Looks like Biden will drop

She wants universal basic income. That’s a good start

Socialism advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned and regulated by the community as a whole. Unless you’re banning markets and currency, that’s not socialism. UBI can be part of a socialism or capitalist society, by definition.

You can not like it. But, that doesn’t make it socialism. There are some captivating arguments on each side. Figuring out how we proceed once AI takes place is going to be quite tricky, but is another topic for another day. Basic automation has already destroyed parts of the US and the world, i.e. Appalachia. Legislation didn’t kill coal jobs, automation did long before that.

Again, the only party talking about being authoritarians are the GOP.

On a side note, can you imagine what you and the rest of MAGA would say if Kamala Harris had 5 kids with 3 different husbands and then buried her 1st husband on her golf course next to a water hazard?


Right, and then it progresses to the government gives you all of your money and they tell you what you can and can’t spend it on.

That’s the end goal of reparations, btw. They want to start there and move to UBI for all.

Don’t let the left fool you. They want to control everything in your life. Just need to expose them for who they are. I think people are wise to it.

Equity is the buzzword for what they want to do. It used to be an equality, but now it’s equity. Listen to Kamala speak.

Don’t like the Supreme Court, pack it. Don’t like the current election process with Electoral Votes, change it.

That’s what’s called pulling something out of your ass. Erroneous, backed by nothing but your asshole.

Is it now? Sounds, again, like you’re entirely and totally full of shit. No backing. No bills. No data. Not even a policy paper on supposition. 100% out of your ass.

Again, 100% full of shit. YOUR GOP are the ones telling you what you can read, what your kids can be taught, burning books, attacking librarians and teachers, not allowing certain words to be used in government, pretending history isn’t history, what kind of healthcare you can have, forcing children to have rapists’ babies, trying to arrest you for going to another state for a legal procedure, wanting to tell you what religion you can be or can’t be…all the way down to trying to punish people and businesses for their personal speech. You’re supporting authoritarians. Only one party is pushing a dictatorship, pushing authoritarianism…yours. Even members of your own party publicly call themselves Christian Nationalists. By definition, that’s theocratic authoritarianism.

You mean like how the GOP and McConnell refused to let Obama appoint a Supreme Court Justice? Did you know, and I know you don’t based upon post after post of basic ignorance, that the # of Supreme Court justices at 9 in 1869 because there were 9 appellate courts…one Justice for each court. We now have 14 appellate courts.
Originally, there were 6 as of 1789. It’s fluctuated between 5 to a high of 10.

Considering your party literally tried to overthrow the government to stay in power, literally attacked Congress by force chanting about how they wanted to murder the VP and members of Congress, all because you lost the vote…you’ve got some gall to talk about changing things because you don’t like the results. Gall, lack of integrity, lack of basic knowledge, whatever you want to call it.

The slippery slope is undefeated. Don’t be dense, anyone who looks at history can see the ultimate goals.

And the below just totally went off the rails, unhinged. Exaggerations, lies, etc. Tried to murder the VP? Any reasonable argument you were trying to make just got invalidated.

Considering your party literally tried to overthrow the government to stay in power, literally attacked Congress by force chanting about how they wanted to murder the VP and members of Congress, all because you lost the vote…you’ve got some gall to talk about changing things because you don’t like the results. Gall, lack of integrity, lack of basic knowledge, whatever you want to call it.

You mean because they chanted it on video while trying to find Mike Pence?

You do realize it was all on tape, right?

Socialism the word from the right to scare idiots in the middle of the country who don’t know better.

Do it with your business. Let the community run it like a local baseball board. Should be successful.

Oh…I didn’t realize YOU were talking about that, BRO…Cool.

So you are admitting that your candidate was a vegetable in the last election? and he got elected with the most votes in history. Makes sense.

You have two options here. And both options make your side look like total losers. #1 the electorate is dumb as a box of rocks and elects a vegetable (very possible). Or #2 there was something nefarious with the elections. I know that 305 knows this deep down, but he’s a hard core Cali Dem through and through so he’ll ignore his logic and reality.

I thought Biden was as sharp as a tack. We heard that about 20-30 times over the years.

Lying to your face, and just like Warden you eat it up.

Funny you say this because “accelerationists” tend to be Trump supporters.

No, I’m saying by skeeter’s logic that Biden was a vegetable, that means Trump lost to a vegetable. By skeeter’s logic. And skeet’s gonna sit here and pretend he wasn’t talking about back then, but he was, since his whole point was that Biden was really bad for years.

I grew up a Miami Dem. Right now I’m a left-leaning moderate, but don’t let that fool you. I agree with conservatives on quite a bit.

In the past, Biden had plenty of opportunities to prove he was sharper than Trump, and he did so in past debates. I don’t know if he was under the weather or tired or actually declining in the last debate, but the actual circumstances don’t matter. What matters is the American public and his base lost faith in him. That’s how disastrous that debate was. No one is denying that so I don’t get why people are arguing about it.

Do what with my business? You, personally, are the only individual on this entire forum who advocates for the Govt taking control of private industry. Just you.

Right, right…and you were the guys who tried to storm the Capitol because you lost and couldn’t take it, while you were voting for a rapist and 2 bit conman. :joy:

Amazing how Biden’s mental state was appraised before the debate and how it was appraised afterward. The cover-up of Biden’s dementia is a classic example of misgovernment, leftist politicians with the help of fake news purveyors purposefully lying to the people.

As it turns out, the people have no say in choosing the Democrat Party nominee, and I find it rather gleeful that due to DEI, the Democrats have hitched their wagons to a loser without any remedy to change their pick. Kamala is incredibly unlikable. Furthermore, she inspires no staff loyalty, having a 92 percent turnover rate in her office.

Kamala does not deserve to be in high office, for she attained her various positions through sexual liaisons with powerful men who stewarded her into high paying jobs for which she is poorly qualified. Kamala has been taken to task with no holds barred by Judge Joe Brown on Twitter. Kamala it turns out is quite the trollop.

As far as how deserving Kamala is, I suppose the voters will be the ultimate judge.

That sounds good 305 that voters will decide on the question of deserving high office, but voters are constrained by the lack of the free flow of information. Already, certain news companies are purging their files of things that negatively affect Kamala. Kamala WAS named the Border Czar, and she did have the most liberal voting record during her tenure in the Senate, that is, to the left of such turds as Elizabeth the faux Indian Warren and Bernie the real estate mogul socialist Sanders. It’s amazing how liberals enjoy living opulently while having such sympathy for the poor. Liberals love to wall themselves in.

Sure, but how much do voters care about candidates’ pasts anyway?

Trump used to be a Democrat.

Vance once called Trump Hitler.

Yet now they are headlining the Republican ticket.

It seems like nothing matters but the here and now.

blah, blah, blah…you’re going to get your ass kicked again.

Deal with it.

Indeed, it is the here and now that matters 305, but a dearth of information due to censorship affects the here and now decision. Kamala was a loser on a losing team. Her one universally recognized task as VEEP was that of border czar, and now her czarship is being denied by the mendacity of the liberal press.

Changing the topic, I dislike Trump’s choice of VEEP. Trump made a huge tactical error by not mending fences with Nicki Haley, who would have drawn substantial numbers of white female voters into voting for Trump. I still think Trump will win the election, my judgment formed by the public’s rejection of ultra-liberal George McGovern in 1972. Interestingly, Anthony Scarmoucci was interviewed recently and suggested that Trump would “Scaramuch” Vance in short order. I’d like to see it happen.