New Twitter Anti-Progressive Fairy Tale Narratives thread (5)

Spot On

Damn I never saw this one?

Tough one to explain here libs…Pander, pander, pander

And this tweet is from one of the biggest leftist, zero-covid-at-all-costs, maniac there was…

Hard to fathom that this coulda cause issues with children huh? Who would have guessed it…Hard to control anger towards these sick, two-faced fucks

Seen it first hand. My son is 13 and if effected him.

Well maybe we shouldn’t have done it then? You know…Like us crazy “Deniers” said from early on.

People are so fucking delusional.

Yes skeeter…I am sane. We meet in person we would most likely get along. Storm is either playing with everyone on this site or is crazy.

Not everything is a conspiracy. The titan sub that went down and imploded did so because PRESSURE and not a well constructed sub. Anyone would half a brain and grew up on the water and had gone scuba diving in their lifetime would tell you this. You don’t need to be an expert. You keep sending a water craft deep which was built poorly eventually it’s not going to end well. It was stupidity that cost those people their life. Not some conspiracy….

Skeeter, my father was one of the top developers in florida and nj….I lived in surf side….I asked him about the possibility of that building being taken down on purpose and he said that is straight lunacy. He explained what happened and it was nothing close to the explanation that storm gave.

When it came to COVID….did I overreact….according to your opinion- yes. That being said I was going off a freind who was a doctor in NJ who told me had never seen more death in his lifetime. His hospital was over capacity and people were dying left and right. He was very concerned. He was a staunch Republican, whose family all came from Cuba and voted for trump. Storm asked him to come on here…was going to try and get them to register him but Alex passed away two months ago.

There is being a denier and people actually lying and saying it did not exist. Saying that it was just a flu when it was not the case.

And the damage to these children doesn’t count right?

s. That being said I was going off a freind who was a doctor in NJ who told me had never seen more death in his lifetime. His hospital was over capacity and people were dying left and right. He was very concerned. He was a staunch Republican, whose family all came from Cuba and voted for trump.

Ya no one believes all these variables you are adding into the equation. And yes there was death? Who cares? Take precaution…If you don’t believe this is enough precaution…Stay in your fucking house in an air bubble…whatever

Skeeter, my father was one of the top developers in florida and nj

Lol…oh christ.

Skeeter, look it up if you want. Restaurant across the street from my house. The place was called Sebastiano. The owner and guy who cooked got the restaurant did not believe in COVID. He did not believe in wearing a mask. He caught COVID and died. Guy was healthy and had no underlying conditions. There is denying it and being stupid….you choose. The problem is there was too much misinformation- I rather hedge my bet and be safe….which I did. There were others who were not. I knew too many who denied the existence and either died or almost died.

Who cares? Of course some people died from covid.

What about all the people that wore a mask and still caught it and died?

Any more dumb ass questions and scenarios, moron?

There is denying it and being stupid….you choose. The problem is there was too much misinformation- I rather hedge my bet and be safe….which I did. There were others who were not. I knew too many who denied the existence and either died or almost died.

Not everyone agrees with your “I rathers” and after a few months, they shouldn’t have been expected to.

Like I said, no one was making you leave your house.

Easy stuff here, 80. You just want to see it one way and think we are all supposed to melt down and panic with you.

You know you are exaggerating what I said…but carry on… I said that a friend of mine who was a doctor in NJ that it was the worst thing he has been a part of…said he had never seen so much death in his life…Said that his hospital was over 100 percent capacity and they were turning people aways. you can take it anyway you want. It was bad. It was also handled horribly by our president at the time.

The difference is…I said it was not the flu. You dont have over a million people die from the flu…You dont have healthy people with not problems before end up the hospital and are never the same. The problem is you obviously did not know anyone that it effected personally, I did. My business partner has a friend whose son was in his 30’s, did not take a vaccine and ended up getting airlifted from Palm Beach to Tampa and almost died. He is no longer capable of living a normal life. Coaches I knew had friends who died…One of the coaches at Saint Thomas Aquinas I knew…Went on facebook mocking mask and covid…and days later was asking for prayers. A friend of mine down in the keys…Same thing…Owned his own charter boat business…Mocked it…Died. While you think it was just a flu and people panicked. Maybe you have a different feeling if someone you knew died…My sister who like Storm is a Quanon believer and praises jesus every day…she did not believe it…Mocked people…and was in ICU not long after…

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Every lib in the world telling everyone to go out and party and walk all over NY City would have handled it better right. Please give examples of what should have done differently? I want real examples

The problem is you obviously did not know anyone that it effected personally, I did.

Huh? Of course I know many people who it effected. And I know people who died from it. What’s your point? And why would you assume I somehow didn’t? It’s literally impossible to not know someone who had covid. How are you this fucking stupid?

The difference is…I said it was not the flu. You dont have over a million people die from the flu…You dont have healthy people with not problems before end up the hospital and are never the same. The problem is you obviously did not know anyone that it effected personally, I did. My business partner has a friend whose son was in his 30’s, did not take a vaccine and ended up getting airlifted from Palm Beach to Tampa and almost died. He is no longer capable of living a normal life. Coaches I knew had friends who died…One of the coaches at Saint Thomas Aquinas I knew…Went on facebook mocking mask and covid…and days later was asking for prayers. A friend of mine down in the keys…Same thing…Owned his own charter boat business…Mocked it…Died. While you think it was just a flu and people panicked. Maybe you have a different feeling if someone you knew died…My sister who like Storm is a Quanon believer and praises jesus every day…she did not believe it…Mocked people…and was in ICU not long after…

Blah blah blah yada yada…Again, how are people stupid enough to still type these rants?

The point is…
Fuck boy…

(And since you did the same thing to storm in the Bronny James thread)… What about the people who mocked it and lived? What about the people who didn’t mock it and died? What about the people who hated QAnon and still died? What about the people like me who didn’t vax, had it, and are fine…What about the people who had multiple boosters and died?

Do they get a novel from you too, you maniac?

Death was going to happen. ZeroCovid much more dangerous long-term.

Stop talking, read that paragraph you just wrote and realize how stupid you fucking sound

“I knew a guy who mocked covid and he was in the ICU”

So what you fucking clown?

“praises Jesus every day”…So now you hate religious people too…You’re a hateful little pathetic cunt. It is what it is.

Before you goofs (@Elite80) get started with this covid shit again.


The ELS 2024 is supposed to be the worst of all time!

Kudos to FSU

And Riley’s response is dead nuts spot on

We have easily led, overly emotional fucking morons like @Warden84 and his little libtard girlfriend (who has him gripped by his little balls)….spazzing out, defending, and trying to save the country from problems that DON’T FUCKING EXIST. Keep worshiping these jamele hill types at the altar of “anti-racism”

Wake up sheep. You are way way way too easily hustled and duped. You’ll fall for anything to feel like you a part of something (or maybe in warden’s case to keep his little libtard piece o’ass)

Awwww…look, he’s still posting his crush every day…Have you emailed your paramour yet, Skeetz? Chinbeard would love to throw you a nut or two, I’m sure.

When you dildo your ass while jerking off do bring up his Twitter and look directly into his eyes or do you just imagine you’re talking to him?

No comment on the actual comment…Figured. So you and your girl disagree with what Reilly and another intelligent black dude who doesn’t let narratives control his mind are exposing huh? They are “far-right” huh?

Just cum jokes and partisan sheephood

Reilly is “Far right” huh? This fucking clown just keeps embarrassing himself. (he’ll run and hide like the coward he is)