Maricopa County Election Officials Deleted Database

Ok guys- what about WHAT HE SAID?



They didnā€™t discuss the network set-up. He is making a ton of assumptions based on statements from elected officials that donā€™t know shit about security. Sure, easy to stay an elected official is a dumbass, liar, or covering up when they donā€™t know SHIT about security. Even Aaron is making massive assumptions about network security. Examples: he is assuming the same router is being used for internal offices as the election tech with no routers or switches for security between them. This alone shows he is a dumbass as it would require all election machines being on the same physical network within the county as office computers in one massive wide area network. Second, he talks about passwords for routers and how the potential is there for everyone to have the same password. ZERO mention of MFA! The first thing I would require for any device access for something the size of a county network like Maricopa County would be MFA. Thus, I couldnā€™t just share my password with anyone to give them access.

This video was looking for the outcome without discussing any number of details. The lady asking the questions were providing the answers to the questions.

There is no doubt we should all be concerned about the security of our local governments. Part of security is to NOT provide details that will end up in the hands of those that could look to hack or cause harm. Hence, BI-PARTISAN audits are needed!

But isnā€™t that all heā€™s able to do? Iā€™m pretty sure he prefaced his comments with that.

LOL. This is a hilariously tragic exercise AZ is going through.


Thou doth protest too much Joeā€¦

Why are they afraid of the truth?

I thought this was the group that loved investigations? Remember they told us that during Mueller?

Why all of a sudden do they hate them?

Oh I knowā€¦ I knowā€¦

They donā€™t control this one. Itā€™s a real one. One where they can be exposed.


Reminds me of Tommy Boy. ā€œOf course, I can get a hell of a good look at a T-Bone steak by sticking my head up a bullā€™s ass, but Iā€™d rather take the butcherā€™s word for it.ā€ Had to do it.

Without more information, his video is just feeding the misinformed.

Do you have the opinion polls or is this just anecdotal from some friends?




Now we see why that publisher went with that false headline. It was a set up to start an investigation of the auditors.

Man- this system is so 1984.

This is what they did with Trump. Plant false stories with erroneous info and sometimes from anonymous sources in order to give law enforcement probable cause to justify seeking warrants.

Gustapo type shit.

Yep, Garden.

So many parallels to George Orwell in our country right now.

One great example is to say you are doing one thing and do the exact opposite. Biden does that all the time.

I also like the analogy in 1984 when they say they will increase the rations from 3 to 2.

If you control the language and the media you have the power.


If the election was legit, why worry about an audit, unless there was fraud. Anyone with a reasonable active cerebral cortex knows already that it was fraud. The Big Guy, crime family crook who stayed in the cellar during the entire campaign just didnā€™t win the election.

When is Hunter Bidenā€™s trial date?

Iā€™ll take it one step further beekā€¦

Even if there was fraudā€¦ so what. Thereā€™s always some fraud right? Inescapable.

It can only be they know thereā€™s MASSIVE fraud.


Oh I donā€™t know - because maybe the guy who lost said thereā€™d be fraud 8 months before the election and because he has the entire GOP held by the sniz that theyā€™ll do anything to appease him even when they know itā€™s not true?

Jesus Christ what a laughing stock the GOP has become.

And the Democrats are the beacon of truth and light?

I think your jokes are misplaced. Forget about Trump for a second. Do you like the way Biden is leading us and the crap heā€™s pushing?

No, not really. But instead of fighting that, the GOP keeps living in the past and pushing trumps horse shit claims that the election was stolen. Itā€™s fucking pathetic.

The GOP needs to move past him and focus on 2022. Then 2024. But they wonā€™t, because theyā€™re somehow tied to the human Cheeto. As a result theyā€™ll continue making arses out of themselves

At one point I posted the number of elections that had election fraud leading to a Re-vote. Now you are stating that in one election we had more fraud across multiple( dominion system) states than the total of all historical fraud?

What Iā€™ve said in the past is that minor fraud is a part of every ecosystem. By that, I mean there were likely illegal Trump votes and illegal Biden votes but not a significant level as to impact the outcome. This is one of the reasons Iā€™m for ID requirements. If we can require people to carry a vaccine document then we sure as hell can require people to carry a voter ID document.

Now all of the claims of fraud have been put to bed by those in power. Thus, you want to claim those in power are CIA ops. We then have to look at the local and state level to see how the CIA is involved. They very well could be involved if the local governments arenā€™t using security methods from the last 10 years. That said, Iā€™d be more concerned with hackers than the cia as every router having the same admin password wouldnā€™t take a black hat group more than a couple days work to get then find other routersā€¦ think Colonial Pipeline times the number of routers with the same admin password times the number of servers/computers in those networks that could be hacked with ransomware.

The bigger concern I have: our elections are now far more complex than anytime in history. Our laws for poll watching are meant to help secure elections YET we arenā€™t asking for bi-partisan code audits, security audits of networks, devices, and setups. This is a massive issue that has evolved far faster than legislative.

For comparison, every major website that processes credit cards has to do a PCI security audit. For pci level 1, you have to show proof that all code changes to software are reviewed by at least one other person besides the person making the code changes. There are many other things these audits do: scan networks, interview individuals, review logsā€¦ all paid for by the company trying to process cards. If the company has their own servers, it requires a physical visit to the servers but lots of companies use the cloud thus using the hosting companies PCI audit for the physical layer.

Iā€™d like to see a similar requirement setup for election software AND local government implementations.

Then again, trust storm as he knows far more about tech security. Iā€™m just a stupid guy.