New Twitter Anti-Progressive Fairy Tale Narratives thread (5)

@Warden84 …This you and your old lady making amends with black folk?

@djrion…You and the fam out for a Sunday walk?

It was so funny the way idiots ate this “racist Trump” shit up…Partisan sheep like @Elite80 , @djrion , @Warden84

Pure comedy


It’s that simple.

Why are these fucking maniacs being given any platform?

Crazy numbers.

56% of white liberal women!

There’s an old famous experiment they did with rats where they put them in a utopia and gave them anything they could ever want…. The easy life. Over a brief period of time those rats became obese, gay, and started to eat their own kids…. Sounds like us.

Once a society becomes too luxurious and convenient, we start to lose our way. Pain and suffering keep us sharp and sane unfortunately.

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Dude…why do you always get the very basics wrong? The info is out there

Rats will mount and try to fuck anything. It doesn’t matter if they are rich or poor or hungry or fat.
Also, rats will eat their young due to no food, not too much food. They eat their young all the time.

One of the dumbest statements of the day, so far. Wait till GSC’s next post, I’m sure

Now he’s a rat expert too, @GardenStateCane

It’s not rocket science. You literally have every bit of information gathered in human history, indexed and with multiple search engines. Maybe you should take your thumb out of your ass and use it for typing something other than insults.

No, I just don’t give a fuck about it lol

And the point is GSC made a casual comment, he didn’t need to go into every detail of the study, nor did he need to know every biological tendency of rats…It wasn’t important. No one gives a shit what you find when you google rats fucking

What is your beef here anyway lol? That it is s bad comparison because rats fuck anything? Or are you defending society today because rats do this.

Stupid, meaningless response. Lighten up maniac.

Obviously, you do. You’ve made two consecutive comments on it.

Ah, so GSC’s was a “casual comment” while anyone responding or correcting was not. Right. Right.

Considering he made a declarative statement on the behavior of rats, apparently, he did need to know the biological tendency of rats. That’s what he commented on.

Then, why did he make it and why did you attempt to defend him?

it was an incorrect comment and lazy.

Yes, because he said rats fuck turn gay when they have their needs met. It’s a moronic statement

Pot meet kettle

No look at your response you idiot.

He casually made a comment…The jist of it was enough. We don’t need any further breakdown of rats.

Apparently, you do.

I told you this guy is obsessed with me. He’s probably been in a corner down his pants to my memory the past few months.

Here’s a very short clip about the study.

Obviously people can surmise what they want about the study, but it’s pretty clear that the rats behavior changed for the worse by any measurable means.

There’s a portion of the original study.

There’s nothing I said that was incorrect. Your conclusions may be different but quite honestly it’s only because you need to defend a position. This is typical of you.




While we could argue that the 2,000 pct is incorrect or at least hard to quantify…You get the point. Great tweet. Maybe show it to your race fighting girlfriend and wake up, @Warden84 ?

Do preach!!