New Twitter Anti-Progressive Fairy Tale Narratives thread (5)

Lol…This is some @djrion shit here

Doesn’t she realize that everything she does to counteract what she purports to be white supremacy will also be white supremecist because she’s white and the kin of white supremacy?

The only solution is suicide. She should be the first to give back :grin:

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It never will

Who the fuck signs up for this shit?

And a great response from same thread…

You’ll see @djrion in there somewhere as well…

Not going to act like this isn’t Russian Propaganda, or that I know every aspect of the Marine’s imprisonment.

But hard to argue that this isn’t a fairly accurate commentary of that trade

Tweet of the year…Oh and also @djrion types

Well said.

This man cannot get a pass.

Yep, Fauci must provide a full account of what he knew, when he knew it, and what steps he took behind the scenes. I want to know what he withheld from the American public that cost lives.

He has a lot of explaining to do.

Kinda the same for me. And people were still supposed to respect covid and every reported death lol?

Posted something similar a couple of months ago

People like @djrion really had to teach them what the problem was huh?


Would never hit a woman…But wouldn’t it feel good to slap the shit out of this stupid motherfucker?

These are the people @djrion (who you now need a sheriff’s posse to find)… agrees with.

Tell me that’s a joke :point_up_2::point_up_2:

GSC, yes it’s parody

look at the name

PS…I was fooled early on too

Yup been saying this for 2+ years now.

Greta Thornburg is real science
Fauci is real science.
That Eric Fiel-Ding…yup you guessed it… he’s real science
Gavin Newsom also…Real science

Not all these big, bad, evil doctors that were more as or more qualified UNTIL they dared to question absurd policy

This is where Idiots like @canes51 would come in screaming… like he did a head count you know…"but, but, but more scientists say this than that…I counted and it 's 85,002 to 85,000…So there!

Fucking idiot he was

How do people end up like this ^^^


She’s the motherfucker that should be beat to death.