New Twitter Anti-Progressive Fairy Tale Narratives thread (5)

Come on man…He was REVERED….But whatever… that’s nitpicking.

But don’t forget 30K plus were allowed to attend his 3 funerals and protests and the violence was excused, justified, or applauded….All while people couldn’t bury their dying parents in the name of covid?

You can’t have it both ways…I mean how did your radar not go off here warden?

And then when they (Biden, Harris, the w.e.f, Newsome, Trudeau all these mfers) started telling us that we covid could teach us all about efforts for equality…I mean if your bullshyt censors don’t go off I don’t know what to tell you?!

I say this now and I said it then…There is no anger or contempt at all in my voice towards different races or any efforts for equality, in fact quite the opposite. But I’m not a fucking fool and you shouldn’t be either. My anger is towards these sick fucks and their minion media.

I love when sanctimonious, race-saving liberals…say this.

But yes I would say it is, at the least, a good start in showing that someone isn’t racist, no?

Was that in 1981, when the local KKK lynched 19 yr old Michael Donald and hung him from a tree nearby, resulting in the LONE execution of a white-on-black crime since 1913 in Alabama and only execution of a KKK member in Alabama in the 20th century? No? Was it 18 yr old Scotty Joe Weaver in 2004, who was beaten, strangled, stabbed, partially decapitated and then doused in gasoline nearby? No? Was it Otis French who was gunned down by a cop nearby for a broken tail light?

Last I checked it’s 2022…Those are all horrors, let’s move forward.

I’m sure someone has gotten their head blown off in Philly, Chicago, DC in the past 24 hours.

Viable, I didn’t attend my uncle’s funeral but all my aunts and uncles were/are 85 or older so that was the reason I didn’t go.

[quote=“skeeter, post:362, topic:3428”]
You can’t have it both ways…I mean how did your radar not go off here warden?

It was a whatever moment for me. I’m not sure anyone couldn’t attend funerals during Covid. My family lost 2 and they both had funerals in Oklahoma. Most didn’t go, because everyone was old, and nobody wants to worry they’re the ones who killed Uncle Bill or whatever. As a point of order, they required all of them to distance, take a health screening test when they went in, and wear masks. Restricting funerals and shit is local, dude. Not national. The only national guy to shut down anything was Donald Trump. So, maybe call your local politician or whatever.

If you recall, I didn’t give a shit about the Covid rules. We came back to work in May of 20, and I got married in October of the same year.

From what I read, the CDC itself had zero restrictions up until Nov of 2020 on funerals.

" Your local and/or state public health officials may be making recommendations for the care of decedents and/or public gatherings that are more stringent than what the CDC and federal government have recommended. In these cases, you should defer to your state and/or local public health officials."

Dunno dude. I live in Texas. In TX and OK, if you had a funeral, you could go.

I have no earthly idea what you’re talking about.

No idea dude. I’m not privy to funeral restrictions during the time except in my neck of the woods. Like I said, we got married in Oct 2020, so I said fuck em’! Then, we went to Breckenridge, Co and took a bunch of edibles for a week.

In theory. Then again, their black friend could be Candace Owens. I think we need a bit more info, but at least the guy came back from the fishing trip with Bikki. Alabama is a rough place in them back woods, but I’ll bet damn good fishing. In the end, is anything Bikki says at this point going to convince me his belief system is different from what I’ve gathered? Doubt it. Does it matter what I think of Bikki? Not in the slightest bit. Who gives a shit?

Shit, these days it’s anywhere. There have been half a dozen incidents in the last few months on the highway I drive home (mind you, I live in Dallas/Fort Worth) where people have shot others while driving for what seems like cutting them off or not driving fast enough. This isn’t in the hood; these are on regular highways during regular hours.

For summary, who gives a shit if I think Bikki is a racist? My entire family are racists. In the car, I’m homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, misogynist…basically if I can think of any way you are different than me and you’re driving driving slow, I will.

And look at how you’re pointing to red states lol…I mean you’re a liberal but you don’t have to put up with these fucktard liberals

And like I said I was cool and I’m on record long before you came trolling on this message board of understand why the country wanted needed to shut down for a few weeks, month or 2 whatever. And don’t act stupid…liberal states, school boards, all this shit had kids in masks all the way to the early part of 22 in many instances.

I have no earthly idea what you’re talking about.

Conveniently you never do…I cannot count how many times things like covid, climate change, all this shit are magically linked to the quest for equality

Outside of poor people get worse healthcare and more minorities are poor, not sure.

And we needed…covid…and it’s mitigation…And the doubling and tripling down on it, and all its fallout that we are still dealing with…to show us the way.

I would have preferred as many of us died of it as possible. But, one thing we proved without a shadow of a doubt…we, as a country, are not mature or responsible enough to handle or manage literally anything.

I would argue that after a couple months, management was not needed.

It’s not racist to have a low opinion of contemporary black culture which percolates with racism calling for separate graduations, student unions, fraternities, and dormitories. It’s not racist not to want to spend leisure hours in parts of town comprising minority ghettos. Nor is it racist to move to places of greater security against urban predators many of whom happen to be black. It’s not racist to criticize black people or any people.

The advancement of Black Americans following emancipation was a stunning success until politicians, mostly Democrats, passed laws undermining the incredible historical solidity of black families. This according to Walter Williams, Shelby Steele, and Thomas Sowell was one of the most debilitating societal results of liberal governance.

There are no racists on this board, period. Liberals love for the downtrodden is conditional as seen in large, poorly-governed leftist sanctuary cities, and is attenuating revealing in many cases ugly hatred. As I’ve always maintained, the haters among us are leftists who are under the misapprehension that they operate on a higher moral plane than others. Ergo, nothing helps them more than a good mugging at hands of beloved minorities. In previous posts I suggested it might help some of them were I to waterboard some of them at my camp down on the bayou.

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@Warden84 run this one by your little libtard girlfriend….Will this be part of your transformation in the quest of earning your “anti-racist” star?

You could ask your significant other, but that bitch kicked you out of her life for being a loser and a psycho who can’t deal with his personal problems. Maybe you can ask AI to be your love interest

Lol…But you’d have to get her to turn off CNN and quit screaming at Trump on the TV for 30 seconds to get her to listen. I was/am so happy to be out of that maniac’s life, now I can just only hope her awesome little girl doesn’t end up a spazz like her (or someone like you)

I don’t bend for people…At least past the point of compomise, or shutting my mouth. Your stupid cuck ass really let some little piece o’ass make you self reflect and be convinced you were racist?! Grow a spine you fucking pussy. Tell that little libtard bitch to take a walk. Fuck is wrong with you?

Lol…Funny shit here

Well said

And his first response below it about the right as well.

Hard to be more spot on than this…Including the parallels to the woke brigade’s attack on the West.

Ever notice this ^^


Also…Anyone want to tell them.

Tell them what?

Really? Like what?