Looks like Biden will drop

I heard an anecdote from someone visiting the UCLA bookstore and they have signs that ask people to kindly pay for what they take.

Maybe if we ask really really nicely people won’t just walk out with stuff.

Seems very Californian of them.

I misspoke and you corrected me. I admit I got that wrong. And you are correct on prop 47.

The point I was trying to make is that Kamala was responsible for increasing that threshold and having less cracking down on theft, and from accounts that I’ve heard from people that used to live there for a long time, that has increased the amount of people just walking into stores and walking out with bags of stuff and not caring about the consequences because the store clerks aren’t doing anything and it’s just a misdemeanor anyway so who cares.

That’s a more broad question. Raising the felony limits is procedural, but could be considered more lenient, but I’d have to see the prosecution numbers. I’m not even sure where to find that.

Seems like you’re grasping at straws here and again…the only person who’s made an incorrect assertion on this line is you. Also, it doesn’t matter that you don’t want to talk about how crime stacks up to Indiana or Texas, because it breaks your argument.

Seems like you’re trying anything. Yesterday, she was too tough on crime. Today, she’s too weak on crime. Both were assertions from you. Why don’t you just say you don’t like her face? That’s about all you’re really saying.

Or you could just respond to the fact that she’s rated the farthest left of any Senator?

Her record is important for people to know. Time to dig it up.

That’s an assumption, not backed by presented data. Lowering the threshold doesn’t mean it wasn’t “cracked down” on. You haven’t presented to arrest and prosecution statistics. You’re attempting to make a point with pure supposition.

egocentric, not backed by data…hearsay

I’ve seen the videos. SFO and Oakland seems like shitholes now. I don’t know. But, misdemeanors are prosecuted, I assure you.

I’ve been arrested 6 times in my life, all 6 misdemeanors. All in my 20s, being dumb, but still…pretending a misdemeanor won’t land you in jail is incorrect. Drunk driving is a misdemeanor. Also, do a little bit more research into the thefts


As a note, I get what you’re attempting. Crime bad in Cali, Kamala fault. It’s a bad line of attack, dude.
Your candidate has been convicted of 34 felonies, his businesses essentially kicked out of a state for being fraudulent, several of his sham companies from the past closed due to being fraudulent. Thousands of people attacked police in his name at the capitol.

It’s a bad line of attack. Your candidate is a lifelong criminal and 34 time felon found liable for rape. Mine is a prosecutor and then AG who puts people in prison.

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:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:
That was good. We’re not that sophisticated and rich, though. The cars are used. The house is probably smaller than yours. The garage is filled with fishing gear, power tools and guns. I don’t think we qualify on that one. But, I’m loving it none the less.

No kids. I was 43 when we got married. I’m too old for kids at this point. I turn 48 soon. I’d be dead before they got out of college

By whom? Over what time period? She was Senator for 1 term, 2017-2021. The only thing I saw was a GovTrack story about how during 2017-2018, she had a 100% score, along with 14 others in the Senate on progressive issues.

I applaud that. You don’t. I will remind you Trump’s record is pretty bad. So are the 34 felonies he’s been convicted of, attempting to subvert the transfer of power, over 30,000 lies in 4 years, 1 million covid deaths, attacking NATO, applauding Putin and Kim Jong Un (even after they murdered and American), attacking our courts, judges, intelligence agencies, allies, and news…anyone who could hold him accountable. He’s on record calling Epstein 85 times, with Epstein having 13 different contact #s for him, even sued by a girl who said he and Epstein raped her at 13. He wished Maxwell the best during her child sex trafficking trial. His businesses are routinely found to be fraudulent. Nearly everyone around him has been indicted. We can literally go on for a LONG time…

We’ll have to agree to disagree on a lot of that.

-34 felonies are politically motivated. They’ve been out to get him from jump street.
-subverting the transfer of power? Ok, disagree
-30,000 lies? What metric and who’s keeping track of that? Not to mention, all politicians lie with impunity. Most lie about what they will actually try to do as president. Trump tells you and then does it more often than not.
-come on, putting 1 million COVID deaths on him is dishonest. How many were under Biden?
-applauding Putin and Kim? What did they do that was aggressive when he was president?
-proof of involvement with girls on Epstein Island?

There is one fact trump asked the Secretary of State in georgia to find him the votes to win the state. Just for this crime alone the guy should never be able to run for office again.

Indiana, why do so many people defend trumps actions. The guy is a crook and a con man. These are not just opinions. They are facts. He is a cult leader. When you follow someone who does things wrong and just blow them off that is a cult.

If you tell me well I like him because

1- he will lower my taxes - ok
2- he will give me conservative judges - ok
3- he will take a bullet for you - ok

Trump wants to be president again for one person - himself. He knows that if he loses the odds are that he will most likely end up in court after the election and if he loses the odds are he will spend time in jail.

If he gets in office - good luck - four years of drama. Guy won’t get shit done.

This has to be the most tone deaf statement.

Let me shoot an AR at your ear and graze you. I’m sure it won’t cause any stress right 305?

Guy has been out campaigning non stop at 76. Motherfucker took a shot at him.

He’s back to business the same night.

You people will do anything to discount Trump and place a premium on democrats while claiming you’re non-partisan and independents.

We all see through it for years.

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Negative 305ive

Biden’s been an absolute vegetable for a very long time…It’s been a laughing point for years.

The fact you think that post was a flex shows how primitive and underdeveloped your mind is, again, basically an elementary school kid throwing shit on the wall.

Then why mention it? Trust me no one gives a shit.

Same age lol

I’m pretty sure that history will show that they knew about his condition years ago and hid it.

Hell, look how fast they turned on him after the debate. We all saw the stumbles and the mumbles and the hiding from the media etc.

It’s definitely worse now, I won’t argue that. But we were all calling it from a mile away years ago. Too much smoke.

They were protecting him as much as possible.

Indiana, why should we take the word of republicans regarding Biden. This is the same party who allowed trump to break over two hundred years of history by not relinquishing power. He lost an election and to this day won’t admit it. This from a man who tried to discredit Obama. The same party who is now saying Obama wife is a man. The right has lied for years. You have a president who kept documents that were not his and lied about it. At what point do you think that maybe taking the word of the right on this is complete and utter bs.

Whether you like Harris or not, they discredit her by saying she is a DEI hire. Gtfo here. She became a district attorney, attorney general, senator and a vp. Now she is running for president. Yeah trust the people who are disgusting and saying she is not qualified and not smart. Wait from the party who gave us MG. The woman who is fucking retarded. You now how a guy who mom is a meth head. Ok, wtf has Vance done to be picked for VP? Yeah let’s trust those people.

Is this a joke? Biden is president right?

3 years ago when the immigration disaster was unfolding at the border, all of the media outlets were calling her the border czar. It’s not convenient to tie her to the border anymore since Joe is kicked to the curb. It was everywhere. It was a way for Biden to push this off on her as her responsibility. She had a press conference in El Paso talking about how they were going to address the issue. Myorkas was standing right behind her.

Now the press is gaslighting as usual, saying she’s not the border czar. Don’t call her that even though everyone was calling her that and she was clearly charged with coming up with ways to address root causes and propose fixes. She did nothing.

Media gaslighting as usual.

Joe basically called her that two months ago. lol. He talked about the benefits of the core values of diversity, equity, and inclusion and referenced how it went all the way to the top with the VP, talking about Kamala.

When he went to pick a VP he literally said he was going to pick a black woman. Why else would he do that if she wasn’t a DEI hire? You can’t be this dense, can you?

Don’t even try bringing him back to reality

His meltdown is reaching covid levels…Just laugh at it, it’s funny to watch.

Ohhhhh ya, he’s just getting started.

I’m feeling it