. Anyone who pops their head up, you play whack a mole with insults bc you haven’t been man enough to control your emotions for years. Shit, you’re still broken over Covid.

I am racist, though. I’m racist as fuck. I work on it, but I’m definitely racist. I just react to my knee jerk racist notions in my head with the knowledge I’m wrong. But, I have a hard time with one particular group of people doing that. I just don’t like them. I don’t like their fucking culture. I don’t like their fucking country. I don’t like them. But, I was raised by racists. I struggle frequently with notions of racism as a reaction to daily shit

Behind the wheel in traffic…I’m homophobic, racist, misogynistic, hate people with trucks, hate people with white trucks, hate essentially every human on the road and consider the person in front of me as my life long enemy

I do find it hilarious that your incel nature has you so frustrated you lash out like a little girl who got her first period all the time.

And every time I ask you to produce one far right topic that I’ve supported or posted…We need a sheriff’s posse to find you.

And you are lying about the other stuff…I call out Storm quite a bit…I just prefer not to clutter up a message board with it…every…single…day…and…post…like you and maniac stormfront do.

As for GSC and Bikki…They are better people than you and long-timer posters on a message board you joined simply to mock and ruin, I don’t give a shit about their political beliefs.

Wow…This one may take longer than I thought. A really tough case. But it was you who said it was your dumb ass little progressive chick that was the one who truly showed you are racist.

Wake up you idiot.

And if by some weird chance you are a racist…Then fuck you, I hate racists.

You want a violin?

No one here gives a fuck about your little psychological program.

Absolute spazz. Get some help.

I posted every single response of yours for like 6-8 months on a single thread. It’s as clear as day.
You play whack a mole for anyone who’s not a far right winger, 100% of the time. Then, you make excuses as to why.

Sometimes, but you go after 305, Elite, my, literally everyone else who’s on the left side of the political spectrum like you’re being paid for it.

From your perspective, though I think you’re a loser dickhead, so you’re idea of who’s good and bad doesn’t mean much.

No, I didn’t, actually. I said in one particular instance I was bitching about something relating to race, blaming it on race, and was reminded by her it wasn’t racial but economic. She was right. You’re not man enough to take anyone’s correction or advice and that’s why you’re a loser incel who spends his nights with a blow up doll who can barely stand him, still.

Sure…that’s why you pretend racism doesn’t exist in modern society, placate the institutional racism, ignore anything deviating from your bullshit and dickride a black guy passing as a white guy who made his name attacking other black people or black causes…while his white wife tells him how special he is.

Nope, but you definitely want that Chinbeard’s cock

Lash out some more, little girl. Maybe bring up Covid again or the fact the only chick in your life who could stand you for more than 30 minutes threw your bitch ass out of the house and told you to get away from her daughter because you’re simply a scumbag sack of trash

Like I said, not one far right stance from me ^^….White flag this one dickhead…you produce an air biscuit every 3-4 weeks here.

No, I didn’t, actually. I said in one particular instance I was bitching about something relating to race, blaming it on race, and was reminded by her it wasn’t racial but economic. She was right. You’re not man enough to take anyone’s correction or advice and that’s why you’re a loser incel who spends his nights with a blow up doll who can barely stand him, still.

Don’t need that advice, because I’m not that way to begin with. You’re just insecure and a cuck. Nothing noble there.

Sure…that’s why you pretend racism doesn’t exist in modern society, placate the institutional racism, ignore anything deviating from your bullshit and dickride a black guy passing as a white guy who made his name attacking other black people or black causes…while his white wife tells him how special he is.

Of course racism exists, never said that…There just is very little institutional racism left in the country today, but there is plenty being amplified, contrived, or grifted. But you can continue your meltdown.

He attacks the left…much more so the far left, extremists like you, commie cunt Djrion, and your little wack job girlfriend. He attacks BLM (we all should have a problem with the blm fraud right?) but not black people in general…He also is critical of the far right. But since that isn’t what this thread is ab out and I probably link maybe one out of every ehhhhh 20 or so of his tweets….That’s why we don’t see any here.

But by all means keep spazzing and talking about blow up dolls and men’s cum…

You’re not smarter than anyone else little warden…You just don’t deal with things well, are insecure, pussy whipped andless willing to compromise with everyday people.

False. You’ve agreed with Bikki that black people are inclined to be criminals. You think Trump was no big deal, no fascist tendencies, don’t think the coup was really anything. You don’t believe institutional racism exists in any way. Outside of abortion, I’m not sure what you’re not far right wing on.

Considering you’re an incel who women think is a toxic shitbag, you definitely do.

Far right wing and overwhelmingly false

He’s a cuckold for the far right wingers. He’s Samuel L Jackson in Django Unchained, waiting to sell out the folks outside when they “get out of line.”

Obviously, that’s why he has this as his header

Attacks the far right, huh? Where? In 2016, he had some criticisms, but then he got famous by licking their nuts and hasn’t looked back since.

In America? Yes they, but not because they are black. If you are going trying to solve a murder or robbery in the hood…Do you start your search in white suburbia? It’s not an insult or racism, it’s logic.

Attacks the far right, huh? Where? In 2016, he had some criticisms, but then he got famous by licking their nuts and hasn’t looked back since.

Yes…Attacks, mocks, is critical of, compares it to a more reasonable path, etc…He’s very moderate right. The whole world knows this except the far left (whom every one is far right too), more specifically you on a canes message board.

Right, right…and murders and robberies only happen in the hood, obviously. Iron that white hood of yours


The man tweets thousands of times a year…dipshit. Go search through them.

Gotcha, so more bullshit on your part.

Non-pertinent. What’s this have to do with my response?

Race-peddling fucking cunt, my god.

You’re a right wing, racist slag fuck without a shred of dignity. What a right wing cuck

Yup deflects again

Little piece of ass really ruined this dude.

The incel is always projecting. One thing is for sure, your ex and her little girl are much happier without your shitbag ass around

And probably glued to CNN, not missing a single minute, unfortunately…Poor child.

You mean like you swing from Chinbeard’s dick, awaiting his next helping to splatter all over your face? What a pathetic little bitch you’ve become in your life

I know…Because I update this thread so much huh?