Miami vs FSU 2022

TVD was never well to start with. He’s got a rotator cuff or AC joint injury. Didn’t even get hit or fall on his shoulder and they had to pull him. Really makes you wonder where this medical staff/coaching staffs heads are. Shouldn’t have taken a snap.

What the F with Clemson/ND? Didn’t see that coming.

Looks like surgery will be needed. I’m pissed for TVD. Gattis got him killed!!!

If he was still hurt, he should not have played. A QB with a bad shoulder is worthless.

I saw the “highlight” of the Garcia pick. Jesus was that a reckless throw.

Clemson is effectively out of the playoff now.

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It’s kind of good that this happened. It drives home the point that Tan Enos isn’t the guy. Just like his brother Dan wasn’t the guy. If Miami finished 6-6, Mario might think “Meh, one more year.” But, this has been so abysmally bad, he has to fire him.

I just hope Mario wises up like Manny did and hires a spread guy the second time around. Lashlee was night and day versus Enos with pretty much the same exact crew and it was all due to scheme.

Don’t think it matters. UGA is at a different level and they have zero portal kids starting.

Maybe just maybe we should let Mario have 4-5 years to build the culture and team.

Yes, it’s mostly about the players. Kirby went 7-5 his first year and he inherited Richt’s 10 win team.

Recruiting is the only way out of this mess.

Miami isn’t great but certainly they are better than this. This is Enos II.

UGA’s QB transferred in.

This is worse than Enos lol. 9 quarters without a TD. 1.6 yds per pass. I mean. I didn’t think it was possible to be this bad!

At this point, Miami is playing for the number 1 pick in the draft. :grinning:

It’s beginning to look like the preseason predictions were a bit off.

The issue wasn’t the scheme. It was the personnel choices, player talent, injuries, and play calls.

If we win 2 more, I would be Shocked!

Alabama is also effectively out of the playoff too. What a weekend!

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I gave them too much credit with the td.


I get that Miami does need some better talent, but that isn’t going to solve what is going there. There is something far deeper and more damaging than just missing out on talent.

He’s beyond reckless…That’s what we’ve been talking about. Outside of the 1st 2 series of MTSU…

The 4q there, the whole Duke performance, and tonite

He doesn’t see pass rushers, he thinks he has all days, and then he just throws balls into spots that just aren’t there. I’m not saying someone can’t work with him and improve it, because other young qb have those problems…But his are kinda alarming and someone is going to have their work really count out for them.

We do run the spread. We run a spread offense. We are in the top 40 in tempo.

I’m just not sure we know how to coach it.

Lashlee was decent no doubt, and a clear step up from this…But he had weaknesses as well.

We run a pro spread NOT Air raid spread.

Gattis doesn’t know how to adjust to what Ds are forcing. Gattis doesn’t know how to call plays to setup bigger plays. The personnel choices are tough. He hasn’t helped our players at all no matter how bad they are!

Lol at pretending this offense has an identity. What identity is the one where you control the ball with no rushing game and short inefficient passes before turning it over or kicking a FG?

Iowa even thinks that sounds stupid.

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I just can’t understand how bad this team is. It’s TERRIBLE, outside of Lashlee, all on staff are more qualified and better coaches. Gattis is an utter disaster, he can’t call a game…HOLY shit, I can’t believe we are this bad with this shitty of a schedule. Mind boggling BAD

Still holding on to hope? Lmfao

Just opened this thread and we had people predicting a win? Fao. Take back your Saturdays folks, better for your health.