New Twitter Anti-Progressive Fairy Tale Narratives thread (5)

So when you suck black cock before and after they go in and out of your libtard woman, does she also make you munch on his ass and apologize for your racism and white supremacist ways?

Pathetic little cuck.

No comment on the actual comment…Figured. So you and your girl disagree with what Reilly and another intelligent black dude who doesn’t let narratives control his mind are exposing huh? They are “far-right” huh?

Just cum jokes and partisan sheephood

Reilly is “Far right” huh? This fucking clown just keeps embarrassing himself. (he’ll run and hide like the coward he is)

Crickets right? This is “far-right” huh?

The answer is it isn’t…It only appears that way because maniacs like you and your little whore libtard broad are so far fucking left that the center appears far right.

You’re an embarrassment

Why would I listen to or read Wilfred Reilly?

The only people you consider “intelligent black dudes” are the ones who shill for white supremacy. You’d love Jesse Lee Peterson.

Your ideal black guy

Sounds like what your mother told you your entire life

Sure, why not

Since you asked, this race hustler Chinbeard is full of shit and once again, a shill for white supremacy.

First, Trayvon Martin was a 16 yr old kid who was hunted down by a psycho and murdered. Funny how stand your ground laws apply, but not if you’re black, right? The guy hunted him down for no reason, against police orders, and then got his ass beat and murdered the kid because he couldn’t fight. He THEN showed how nuts he was by threatening his wife, wife’s father, and then two girlfriends and a guy at a road rage incident with guns. They tried to justify if by claiming he was thug, as if he deserved it for wearing a hoodie (Geraldo Rivera: Trayvon Martin's 'Hoodie Is As Much Responsible For [His] Death As George Zimmerman' (VIDEO) | HuffPost Latest News), buying Skittles (Manufacturer Of Trayvon Martin's Favorite Cocktail "Sizzurp" or "Lean" Pulls Codeine Product From Market.... - The Last Refuge), etc.

It’s fucking embarrassing for him to link Trayvon Martin with Jessie Smollett. Jacob Blake was a justified shooting? He’s a shithead, but you shouldn’t get to just gun down people.

Hell, before we go into each…isn’t it odd he left out a few?

I noticed he left out Breanna Taylor, murdered in her own apartment. The cops were on a Lousiville squad clearing out the area for a real estate investment, lied flat out about the shooting and eventually were caught on it. Of course, Louisville got her out and bought the property for $1.

Weird he didn’t mention that.

Weird, like he was selective in trying to make a point, huh?
Tony McDae, Ruben Smith, Terrell Mitchell, Derrick Thompson, Kamal Flowers, Cane Van Pelte, Donald Ward, Brandon Gardner…the list goes on forever. Funny, he didn’t mention Bothan Jean or any of the others.

I wonder why

No the list doesn’t “go on forever”

You fucking idiot…That’s the point you idiot.

These are rare rare rare instances, many, or at least some, of which I would be in agreement with you.

Hell, before we go into each…isn’t it odd he left out a few?

How do you know some of the ones he “left out”…Which by the way, last I check a tweet can only be so long. But how do you know he isn’t in agreement with you on them?

That’s why I follow him. He doesn’t over-generalize and give in to narrative. Some of us take each instance as it is…Novel idea huh. He is critical of much of the real far-right bullshit. And is openly critical on Trump on many topics

But as usual…You will pick things that not only suit your stance, but that you can twist in to supporting you already exaggerated interpretation of that stance. That’s how people like you and storm front roll.

They don’t appear to be rare. Could be that cops are just fucking shitfucks and do bad shit all the time, of which I can agree on that point. I’ve known lots of cops…some good sometimes, some bad. But, I’ve only known 1 who was actually a good man. Most are shady as holy fuck.

He didn’t list them and has not once, ever, said shit about any of them. Let’s take the biggest one, shall we?

I wonder why a guy who doesn’t seem to go more than 3 posts without mentioning BLM or defending police never said a word on Breonna Taylor.

Um…he seems to.

I agree with some of the points. Black families with no father is what seems to be the biggest problem in the entire community. I thought it was bullshit until I looked it up. It’s fucking astounding.
Black on black crime is a scourge, and outpaces everything else. Period. Flat out. I can get into figures about red-lining and poverty breeds crime and then connect to historical patterns of Irish and Jewish and Italians who were financially marginalized and their crime sprees in the past and it makes sense to an extent. BUT, when you’re in the middle of it, looking outside, seeing store after store being stolen from…it’s fucking annoying. And, maybe Chinbeard is playing the part…kind of like PETA. I think PETA is one of the most evil organizations I can think of. But, people who do bad shit to animals are pretty fucking evil themselves, so at least one fucker is trying to keep the other fucker in check.
Maybe Chinbeard is saying fuck off to the other stuff and trying to singularly focus on black people taking on responsibility and fixing some shit within their own community. From that perspective, I can dig it. Makes sense. He does overtly skate over anything that doesn’t prove his point, though.
I do also agree that BLM never helped anyone at anything except the right wing win elections and a couple of fat chicks getting new houses. Also, pretending there just isn’t any evidence of white supremacy is absolute horseshit. As powerful as in the past? Of course not, though I believe the ENTIRE Trump GOP is motivated by it, almost solely. As the demographic shift is upon us, getting closer and closer to the tilt, they’ll lash out more and more.

He does have a weird ass chinbeard, though. I can’t ever support a dude with a chin beard. I mean, you’ve got to have principles.

They don’t shill for white supremacy…If they would I wouldn’t consider them intelligent or support them. Because I don’t support white supremacy. You are fucking imagining this whole “shill for white supremacy” bit.

I don’t have an ideal black guy…I mean my black friends and I had fun with Uncle Tom humor and we all laughed at the nerdy type black dudes growing up. But it’s like in the eyes of today’s left…MLK would be called an Uncle Tom by this liberal “anti-racism” cult…I just want people to wake the fuck up.

I would say that’s almost impossible…He comments on pretty much every issue, especially if it’s race related. Also he doesn’t seem to mention BLM as much anymore now that they well…aren’t being mentioned as much. And again, I have seen him and I myself have been critical of police. You incorrectly accuse me of this far right bullshit when I can’t count how many fucking times on this message board I have stated that I am 100% for police reform, for instance.

Maybe Chinbeard is saying fuck off to the other stuff and trying to singularly focus on black people taking on responsibility and fixing some shit within their own community.

Ding ding ding…We have a winner.

And he is simply telling people, no matter what their color that they don’t have to sign up for this media and Democratic Party- contrived phony ass race war.

Poverty breeds crime and then connect to historical patterns of Irish and Jewish and Italians who were financially marginalized and their crime sprees in the past

Yes and you would be making 1000% valid points and comparisons. I’m certainly not saying otherwise.

He does have a weird ass chinbeard, though. I can’t ever support a dude with a chin beard. I mean, you’ve got to have principles.

It is extremely weird.

Of course not, though I believe the ENTIRE Trump GOP is motivated by it, almost solely

Can’t agree there, although I would agree that those who are motivated by it are far more likely to support trump than other political figures…I admittedly don’t know much about every single politician as a lot of you on this board does.


Apparently, not. We’ve shown that. He’s very specific in what he decides to comment on relating to race. He infers that people like George Floyd just deserved to die bc they were previously convicted of crimes as well.
I’ve never declared Floyd or the Ferguson dude to be good guys, though, the police shouldn’t be the executioners.

Breonna Taylor was knee deep in the drug trade. She was not murdered by police. Were she living a responsible life, she’d be on the right side of the grass today.

Trayvon Martin was a young hoodlum who pursued George Zimmerman and attacked him as he was complying with advice given by the police dispatcher to retreat back to his vehicle. The police dispatcher at the time was concerned about Zimmerman’s well being not Trayvon’s. Charges should never have been filed against Zimmerman who was a former civil rights community activist.

George Floyd and Michael Brown were thugs. Floyd had he survived his heart attack due to scuffling with police would have been sent back to prison for the SIXTH time. Michael Brown after robbing tobacco and roughing up the owner of a store, tried to wrestle away a cop’s firearm. Like a complete idiot, he bullrushed the cop and was deservedly shot. The incident of course ruined the cop’s career forcing him to move to an undisclosed witness protection address away from the St. Louis area. Meanwhile, Michael Brown was canonized by Democrat fools and thereafter became known as the “Gentle Giant.” The storeowner whom he roughed up while stealing his cigars failed to recognize any gentleness in Michael Brown.

Shooting black people so long as the shooters are black is fine with Democrats, and it happens with regularity in Democrat governed venues. Most victims of shootings in large Democrat cities remain unknown save for one critical factor that creates uproar-- if the shooter happens to be a white man, which happens only rarely. If the shooter is black, it’s just routine business, nothing to be overly concerned about since blacks killing blacks has become perennial behavior that has been happening for decades. One of liberals favorite pastimes is making heroes out of thugs.



You do show your lack of morality at every opportunity.

Breonna Taylor as an on-call Emergency Room Technician and First Responder, serving the local area at the time of her murder. The was murdered by the police in a no-knock raid on her home on March 12, 2020. She and her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker III stayed home that night and watched movies. After midnight, 3 plain clothed officers with Louisville Metro police used a battering ram to enter her apartment in search of a suspect wanted for drug trafficking, Jamarcus Glover, whom Taylor had previously dated.
Taylor and Walker were in bed at the time, and believing they were being robbed, Walker - a licensed gun owner- fired his gun at the officers…who again, entered without notifying anyone they were police…striking one of them in the leg. The officers returned fire, 32 shots in total, striking Taylor several times, though she was unarmed.

No drugs were found at the apartment.
The police falsified their affidavit to secure the warrant
2 of the police involved (though not on site), Meany and Goodlett, took steps to cover their unlawful conduct and “conspired to mislead federal, state and local authorities who were investigating the incident.”
Officer Goodlett and Officer Jaynes met privately and agreed to “tell investigators a false story.”
Officer Jaynes falsified the investigation letter, that he “knew would be used in a criminal investigation into the preparation of the warrant” by inserting “false information suggesting Taylor’s involvement in the drug trade.”
Officer Meany, who, along with Jaynes, knew the affidavit drawn up by Jaynes contained false information when he approved it.
Officer Meany also lied to federal investigators when he told the FBI they carried out a “no-knock” warrant at the request of his department’s SWAT unit, when in fact, he knew that no such request had been made.
Officer Hankison moved to the side of the apartment, where he fired 10 bullets through a window and a glass door, covered by blinds and a curtain, with the attempt to “kill.”
Officer Goodlett, before the warrant was executed, was told by Officer Jaynes that the target of their drug-selling probe, who was previously identified as Taylor’s ex boyfriend, was receiving packages at that address. Goodlett knew the claim was false, but did not object. Further, she added a misleading paragraph stating the detectives had “verified” recent information that Taylor’s home was the current address of her former boyfriend. The postal inspector proved that claim was false in that they had separate addresses, but Officer Goodlett and Officer Jaynes moved to cover up that dispute.

The suspect, Jemarcus Glover, had been arrested 10 miles away from Taylor’s apartment and 10 minutes before they faked the search warrant, by the Louisville Metro Police.

I repeat The SUSPECT- Jemarcus Glover had been arrested 10 miles away from Taylor’s apartment and 10 minutes BEFORE they faked the search warrant, by the Louisville Metro Police.

Oddly, the City of Louisville bought that home for $1, along with several others in the neighborhood including Elliott Avenue. A map, which shows a City of Louisville logo and the title of the Elliott Avenue Project, shows several properties surrounding the home labeled as “city controlled” and have been purchased or demolished, dating to 2019.
The home in question was listed as “pending metro acquisition’ on the map and sits int he middle of other city-controlled or city-acquired properties scheduled for demolition.”

Again, the City of Louisville bought it for $1. Breonna Taylor had zero criminal record.

Again, you show with every post relating to race how absent of morality you are. Bottom of the barrel…might be why your muck is eating its way out.

Breonna was a thug living a thug life.

You’re a bad soul, Bikki. By far, one of the worst people I’ve ever encountered, to the core. No hyperbole. It takes quite a stained soul to celebrate death like you do. But, such is life. Again, could be why your body is eating itself. Things have a tendency to balance out, eventually.

Warden, I concede you the point on Breonna Taylor. Initially, I followed the case, and it appeared to me Breonna was living at times on the wrong side of the law, certainly comporting with persons who were breaking the law. I still believe she may have been involved criminally in some yet to be revealed drug crime, and to be sure more information about her life should be forthcoming.

Nevertheless, reading the charges against the police, I am persuaded that police acted unprofessionally, broke civil rights law, and are criminally and civilly liable for their behavior that eventuated in a homicide. You Warden have persuaded me to withhold judgment on Breonna; I was mistaken by relying on previously published information which has been shown to be false. Yes it is conceivable that the young girl was not a thug as I presumed. Yet I remain still skeptical about the case, but you DID do an excellent job persuading I was factually mistaken.

All the others in my post were thugs without exception. My commentary about ignoring black on black violence has been validated time and again, very eloquently done by Heather MacDonald of the City Journal. Black Lives matter little unless they are extinguished by white people

Thugs doesn’t mean you get to kill them on sight. They’re still supposed to go to trial. I’ll concede that several of the ones you mentioned were shithole thugs. Roger Stone is a shithole thug too. Considering the criminality of DJT, Trump is a thug. Lots of people are thugs. You don’t get to kill them because they’re thugs. The guys who stormed into the capitol were thugs. The Proud Boys are thugs. Though, I’d like to execute several of them, they all require a trial. Your guys got a trial, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, etc. The black ones deserved one too.
To this day, I still can’t imagine a human being defending Trayvon Martin’s killing. That one is just beyond the pale to me.

Viable point. Lots happens relating to black on black crime, but it doesn’t make the news. It happens weekly, all over Baltimore, Chicago, LAX, etc. It’s been going on for decades, but candidly, doesn’t appear to make the slightest bit of difference.

You know, years ago, when things were a bit more lax in terms of social acceptability…my father used to use “ngger" quite frequently, still does. I can’t go a single visit without hearing it at least once, to this day. Being young, born in the 70s, that word was quite charged and not as acceptable with my generation than his. He recognized that and frequently relayed how there were good black people and there were "nggers.” “N*ggers” were criminals, drug dealers, moochers, lived off of the system, off of your tax dollars, are a physical threat to your life and your property, to your family’s life and property. “Good black” people weren’t. They paid taxes, went to school, got jobs, contributed…you know, like Charlie Pride.

Years later, when they called Barrack Obama or Michelle Obama a “ngger"; they called Colin Powell a "ngger” when he didn’t agree with Bush 100%, it was quite clear - to them, all blacks were “nggers", even Charlie Pride. Sure, he was a “good black” when he was on TV, but if he showed up at their house, he would have been a "dirty ngger.”

You use “thug” in lieu of that word, just like my parents did. While I appreciate the vote of confidence on not celebrating Breonna Taylor’s death, you’re not opaque in your intention. I get it. You’re not special, dude.

I do not use thug instead of the n word although I write frequently on black violence. So does Heather MacDonald. We have a problem Warden with black violence. Legally speaking, the Derek Chauvin trial was one of the worst miscarriages of justice I’ve seen in a lifetime. Canonizing George Floyd was an abomination of the highest order.

In the 1950’s, my parents bought a World Book Encyclopedia. I read nearly the entire encyclopedia. Starting with the A volume, I read about the State of Alabama. In the section on Alabama, there was a map plate showing the marvelous Mobile-Tensaw Delta, the second largest inland delta in the country and a wonderland of nature. I noticed on the map of the Mobile area a large lake-like basin of water on the map. It was called Ngger Lake.

It is strange that I would wind up spending many years of my life fishing in this basin of water which is incredibly beautiful. It is now named McReynold’s Lake or the Negro Basin on maps, but nobody calls it that. The vernacular name is still Ngger Lake. Residents in the area be they white or black call it by this name. I have always refused to call it that.

One day, I took a friend of mine fishing. He’s a prominent attorney in the area and happens to be black. It surprised me that he was tentative about going into the country, fearful about being accepted. That of course shouldn’t have worried him; he’s one most likeable persons imaginable. I sort of prepped him for his meetings with the yahoos at the camp, and I also told him about Ngger Lake. He couldn’t believe it.

So that day, I took my friend on a novel fishing trip into the Basin, and we caught a lot of fish. Then we went to a crawfish boil and he got an opportunity to meet locals. He had such a good time that he asked me to go again the next weekend. We discussed the Ngger Lake issue, and he was surprised when some black fisherman I know greeted us on one of the streams and mentioned the lake by its local name.

Attached is map of the Lower Delta showing Negro Lake. Follow the Tensaw River south from Negro Lake, and you’ll see Hurricane community and the Bayou where I live.,ftc,1,fid,123683,n,negro%20lake.cfm

I will admit that your point about stereotyping has some merit, but due to the break down in urban behavior within the minority community, the reputations of good citizens are impugned unfairly yet understandably so because the problem is institutionalized by decades of misbehavior.

No that’s just incorrect…He talks about race non-stop.

And no I’ve never seen him infer that.

Not according to the law.

Wasn’t canonized, merely remembered.

Was that in 1981, when the local KKK lynched 19 yr old Michael Donald and hung him from a tree nearby, resulting in the LONE execution of a white-on-black crime since 1913 in Alabama and only execution of a KKK member in Alabama in the 20th century? No? Was it 18 yr old Scotty Joe Weaver in 2004, who was beaten, strangled, stabbed, partially decapitated and then doused in gasoline nearby? No? Was it Otis French who was gunned down by a cop nearby for a broken tail light?

Not those guys? I wonder why your “black friend” would be concerned. When you were reading the World Book, that would have been around the same time as George Wallace’s 1958 governor’s race, right, when he was endorsed by the KKK, when he stated he believed in “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever”? Wouldn’t that be around the same time? How strange you, living in California, were so captivated by Negro Lake that you remembered it so many years later.

But, you have a “black friend”, so…I mean, I guess you’re not racist at all, huh?


Why would that be?