Looks like Biden will drop

No numbnuts

When you said the word “debate”…I literally just defaulted to this year…Because it was just fresh in my head. I really didn’t even consider the debate from 4 years ago, but when I re-read your post, I gotcha now

But doesn’t change my stance, Biden’s been a worthless vegetable for a while…Is it at it’s worse now? yes of course.

She must be really good in bed if she made it all the way up to the presidency. For all the knocks against her she is one election away from being president of the us. That hs quite impressive for someone like Kamala.

Bikkk, by saying the things you and the right are saying it looks and sounds similar to how they went after Obama. He is gay, his wife is a man, he is not from this country. At some point you have to be careful in that message.

If you are going to go after Kamala…then you must do the same with trump.

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No one ever went after Trump huh? They didn’t conjure up a kangaroo court with bullshit charges that no one besides the most devout of leftists believe…And for them, it doesn’t matter, the ends justifies the means.

Fucking idiot?

Congratulations, Fish. You’ve created the quote of the year. You’ve identified one thing in which DEI Kamala has overachieved. Her bedroom skills certainly are the standout ones in her resume. Perhaps Kamala would be better off giving up presidential aspirations in favor of starting a custom, autographed knee pad business.

He’s a chin-wipe for his hero Trump.

Ah, the Antiquated Aryan chimes in with his regularly scheduled overwhelming fear and jealousy of black people with accomplishments.

^^^The type to sit home all cucked up and make sure he was screaming loud enough at his tv during the trials to impress progressive cunt wife so maybe she’ll fuck him instead of making him hold the video cam as part of his racism penance

This why I have zero respect for GSC…How can you be religious and defend trump. Anyone that think Trump gives two shits if women have abortions. He knew that this was a way to get elected. He could care less about the consequences. Trump is an awful human being. Anyone of faith who backs him is full of shit. You either have morals and ethics or you don’t.

My post recognized Kamala’s overachievement in being an exceptional bed person, and I further suggested her monetizing her expertise by becoming a purveyor of custom autographed knee pads. I was lauding what has been Kamala’s most successful lifetime achievement.

You fear her, just like you fear Obama. It’s adorable, old man.

You’re going to lose again and there is nothing you can do about it.