New Twitter Anti-Progressive Fairy Tale Narratives thread (5)

What shit is that?

Mocking people like that representative? Yup…That history will continue…I have no problem with you mocking Alex Jones though, I probably would agree with it (hell I’ve made fun of wack job people like this my whole life), although I click on about 10% of yours and maybe 20% of storm’s posts…So I may not see it. Make the title catchy, that helps. From what I’ve seen and heard from him the last few years (didn’t know who he was before that), he’s an asshole.

(Hint…That doesn’t make me far right)


So, you ignore, entirely, the other side

So do you…

And yes imo, the far left is the much bigger threat.

talking about an authoritarian Red Caesar in Trump, putting troops on the streets on day 1 of Presidency, mass shootings, literally people being sentenced and found guilty of sedition, attacks on electrical grids…but…nah, the weird lady who thinks drag shows aren’t that big of deal are the real enemy. GTFO

Drag shows around children are a big deal, it shouldn’t happen…But yea where did I mention drag shows? I’m talking about the maniacal, spazz type behavior in that video that people like her (and most likely you and your little cunt girlfriend) show

“Red Caesar”…“Authoritarian”….Lol, cut the overly dramatic bullshit out. He said “authority”…You really lived under authoritarianism under 2016-2020, huh? You’re such a broad…Tone it down.

Imagine NOT thinking it’s far right

You are so fucking lost. Absolute maniac

This tweet is a good summary of all of that account…This is far right? This is called common sense making fun of delusion. Political spectrum doesn’t even need to be applied here, although yes it is mocking extremists on wide side that happen to inflict this delusion on all of us. Mocking extremists doesn’t make you “far” anything


Drag show aren’t forced on children. Parents have to take their kids to them. Also, there’s nothing inherently wrong with drag in general. You’re a wackadoo. Shakespeare plays were drag shows, ya moron. They began in ancient Greece. The entire history of Geisha shows in Japan are always in drag. Vaudeville was filled with drag. Hell, there are regular TV shows on drag, like RuPaul’s Drag Race. They didn’t become a political thing until lately…and lemmings like you gobbled it up

False, lug nut.

Insecurity drives misogyny. Pansy

You’re the kind of guy who thinks white guys are the most persecuted of all. Just a lonely, insecure wimp who panders to the far right

Nope…I’m not persecuted one bit.

Just a lonely, insecure wimp who panders to the far right

Yup…Me and Anne Lesby…Absolute far right skinheads. (He still has not yet produced one far right stance I subscribed to)

You are so partisan sheep ,and so fucking nuts. But you seem to be obsessed with me, while I’m more than cool with ignoring you…Which is basically how you approach the whole around you, we all have to be inflicted with your meltdowns.

blah blah…gobble, gobble for your masters.

Says the guy who was more obsessed and destroyed by Covid than any human in existence, even those who died from it…and has a thread where only he posts, pretty much, literally hundreds of his anti-liberal whining.

Sure, gobbler. Sure.

Notice not one fact ^^^

But hey let’s continue your spazz out and draw this out all afternoon…Make sure you post 5 more of your own threads that no one here besides StormCunt will read

Absolute fucking clown.

Apparently not??

I dabble every once in a while…like you, obviously

This is very good…I don’t know what to believe day-to-day in all this. Nor am I going to pretend I have all the answers for centuries of years of this. And we all want less people to die. But like I would assume all of you feel, Hamas has to go.

No anti-progressive or whatever in this particular post…Although obviously The Squad are pure assholes, so there’s that.

I concur

And this, his continuance of the tweet,

Interesting thought, but I can’t argue it.

Novel idea.

My man Will just bodies these fairy tales…So funny.

Don’t tell 80 this…Of course Trump is very racist and also the center of all things evil and tells the worstest of the worst lies.

And the first tweet below it by that “Bargeaux”

She is a complete fucking maniac…Delusional.

Now it’s just brutal for a doctor to know your sex?

You’re a douchebag. At this point, you should just ask the guy for a plaster casting of his cock so you can suck it nightly

It’s not a swap or a note from your gyno…in practice, they simply have dudes in schools looking in the underpants of children

Sure they do…Nobody’s reading your little links, progressive cuckboy

You probably shed real tears when that delusional commie maniac AOC takes a microphone and produces her little crocodile tears.

That’s because you haven’t any guts and don’t actually give a shit whether what you post is real or not. Instead, you just make a 400 link shrine to a chinbeard dude who’s cock you want to worship. You wouldn’t even have the balls to look AOC in the eyes, little man

Like anyone believes anything you post is real? You are simply storm front left… Another extremist spazz who inflicts yourself on the world around you. I’d look you and AC in the eyes and spit in your face.

Imagine still defending this commie maniac AC, and this emotional little cunt 80…AOC is a fraud and so are you. Now go back to holding some black holding some black dude’s kak while he blows your little libtard broad’s back out and you beg him for mercy for you racist ways.

You really let your stupid little cunt girlfriend tell you you’re a racist…And you self reflecte!.…WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU YOU SPINELESS LITTLE CUCK? YOU REALLY DID THAT…THEN BRAGGED IT ABOUT IT. WHO DOES THAT? BESIDES A TOTAL CUCK?

It’s just pussy man…Honest to god it’s just pussy…It’s everywhere…You’re not a racist…Free your little cuck’d mind

Blah, blah, blah…you want to suck chinbeard’s cock and still can’t handle the fact your a fucking loser incel bc nobody wants to be in the same room with your stinking fat ass. You handle your emotions like an 11 yr old little girl.

Fucking incel wimp.