Looks like Biden will drop

Proving you wrong is getting boring, mainly because you repeatedly show you don’t care if you’re accurate or not.

First, he didn’t say he wanted a black woman as VP. He committed to picking a woman

Now, was Reagan doing DEI hires? He pledged the same thing when he was picking Supreme Court justices


Over and over and over again, you’re wrong. Not a single time do you show you care.

Considering every post you make is full of shit, I’m not even looking this one up to prove it to you. You never give a shit when you’re proven wrong anyway.

Here. Boring

Indiana did trump tell his party to not pass legislation to deal with immigration? Like I said before immigration is a talking point of the right. They actually don’t want to deal with immigration because once you take it off the table what are you running on. It’s a fear tactic.

Indiana, how did trump administration deal with COVID. That was actually something that was a real issue in this country. The man who said it would just blow away. lol. The man who say there and made fun of people only to end of up with covid. What did trumps team hide. How bad was he?

This just in every president has moments which don’t go right. It is amazing how you guys always pick out the 1-2 issues that went wrong under Biden but act like king trump never had things go wrong.

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Kamala Harris served in all 3 branches of government. I believe she’s the only Presidential candidate to do so, ever.

Amy Coney Barrett served on the bench for 3 years and was put in the highest court in the land. Sounds to me like she was the DEI hire in this conversation. She went from a law clerk to a federal judge to the Supreme Court in 4 years.

[quote=“IndianaCane, post:168, topic:6402”]
We’ll have to agree to disagree on a lot of that.

-34 felonies are politically motivated. They’ve been out to get him from jump street.

He was convicted of a jury of his peers, with his attorneys agreeing on the jury in question. Do you deny the concept of courts and the justice system? Do you deny he was guilty? He was also found liable for rape. His company was found guilty of fraud. His CFO found guilty of tax evasion. He was found guilty of illegally using charity funds. We can go on and on forever. His first charge was in 1973 in federal court for housing discrimination and settled but was overwhelmingly guilty. At what point does your integrity or morals kick in? Ever?

-subverting the transfer of power? Ok, disagree

How exactly? It’s been as clearly outlined as how the wheel works.

Not even worth the rest. The more I talk with conservative the more its proven that it isn’t about politics or policy. You have an inherent problem with integrity. It just is

When it comes to the conviction Warden it was politically motivated. Mind you Trump has broken more laws than any prior president in the history of our country. HUGE…Is that not trumps words. He is right about one thing when Trump does something wrong…he goes HUGE…I have said it many times before like him because his policies benefit you. Don’t bring up ethics or morality with Trump because there is none.

No one except you extremists believe any of this

For instance if they put a raging liberal, OrangeManBadder like yourself on the jury, … We know what the verdict will be. And this is before we even get into the wack job left judges.

And people are smart enough to see through that bullshit. No one in the world outside of extreme leftists believe/care about those charges.

I know lot of people who can’t stomach Trump. Some of these, and would assume some others (definitely not all) are voting democrat, and others who won’t vote for Trump (number dwindling there was more of this year or 2 ago) no matter what…And when the trials are brought up, they all say same thing “ya that was phony”…“I mean we all know that was politics”…“Ya they are out to get him, it’s election year”…Many just laugh and agree. You don’t have to be a Trumper to admit this.

Wake up…Fuck those trials, no one with a brain or capable of non-bias respects the verdict. Just maniacs and crazy Trump haters like you

Listen to one speak…Ask either one a real question…

Notice a difference?

One is a total fucking idiot.

Just fine…Someone ask this cunt what he would have had him do^^^

Absolute maniac…Going off the deep end (again)

It’s called a verifiable fact. You can deny verifiable facts all you want, but it doesn’t change the verifiable facts.

His lawyers approved of the jury selection.

…says the guy who voted for Trump, 100% attacks anyone not praising Trump and thinks women are less than. According to polls, you’re incorrect.

says the shill…


Here’s where he gets desperate, in full cunt80 fashion and just blurts out anything, obviously I’ve never said a word about women like that and don’t feel that way…Nor do I respect others who do. And I don’t attack anyone not praising Trump. I have been quite critical of Trump on this message board…Arguing against his behavior, approach, etc…with Canebill, StormFront, and GSC

So cute.

Keep reaching you little spazz

Read nole80 post after post…

You know it’s happening, pure comedy….The run on sentences, the jumbled drivel

Just enjoy it with us, it’s much easier.

Indiana, you need to get out of the FOX News mindset that California is making felonies misdemeanors and understand this first:

  • ALL states have a threshold for theft - Above that amount is a felony and below that amount is a misdemeanor.
  • ALL states can pick their own monetary amounts.
  • ALL states must regularly UPDATE these amounts because of inflation, etc.

In other words, a news story about some felonies in California becoming misdemeanors is a NOTHINGBURGER. It is a scare tactic against California for something that happens in conservative states too.

Prop 47:

The law made some non-violent property crimes, where the value does not exceed $950, into misdemeanors.

This is stuff like burglary, forging, bad checks, etc. Pick a state, and you will find distinctions between stealing a pack of gun and raiding the safe in the back. That’s how these laws generally work.

I’m sure he was VERY stressed. That’s probably why he was playing golf. What’s your point?

Discount him how? I didn’t say anything bad about him, I’m just not singing his praises for playing golf like you are.

And somehow Trump lost a debate and an election to that vegetable? Which side are you trying to dump on, exactly?

Wrong. It wasn’t just Axios. Everyone was saying it. Don’t pretend like it didn’t exist.

Considering every post you make is full of shit, I’m not even looking this one up to prove it to you. You never give a shit when you’re proven wrong anyway.

Here. Boring

They had to trump up those charges to make them felonies. If you were honest with yourself, you’d admit that they wouldn’t have done that for anyone other than Trump. They have to twist themselves into pretzels to try to get him.

Discussion of a “border czar” is pretty dumb since that’s not actually a thing.

From what I remember, and not being too political, one of Biden’s first pushes for Kamala was for her to do some border stuff. BUT I seem to remember her not wanting to take it on, and this being a sticking point between the President and his VP. From what I remember this is what put Kamala in the doghouse and she pretty much hadn’t been in the limelight since.

I would guess that Harris didn’t want to be a punching bag over the border, especially as a minority where she would get it from conservatives as well as progressives. (Remember that Biden, to the consternation of Dems, upheld many of Trump’s border policies.)

That’s playing politics. So IMO she was thinking about her political future there.

As far as any actual border responsibilities or successes/failures thereof, I don’t think there’s much substance there. She’s the VP and can only/ will only do what Biden instructs her to do.

Attempting to place any meaningful blame on her over the border is ALSO playing politics.