Looks like Biden will drop

Agree that she can’t really change anything with the border. But the term was thrown out a lot and now they are trying to cover and act like it was never a thing (the media that is).

It’s also funny how the fact that it was reported that she was the farthest left Senator by that watchdog group and if you google that now it shows that the page doesn’t exist. They are trying to bury her record.

Your own source cites Axios and Republicans

The misdemeanor charge of falsifying business records in the second degree says that a person is guilty when, with intent to defraud, he “makes or causes a false entry in the business records of an enterprise.” The first-degree felony charge says that the state must prove that the intent to defraud “includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.”

That raises the question of which other crime prosecutors would cite; one that they’ve pointed to is an election law that bars conspiring “to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means.” That, in turn, raises the question of what the “unlawful means” are, which could include campaign finance violations like the ones Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to over the hush money scheme (though the state should emphasize the precise theory in its summation).

Doesn’t seem so complicated to me.
Further, doesn’t seem so difficult. He’s got plenty

Also, you’re acting like this is in a vacuum. He’s been involved 4000 cases since 1979.

His businesses, over and over, fraud. He has decades of not paying vendors and employees, using his $ to screw them over in courts. From Trump Org to Trump U, fraud…over and over and over again.
For fuck’s sake, he stole from charities to the point they legally cannot work with or operate a charity in NY. The defrauded a children’s cancer charity. Every part of his life has been riddled with lawsuits and fraud since the early 70s.
The only ones twisting themselves into pretzels are the Trump supporters who have proven to be the easiest marks in human history. If just 1 of these things was on anyone else’s records, they’d have been smacked out of the races immediately. Trump could rape a baby on tv and you’d applaud.

You mean like how the Trump people tried to bury the case where the girl claimed he and Epstein raped her at age 13?

It’s Manhattan. Who the did they have to choose from?

I’d say that’s a pathetic indictment on society more than anything. People will vote for an inanimate object over Trump.

Lol…He beat Trump so bad in the debate you just told me it sealed his fate as president.

Trump says dumb shit, no doubt…But he thoroughly cooked that vegetable Biden to a crisp. At least be realistic, 305

NewsBusters: CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC Called Kamala Harris the ‘Border Czar’

I’d say that’s a pathetic indictment on society more than anything. People will vote for an inanimate object over Trump.


If you have to defend a person to the point that Trump supporters do that should tell you all you need to know. I never saw Republicans have to defend Bush 1 or 2 like Trump. I never saw Republicans have to defend Reagan like they do with Trump. Deep down Trump supporters know that he is a pos. His cult likes him because Trump says things that others can’t. No one could get away with what he says. He is a awful human being. You can’t be religious like GSC and be ok with Trump.

He is basically everything Jesus is not…He is the ultimate con man.

This does not count

How can anyone defend this POS. Lets not get into his father who along with Donald who were sued.
His school…

Trump’s convictions in New York will never survive appellate review of the Moscow-like show trial that occurred in New York. Judge Merchan is the worst judge that I’ve ever seen in my more than eighty years on the planet. He deserves strong sanction from the bar. The trial was fraught with legal mistakes and unconstitutional malpractice.

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So, only certain parts of the country have the ability to source citizens for court? Is that your stance?
Again, Trump’s lawyers approved of the jury selection.

And you’d still vote for him if he sucked Putin’s cock on tv and then raped a baby on the podium.

Got anything but a headline from a known fraud, like actual source material?

You’ve never been correct about any prediction, ever. Not once.

You mean like the myriad of Trump lawyers?



You really fall for the gaslighting huh.

A clip went viral of left-wing media figure Ron Filipkowski previously calling Harris “the border czar” on MSNBC, after he posted on social media that Axios was incorrect to use the term.

CNN had a similarly drastic change of heart. CNN correspondent Ed Lavandera and CNN commentator Alyssa Farah Griffin both referred to Harris as the “border czar” in 2021 and 2023, respectively

Lying to your face and you eat it up.

Funny that you come across as high and mighty here and get totally duped. Might not want to rely on the legacy media sites so much. It can bite you.

Lol, once again, which side are you guys trying to dump on? :joy:

Bro we are talking about BEFORE this last disastrous debate. Your point was that Biden has been a vegetable for years. I’m saying Trump lost and election to a vegetable then. In other words, what you’re saying is BS.

305, they don’t believe Biden won. They believe the election was stolen.

Haha. I realize that you could take it that way.

You could ALSO take it that people would rather burn our country to the ground or turn us into a Communist Country like China rather than vote for a Republican.

Kamala’s platform is basically a Socialist platform. Look at the bills she sponsored as a Senator in Cal. Crazy stuff.

I’m not sure who that is. Also, I get you guys trying what you can to attach some negative on Harris, but I’m not sure who you think you’re prying away from her with this czar thing. It’s not even an official title. What do I give a fuck if Ron Fliptastic called her a czar. Isn’t he just a twitter guy?

Do Vice President set policy? What exact power does the VP have outside of breaking a tie in the Senate? The Republicans got a wish list on the bipartisan border deal and then tanked it when it would hurt Trump’s campaign. The Southwest border is down 55% since Biden’s recent executive order.

Really? Like this?

Um…you do realize you’re defending Donald Trump while talking about others being duped, right?

It was simply to point out how the media is doing a 180 backtrack and lying that they ever called her that. I get it that it’s not an official title but Biden said he was putting her in charge of the border, whatever that means.

It’s similar to how Gov track is trying to erase the fact that they called her the farthest left senator. It’s just deleted now.

Yeah I never bought any of that stuff.

Is it? Tell me, where exactly in her platform is anything socialist, just one thing will work. Do you know what Socialism is? Doesn’t seem so

You mean like what the Trump campaign and Project 2025 is? Fact is, the only party trying to change the Constitution is the GOP. The only party who refuses a peaceful transfer of power is the GOP. The only party who wants to make the Justice Dept, CIA and FBI report directly to the President only and only be beholden to the President himself is the GOP, the only party who wants to fire all civil servants and replace them with party loyalists is the GOP, only one party wants to force children to have their rapists’ babies…the GOP, only one party declared war on teachers, schools and libraries…the GOP, only one party things the country should be a theocracy…the GOP, only one party uses the power of government to punish speech (Desantis and Disney/ Trump and many companies during his term)…the GOP, only the GOP praises Victor Orban for seizing control of universities, rewriting the Constitution and neutering the courts. The GOP does not like the Constitution, does not like the citizenry, does not like the government, does not like enforcement of the law, does not like the concept of voting, but praises dictators, criminals, thieves, in their dive to the bottom of the moral barrel under Trump…the felon rapist.

Doesn’t really matter, though, does it? Most of your party did. Most of your news organizations lied to you and were caught, admitted it and settled in a court of law.

I’ve still yet to see where a regular news agency did it. MSNBC had a twitter guy on who used the term? Axios did, apparently. I’m not sure…does Axios count as that? I’m out of the loop, maybe they do count as legacy media. I’m just not sure what exactly it proves and I’ve still yet to see CBS or CNN call her a czar, or even tell me exactly what a czar is in the US. Dunno dude.

I have no idea. Maybe they made a mistake. I read it was in 2019 from GovTrack and it’s no longer there, but I read that on Fox News…who, as we all know, isn’t news. It’s a propaganda arm of the GOP. Who knows. Does anyone care except the GOPers, probably not?

It’s amazing you’re calling out everyone on misreporting or bullshit report, while being a Trump supporting GOPer. Your entire media is built on lying their dicks off to you. Your candidate is the least honest human most of us have ever even dreamed of. Talk about irony.