New Twitter Anti-Progressive Fairy Tale Narratives thread (5)

I think we’re all a little dumber, having listened to that imbecile’s take on the situation. Peterson is the intellectual leader for morons and incels, with less and less integrity by the day.

To summarize his pleonastic diatribe, the attacks on Israel by Hamas is Biden’s fault for not praising Donald Trump’s Abraham Accords enough, resulting in Saudi Arabia…who, in Peterson’s worldview, have been pining to be a part of the “historic” Accords if only the Biden administration would heap the needed praise on Trump and his administration.

Seriously…that’s his take.

At first glance, if Saudi Arabia had been pining to be a part, why didn’t they do it while Trump was in office? Even beyond the Bush family, the Trump’s have been intertwined with the Saudis above any other administration, even his Secretary of Treasury handed $1 billion (Mnuchin) and his son-in-law given $2 billion, while Trump himself being given the LIV Tourneys at his golf courses. Even with Kuschner providing shade and excuses for the Saudis literally murdering and dismembering a journalist living in the United States for being critical, the Saudis were nowhere to be found at the signing of the “historic” Abraham Accords. MBS has stated quite clearly he doesn’t intend to sign, despite Biden’s attempt to bring them into the discussion over the last year, until his father dies…who’s been publicly sympathetic to the Palestinian cause and has tied their struggle is the Israeli state to their overall influence in the region for decades.
The premise of Peterson’s rhetoric is simply ridiculous. As per usual, he uses a preponderance of words to distract from the point he’s an imbecile who simply shills for his interests to dumb people who get caught up in his “eloquence.”
Actually think about his premise…the ENTIRE point of his argument: Because Biden’s administration didn’t heap enough praise on Trump, the Saudis wouldn’t join the Abraham Accords…while ALSO saying the reason for the attack, itself, was the Saudis were close to joining and Iran wanted to take over the narrative so they provoked Hamas to attack Israel to sabotage it.

I feel like in every single diatribe of Peterson, he always seems to disprove himself. This one is no different. It’s simply a whine session from a pseudo intellectual wanting to use the narrative for his own political obsessions.

The Abraham Accords, which involved 4 Arab nations UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and the Sudan. The Sudan signed to get taken off of the Terror Sponsor list, Morocco to gain the US endorsement of the Western Sahara (with its enormous phosphate deposits). Of course, Bahrain has been friendly to Israel for years, ending the boycott in 2005. Morroco has had back channel friendly relations since the end of the war in 1948. Outside of a boycott, Sudan had no relations with Israel, having not participated in any armed conflicts with them at any point in history and the UAE working with Israel since the 2010s.

Peterson praised the Accords as some sort of peace, despite them simply being “normalization” agreements with nothing in between, with 4 countries who didn’t have much to do with them anyway as far as hostility. The key piece of the Accords being almost no mention of the Palestinians. For years, the requirement of any agreements always related to the Palestinian question. What the Trump administration did with the Accords is try to remove the Palestinians from the question itself, simply ignoring them. Peterson tries to clearly state that the Saudis wanted to join the Accords, but were for some reason not going to until Biden praised Trump (wtf?) and Iran was not going to let that happen so they provoked this attack. The fact is the Biden administration kept the Accords mindset, have been trying to bring the Saudis into the agreement, both sidestepping the Palestinians.

His description of the Woke crowd is hilarious projection, considering he built the argument on the premise the Trump’s administration deserves accolades and that’s why the Saudis haven’t joined:
“Narcissistic personality disorder, the proclivity to proclaim positive virtue or outright victim status while pursuing their positively self serving and grandiose claims…they lie, cheat, steal, gossip, reputation savage, brag, claim credit where none is due, and distribute blame to everyone but themselves, all the while pursuing nothing but their own immediate, immature, hedonistic self-gratification, ALL THE WHILE trumpeting their moral virtue and/or brandishing their identity as unfairly oppressed innocents and when they organize, they threaten the integrity of the entire society…”.

You couldn’t get a more apt description of Trump which, of course, Peterson projects onto his persistent enemy…wokeness, despite his inability to explain exactly what that is. In the end, Peterson is a propagandist, a rhetorical artist who has very little to actually say as a point, a proverbial defender of incels to the point of even stating we should legally force women to fuck them while constantly beating the drum against perceived “Marxism” despite his readiness to take hold of the powers of government to force his some to submit themselves to those he favors to make the society as a whole better in his perceived mind. It’s always projection with these people.

“…woke brigade’s attack on the West”? What the fuck are you even talking about?

Imagine defending the woke crowd over Jordan Peterson…That little libtard piece of ass you got really got you by the balls doesn’t she.

And the best part is when this little libtard tries to act like he doesn’t get as extreme as the Wokies…Wake up you fucking twat…And no I’m not reading your every single bit of your model of drivel.

And I didn’t say a word about Trump, you obsessed little partisan twat. You don’t like trump you spazz, we get it…Reel it in.

To summarize his pleonastic diatribe, the attacks on Israel by Hamas is Biden’s fault for not praising Donald Trump’s Abraham Accords enough, resulting in Saudi Arabia…who, in Peterson’s worldview, have been pining to be a part of the “historic” Accords if only the Biden administration would heap the needed praise on Trump and his administration.

It was only a part of the video.

“…woke brigade’s attack on the West”? What the fuck are you even talking about?

Self explanatory. The bullshit woke brigade hates everything about Western culture and society…They are lost little souls, pushing for their little communist utopia…Misinformed, overly-emotional, delusional assholes…You know, like you.

What the tweet said…What else would I be referring to, spazz?

Tell them what?

How Hamas treat women, lgdqbrtsxldh*&$ community, etc…

It’s like you wokies just throw a bunch of your little spazz out catch phrases together and well…spazz out

Get a grip, maniac

Imagine being infatuated with a blowhard junkie who’s a pseudo intellectual for imbeciles

Peterson did. His entire premise was about Trump. You’re such a cuckold for the Trumpkins

You can’t even define woke. How, exactly, is anything related to “wokeness” displayed as “hatred” towards “Western culture and society”? You fucking moron, you can’t even defend your positions…just an aggrieved wimp, projecting. How, exactly, is woke in any way related to communism? Just another wimp, pansy white guy with less and less affect around him and can’t take it so you lash out with whatever scary words you can think of. “Misinformed, overly-emotional, delusional asshole…” sounds exactly like you.

So…what examples do you have of this? What do leftists say about whites, black conservatives, Christians, “misbehaving women” that “they” are saying about “Jews”?

The only people I see referring to Jews are right wingers. Any discussion I see on the left refers to Israel, who likes to define themselves as being the single and only representation of Jews across the world and if you attack them, you’re talking about ALL JEWS…but, of course, rarely anyone actually are.

Interesting how the “left” is whomever is top of mind at the time. It’s Biden, except when Biden is supporting Israel and not Hamas…so, it must be AOC, right? Except she condemned Hamas and Israel. So, it’s (just like the woke argument) whatever you perceive at the moment in time you’re on Twitter that has aggrieved you and you can whine about to saddle up to those right wingers who pay your bills, huh?

Did he cite Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA attacking Israel, saying they wanted this to happen and let it with the “Big Wait”? Was it Qanon and the Trump army, like Storm, who’s entire Qanon diatribe is built on the very same anti-Semitic tropes from the last 100 years?

Nope…the cuckolds for the right…Wilfred, you…just need any opportunity they can get to point a finger

You really aren’t too bright. Like most other things, you don’t even understand the argument and are too lazy to learn anything.

The “reproductive justice” discussion in Palestine relates to having enough birthing clinics where they can have their kids. It has literally nothing to do with LGBTQ whatever or abortion rights or anything else. So, some chick held up a sign about lesbians for Palestine. Cry me a river, wimp. Just another pansy white guy who can’t stand where his life went and wants to blame everyone else for having opinions different from his. Fucking pussy

No there was a lot more than Trump

So yeah stop lying (it’s either a deliberate like or you little spazz us just malfunctions when he hears the word Trump and you are unable to reel it in and pay attention to the rest)…And I honestly could care less about Trump. It’s just ANYTHING BUT WOKE…AND ANYTHING MANIACS LIKE YOU for me

you can’t even define woke. How, exactly, is anything related to “wokeness” displayed as “hatred” towards “Western culture and society”? You fucking moron, you can’t even defend your positions…

No, you spazz…I just don’t want to defend them for the 1000th time on this message. I don’t care to have a conversation with delusional little woke cunts like you. I post my shit in this thread and move on…Take a hint, cunt

But basically little misled (in your case, I guess by pussy?, I mean according to your stupid little libtard girlfriend you are a racist)…You create and magnify all the fucking hate your self-important, sanctimonious, meltdown-prone ass claims to be saving us all from.

Ahhh, there it is…his “anti-whitenesS”…So woke. Meanwhile I have black friends in my life for 35 years who are like brothers to me…who I would wake up at 3 in the morning if there was a problem for, and whom I laugh at little delusional woke cunts like you with. And yes I have 1 or 2 that are liberal and will continue to vote that way…And they would laugh at extreme little spazzes like you as well (here’s where people like him and his little twat girlfriend will tell some type of joke like I’m just saying I mentioning token friends are something…Meanwhile I talk to them weekly, play golf, play hoop, have a brew, talk shit on text messages. Color means nothing to me and never has, not how I was raised)…You mentioning color and referring to me being white IS the woke cult I speak of. Congratulations on your sick, delusional, woke indoctrination!

Reel it in, you little woke cunt

Ok then cunt…Since you are so active you can go find one of the millions of pictures from these rallies all over the internet that say “queers for Palestine”…“LGQBTV for Palestine”… Or do you only go into hyper-link, long-winded reponse mode for your stand-by Vox articles which attempt to justify your delusion?

Substitute any of those…They work here too. And then attach my “anyone want to tell them”…Will that calm down your spazz out?

Fuckin spazz just doesn’t get it.

How about the black guys that share my opinion?

They’re ok huh? You just have to be white and grounded in reality for you and your girlfriend to go into hate spazz mode? You’ll go crickets there, right…Or are they also evil?

Your little cunt girlfriend not only succeeded in fixing your racism, but is now reversing! Such a cuck. Grow a spine.

That box much be extra thorough if nothing else I get it…But there has to be a line right? There’s other fish in the sea you spazz. Take your balls and sense of reality back.

(Here’s the part with the spazz sends 15 links to leftist articles or doubles back around on Trump, etc…)

Notice I never address this faggot…And he just comes in in full spazz out mode…Reel it in libtard maniac.

His literal premise was about Biden not praising Trump’s administration on the Abraham Accords as the reason the Saudis weren’t joining in. It took until the 5:01 mark for him to stop talking about it.
The entire premise is ridiculous. The Abraham Accords were between 4 countries already pretty friendly to each other, addresses literally nothing about the Palestinians and if the Saudis wanted to join, where were they DURING Trump years? To think the only reason they aren’t involved is because Trump didn’t receive enough praise by the Biden administration is asinine.

Again, define woke. Still waiting.

You, apparently, do. You LITERALLY are.

Sure, I can tell by your repeated responses

Blah, blah, blah…you’re projecting. You’re the one making the posts, making the declarative statements about society and Western culture. You’re the one who can’t make an actual post with arguments, but instead literally melt down and start lashing out with personal insults, etc. Again, projecting.
Everything you call the other side, you are. Everything you claim they do, you’re doing.

Stating someone is white is “anti-whiteness”? You’re such a whiny pussy

Oh, the “I have a black friend” argument. How unique.

Obviously, that’s why you’re so constantly aggrieved at anyone acknowledging literally anything that’s not white.

You still don’t even have the balls to define it. Be honest…you just use the word for anything you don’t like.

What about them and what opinion? You still can’t even define the word. You’re too much of a pussy to admit it doesn’t mean shit. You change it with every grievance you have that day. I mean, it’s not novel. I can find you a black guy right now who spends his entire life talking about how inferior black people are. You want a cookie bc you swing on Chinbeard’s dick while he writes his little Tweets on his white wife’s computer so a few more Trumpers will like him and he’ll get 15 more clicks that day?

Again, you’re showing what a little pussy you are. “Evil”? Because you’re being criticized, you fall back on the “oh, I’m evil, then” leg? Again, grievance culture for pussies…just whine, whine, whine

Again, projecting.

Right, right…so, the dozen posts today are just in my imagination, huh? Tell me some more how uninterested and above it all you are, Meltdown Mollie. Or, are you going to find some balls for once in your life, stop blaming others, lashing out like a spoiled little child and define “woke”? You actually have the balls to defend your position or just still wallow around whining and crying out with name calling like the little bitch you are? You got the stones to be a man for once in your life?

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I’d love for someone to define woke to me.

It used to mean relating to racism, acknowledging racism. Okay, simple enough. Then, it became an all encompassing thing relating to anything progressive, right? From your standpoint, and Peterson’s, it’s an attack on Western civilization and culture, itself.

So, let’s see…what exactly is it?
Acknowledging racism is an attack on Western culture? That sounds a lot like the segregationists of the 50s.
Drag brunches are an attack on Western civilization? They were having drag brunches in 1990, dude.

The kids using they/them is an attack on Western civ? It’s weird, sure. But, why do you give a shit?
When’s the last time you had to call someone “they” because they didn’t acknowledge gender? Did someone swoop down and try to arrest you?

I mean, seriously…what else? Gender change care of some sort? That shit is admittedly weird as fuck and nobody should let their kid do anything like that before the age of 18, but that’s the crux of the argument? How many are we talking about anyway? I read 42,000 were seeking gender “affirming” care. There are 17 million children under 17. I’ll bet you can find 42,000 people within any demographic that’ll believe anything you can come up with. I’ll bet 42,000 people believe Smurfs are fucking real.

I get it’s weird, but who gives a shit? I mean, what the fuck is the woke threat? How is 42,000 kids wanting to be called “they” attacking Western civilization? Get a grip. How many Qanoners think JFK is alive, we’ve only had 17 Presidents, Trump runs the military and lizard people run the government? More than 42,000 probably. Where’s your diatribe on that shit? Crickets…always crickets for anything that’s NOT against this mysterious demon that wanders the back alleyways for your soul called the Woke Monster

I don’t care what it defines it self as…We all know the fake definition and purported cause of it…And how it doesn’t come close to striving for and the medals/attentioj that it cries for that is every day life for the rest of us. I.e….I’m not one bit racist…But I don’t need a medal for it or need to call everyone around me a racist like you “woke” types do. You are as no better than the racists themselves… Woke types want a medal for fighting everyday life and simple life imperfections that it claims are social injustice…While creating, exaggerating and incorrectly identifying social injustice. Also, many of the groups they aim their meltdowns at have nothing to do towards the genuine atrocities and injustices that do exist…And their paths to correction of these problems are pure delusion

Woke is delusion and sanctimony….Ineffectively dealing with one’s own shortcomings under the pretense of positive social change.

Why does it matter how they claim to definite themselves? Normal every day people can observe and note their delusion and behavior…Look at you for instance.

Again, projecting.

Nope, just going by the story you mentioned…Your little cuck ass literally let your woke bitch girlfriend tell you what a racist you are. And now you think you have the right to run around and call everyone else a racist…And tell them about their whiteness. You are so fucking lost

It took until the 5:01 mark for him to stop talking about it

It was nearly 25 minutes long moron…

Oh, the “I have a black friend” argument. How unique.

Hahahah…Just like I said he would in my edit shortly after^^^^. OLE RELIABLE…Let me ask you a question, growing up as a teen have you ever fought next to a black friend because someone called em the N word? I have…How many life-long black friends do you have that you walk up to dap up/shake hands and hug and do the same with their parents? And you are calling me racist, and criticizing me for saying racism in Amreica today is exaggerated and this phony race you, your girlfriend, and the woke mob are fighting (causing) and prolonging is simply you sanctimoniously spewing your meltdowns are everything around you? At what point do you finally think things are going too far…And the narrative are being used for other end games? Wake up

You can hate racism…And hate the way it is being fabricated and used by the woke…You can say enough is enough. Both dynamics can exist

Obviously, that’s why you’re so constantly aggrieved at anyone acknowledging literally anything that’s not white.

Ya I’ve never done that…I’m anti-fake race war…I’m anti a bunch of liberal maniacs creating and flaming it. It’s that simple, woke cunt.

Stating someone is white is “anti-whiteness”?

Yes…In that context…When you say “another pansy white guy”…Why else mention the word “white”? What does my color have to do with anything?

Right, right…so, the dozen posts today are just in my imagination, huh?

It’s my thread you fucking maniac?! I didn’t post them for discussion with some maniac woke libtard? You attacked me.

It’s a word. It can’t define itself. You’re also showing you don’t have the balls to actually define it

Apparently, not. Again, I’m asking and you’re too much of a pussy to answer. It’s the crux of your entire argument, but you can’t even define the word.

Again, you’re afraid of a monster that doesn’t exist. You literally gave it sentient qualities…saying it defines itself, there’s somehow a fake definition (how do you have a definition from the Dictionary and then call that definition fake? It’s the Dictionary), and “it cries” for some vague thing that somehow bothers you in daily life?

Jesus, what a fucking pussy. You’re afraid of a word you can’t define and think it’s literally a monster chasing you down the alley.

As a person who claimed there doesn’t exist systemic racism in any way, you’re lying to yourself.

You’ve mentioned “medal” three times in 3 total sentences. Have you got something specific on your mind or are you just fixated on a particular word? Weird.

A copout and a wuss argument.

None of this makes sense. Would you like to explain or correct your sentence structure? What groups? Exactly what the fuck are you talking about?

Really? Do you have an example?

Um…again…what? Words have definitions. If you’re wanting to address a particular matter, a common understanding of the definition of said matter is quite important. Or, you’re just a blowhard and want to whine…which you’re showing is the standpoint from which you are arguing.

Again, sounds like you’re projecting your problems onto others. You got thrown out by a chick who thought you were a toxic, useless piece of shit and a bad influence on her family and you’ve been projecting Meltdown Mollie ever since, at no point having the stones to look inward and potentiality question why a person you cared about thought being without you was better in every way than being with you.

So, 25%, the entire beginning laying out the foundation of the argument, you want to pretend wasn’t there. Such a lemming



Really? Where did I do that?

Racism in the US as being exaggerated is ridiculous. Pretending 1 out of 3 black guys having been imprisoned is just happenstance is ridiculous. A white women getting probation for what a black women having done the same crime gets 5 years for isn’t exaggerated.

When Nazis were standing in front of Disney and the police were doing nothing about it.

What other “end games”? Do you need to consult with Storm before answering?

Right, right…it’s the liberals, not the actual Nazis, Patriot Front or any of the like have done anything. It’s not like the DHS and FBI both cited white supremacist domestic terrorism as being a primary issue. Must be the liberals. I mean, nobody is attacking synagogues or walking into black churches and slaughtering everyone. It’s the liberals fault…kind of like how MLK Jr was the reason for racism in the 60s, just “stirring things up”, right?

You do realize I’m white, right? Clutch your pearls, buddy. Hold on tight. You’re SO aggrieved.

Awww…are your feelers hurt? It is your special place? Do we need to apply to come here? Do you need a mod, maybe, to protect your safe space?

Dude…don’t be a pussy. You posted it. You got a response of two questions and you lashed out like a child. You responded by attacking and lashing out without ever actually defending your position by stating the definition of the word you attribute so much venom towards. Jesus Christ, you just whine!

I just did you fucking idiot.

Apparently, not. Again, I’m asking and you’re too much of a pussy to answer. It’s the crux of your entire argument, but you can’t even define the word.

I just did you fucking idiot.

Again, you’re afraid of a monster that doesn’t exist. You literally gave it sentient qualities…saying it defines itself, there’s somehow a fake definition (how do you have a definition from the Dictionary and then call that definition fake? It’s the Dictionary), and “it cries” for some vague thing that somehow bothers you in daily life?

Jesus, what a fucking pussy. You’re afraid of a word you can’t define and think it’s literally a monster chasing you down the alley.

Again I just did…you…fucking…idiot. I’m not afraid one bit of it…I’m exposing it, mocking it, laughing at it, trying to correct it, and even need be I’ll fight it.

As a person who claimed there doesn’t exist systemic racism in any way, you’re lying to yourself.

Nope…There’s a clear difference. And I didn’t say never existed…I said there is a very little left of what once existed.

A copout and a wuss argument.

Nope, 1000% accurate.

So, 25%, the entire beginning laying out the foundation of the argument, you want to pretend wasn’t there. Such a lemming

No, it’s not the foundation of it…It’s one aspect he brings up and then branches out to many other angles of the topic.

none of this makes sense. Would you like to explain or correct your sentence structure? What groups? Exactly what the fuck are you talking about?

Nope makes perfect sense to everyone who isn’t a maniac wokie like you…Obviously I forgot to delete a word or two. Who cares? Nole80 hasn’t used correct English on this site and 10 years and you slurp him every day?

Really? Do you have an example?

Half of this thread…and 3 years worth of this message board. Any questions?

Racism in the US as being exaggerated is ridiculous. Pretending 1 out of 3 black guys having been imprisoned is just happenstance is ridiculous. A white women getting probation for what a black women having done the same crime gets 5 years for isn’t exaggerated.

It’s called committing crimes…I’m all for for logical approaches to change in criminal system, sure. The second casual examples you mentioned are few and far between in today’s country and can also be attributed to better lawyers…The question you shouldn’t be asking isn’t why are black people in prison (again I’m all for changes in the process and criminal system, within reason)…It’s why is there so much crime in inner city America? I’d be willing to bet major money and I’m sure you would too that blacks from two parent homes or that live in the burbs ARE NOWHERE EVEN IN THE STRATOSPHERE OF 1 in 3. And just realize when you see things like more traffic stops, more arrests for smaller drug crimes, etc, etc…worse relationship with police, etc, etc…among blacks. That every time someone in the hood dies you have devastated mothers and grandmothers in the hood crying for MORE POLICE, not less. It is not an easy answer…But it certainly doesn’t land on “RACE WAR IN AMERICA”…And all this “White Privilege” bullshit that’s being pushed.

What other “end games”? Do you need to consult with Storm before answering?

No…Again warden I’m not repeating myself 100 times for you. I didn’t start this thread for discussion with you and my time is limited. I have 10 minute bursts on this board a few times a day. Not 20-30 min boards, plus it’s football season and I’m swamped.

It’s not like the DHS and FBI both cited white supremacist domestic terrorism as being a primary issue. Must be the liberals

No one except far leftists are dumb enough or enough to believe this…This is absurd and you keep begging for more. Ya “white supremacist domestic terroism” is a much more problem than blacks blowing up other blacks every day in cities across America.? White on minority crime is so comparatively ridiculously low to other sub-groups (for lack of better word) in this country it’s basically non-existent…Yet you keep believing this absurd bullshit meant to appease race war peddlers.

Fuck white supremacists…Arrest them if/when they partake in domestic terroism…But if you believe they are a bigger problem than black on black crime in America then you are as stupid as motherfucker walking as there is.

Then you point to rare instances of someone attacking a synagogue??? This happened in my city and affected people closer to me than you realize, and yes it was horrible. This is not an example of an ongoing race war…These are maniacs who deserve to be executed/lifetime punished for these stand alone events. This is simple stuff you idiot…how do you not see this? There are bad people…There are violent people that commit murders for sexist, racist, financial, etc…or sometimes no reason at all. It’s not a systemic plot! It’s not a “pattern”…Black on black crime is a CLEAR pattern…But yeah “white domestic terroism” is the REEEAALLL problem right? Are you stupid or insane?

You do realize I’m white, right? Clutch your pearls, buddy. Hold on tight. You’re SO aggrieved.

I don’t give a fuck if you’re white…The point is why are you mentioning that I’m white? It’s non-pertinent

www…are your feelers hurt? It is your special place? Do we need to apply to come here? Do you need a mod, maybe, to protect your safe space?

No, I just go out of my way to not discuss things with delusional maniacs like you…That’s why I post in this thread. It’s not for discussion with you asshole. I go out of my way to not talk to meltdown-prone partisan idiots such as yourse3lf.

Dude…don’t be a pussy. You posted it. You got a response of two questions and you lashed out like a child.

You don’t respond…You either attack or ask me to answer something that I have done so many times on this message board I’ve lost count. This board existed long before you appeared and decided to partisan troll it…Then you leave for weeks at a time. I don’t need to repeat myself for an asshole like you to catch up.

You literally just spent the first how many quotes of your response to me telling me to define something I just did in the last text. If you want a woke person’s by the book Webster dictionary response, google it. I mean there’s good people who claim to be woke or are outraged by the things that Wokism claims to be fighting but they have simply become useful idiots who are too brainwashed/emotional (or both) to realize they are intensifying the problems they think are saving the world from.

Haha…Good stuff.

Guess you are “far right” if you happen to think this woman may not be a well-adjusted, healthy human being.

My bad.

No, what makes you far right is much more detailed

First, you ONLY post far right tweets, like Ian Miles Cheong, of the caricature Ann Lesby. Cheong, a far right wing political commenter who lives in Malaysia contributes to far right sources like Russia Today, "The Daily Caller and Rebel News. This is the same Cheong who’s admitted to saying “Hitler is my idol”…“Why didn’t the Holocaust kill your parents? Jews are nothing”, blaming it on the influence of the “toxic gaming community.” . He became known during Gamergate, an online harassment campaign against women in the gaming industry. He also falsly identified a Reddit user as the perpetrator of the Jacksonville Landing shooting, falsely claimed Garrett Foster fired the first shot after he was killed as a BLM protestor, posted a selectively edited clip created by Ruptly, a Russian state owned video news service, showing BLM burning Bibles and flags. He regularly posts that people have been identified as the shooters when they have nothing to do with it, like Darnell Hicks in Los Angeles, while ignoring the LAPD stating it’s claim is false. After the Buffalo shooting, he lied about the views of the shooter, and after the 2023 Hamas attack on Israel, posted a video that showed Israeli soldiers raiding a house while claiming, without proof, that the soldiers were Palestinian militants attempting to kill civilians. He regularly appeared on white supremacist podcasts like The Right Stuff, etc.

Now, as for what he claims:
Transgender activists defended Audrey Hale, the Nashville shooter, hours before the bodies of the children she executed were at room temperature. And they defended her even days, months after. The reason for that is simple: she committed an act of “decolonization.” She was made into a martyr.

Note this unhinged scene from Nebraska senator Machaela Cavanaugh, who repeatedly chanted “Transgender people belong here, we need trans people, we love trans people” just a few weeks after the shooting.

Cavanaugh called legislation to ban the use of puberty blockers, hormone treatment, and sex change operations on children a “genocide” and pledged to fight the legislation, even going so far as to threaten to “burn the session to the ground.”

She, among many other politicians, have only amplified the violent, militant rhetoric to “save trans lives” all the while ignoring or glorifying the actions of Audrey Hale, who might as well be beatified like George Floyd at this point.

Despite ignoring all other shooters we’ve had over the recent years, how they publish their white supremacist manifestos which tend to agree with his views, all the while labeling their crimes as being perpetrated by the mentally ill…he attributes the Nashville shooter, who was transgender and went to the school she attacked, as being motivated because they are transgender, and the shooting as a form of “decolonization”, despite zero evidence to that notion. He claims the “transgender activist” defended Aubrey Hale, with zero evidence, a complete lie. He then claiming “they” even defended her “days and months” afterwards, with zero evidence, again, a complete lie.
Then, he shows a 57 second clip from a 3 week filibuster by a state representative from Nebraska as evidence. He then calls the support for transgender rights “violent and militant”, claims supporting transgender rights is “glorifying the actions of Aubrey Hale.”

For some reason, I’ve never seen a comparative post about right wingers…I’m sure you’ve just overlooked them by accident, right?

Not a Trump supporting pastor claiming Taylor Swift is does Satanic rituals and practices witchcraft, no. That never happened, or you’d have caught it, right?
I don’t recall anything about the TN maga mayoral candidate who traveled around with her neo-Nazi gang, blocking the opponent from entering the building and declaring they are a “full-fledged Nazi.”

Nothing on Charlie Kirk stating inflation is caused by transgenders, right? Well adjusted by your measure

Anything on Charlie Kirk claiming Jewish dollars are the funders of “cultural marxism”? Of course not…ignoring “cultural marxism” is literally from Nazi Germany where they called it “Cultural Bolshevism.”

Nothing on Boebert flipping out over wanting the Church to direct the government. Real well adjusted

Anything on MJT and the Gazpacho Police? Nothing on Ted Cruz reading Green Eggs and Ham on his filibuster? Nothing on Tucker Carlson literally repeating the manifestos of right wing shooters as facts? Then, claiming the shootings were actually the result fo women lecturing men on privilege? No Alex Jones screaming about gay frogs, or goblins?

Real well adjusted, huh? Anything about MJT asking why kids can get monkeypox if its an STD? Nothing about MAGA pastor Greg Locke finding the “witches” in his church or taking a baseball bat to a barbie house? Really well adjusted

Shill a little more

I’ve posted one or two Ian Miles Cheong, barely know who the guy is…. It doesn’t matter who this came from… Let’s instead focus on the maniac I posted and why I posted, cunt…This is an actual state rep, not some asshole pastor talking about Taylor Swift and satan…And also, look at how she is conducting herself (then again, that’s basically you…So maybe you don’t see the problem)

And the little I’ve seen of him, I don’t care for Alex Jones…Seems like a fucking idiot. Don’t know who the other two people you just posted at all, I mean they definitely could be assholes but this thread is about progressive maniacs…And yes I’ve already explained that I believe progressive liberals and extremists are a much bigger threat to the country right now This does not make me far right at all, but you are too far left to see this…But then again you are the one that believes that white supremacist domestic terroism is a bigger problem in this country than blacks murdering each other every day…That’s how fucking stupid you are.

Imagine thinking that parody account Anne Lesby is “far right”? Because it hilariously mocks of far left and progressive stupidity (mostly on gender and phony racism delusion)? Again you lose…We all should be making fun of this delusion. It doesn’t make one far right…It means you have a brain. So just because your girlfriend has whipped into your head that this race and gender delusion is real and in turn you are offended by her jokes…It doesn’t make her far right. You are the one that’s an extremist, not us.

Don’t waste my time cunt.

You mean, pretend that it’s out of nowhere and you don’t have a documented history of ONLY posting shit like this, currently with 399 posted in a single thread? Sure…we can pretend to make you feel better.
Do you want to have a tea party first with Mr. Snuffleuffagus?

You mean a state rep, who within a 3 week filibuster, has a 53 second clip chanting about Trans rights?

Funny, you didn’t post about this state rep

or this one
or this one

anything on Tuberville stating white supremacists aren’t racists?

anything about candidate Rachel Hamm stating jesus showed up in her closet to tell her to run?

anything about Speaker of the House stating women should be forced to give birth to at least one “worker”?

And, yet only posts from places like AnnLesby or Libs of Tik Tok, huh?

So, you ignore, entirely, the other side. Entirely. One side is fulled with “lunatics” who want reasonably priced healthcare for all, funded public education and simply to acknowledge the basic rights of gay and trans people while the other side is literally talking about an authoritarian Red Caesar in Trump, putting troops on the streets on day 1 of Presidency, mass shootings, literally people being sentenced and found guilty of sedition, attacks on electrical grids…but…nah, the weird lady who thinks drag shows aren’t that big of deal are the real enemy. GTFO

Imagine NOT thinking it’s far right

You’re a shill for the far-right, 100% of the time.