Looks like Biden will drop

And there will be an open convention where delegates will vote on a new candidate to be nominated.

Will be interesting and a good education in the nomination process- IF the democrats don’t corrupt it.

Fake news? not seeing this

Right, right…isn’t Newsmaxx the one sued for $1.6 billion for lying to you about their own GOP corruption in the attempt to overthrow a legal and complete national election?

Didn’t they also get sued by Smartmatic?

Biden may drop out, but the corruption claim lay on your doorstep.

Btw, where was that scar you were referring to about Trump?

As I suggested in earlier post, the Democrats have a vexing problem with what to do with Kamala. What a low blow it would be were Biden not to support her. Yet, her approval ratings have been incredibly low, and she’s done virtually nothing as VP especially with regard to her being named the Border Czarina.

The problem with both parties is neither has a number 2.

Kamala has had a whole term to shine and she flubbed early and got sidelined and never recovered. Trump had to pick someone new basically out of a hat instead of trying to prop up anyone with any actual agency.

So both parties are pigeonholed right now.

I think an open Dem convention could do wonders for the party, but a lot of things would need to go right for me to consider it a real success. I honestly don’t have that much faith in our political system.

That said, surprises do happen. I didn’t have much faith in Biden’s first term, but he did a semi-incredible job considering what he was facing. Maybe some of it is just having a normal president back to business after Trump’s disastrous term, but Biden has surprised me in a good way.

Still, I consider it a major failing that he didn’t nurture a candidate to take over for him now.

Trump Jr and Eric.

Vance was a horrid pick.

So, where’s that scar and impact mark you were talking about?

So, you want a theocratic dictatorship run via hereditary lineage. Why do you even pretend to support this country at all? What you want is diametrically opposed to everything we were founded on. Honestly, why be here if its everything you’re against? Miami football?

Vance is actually a good pick. They guy is certainly talented and has a strong motor. He was selected to help deliver the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Being from Ohio amidst this particular geographical area, Vance will be a very active campaigner. If these states go to Trump, there is no pathway for Biden to win the electoral count.

I wouldn’t have chosen Vance, and perhaps I’ll change my thoughts about him once I observe his performance. I’d have selected Nicki Haley who could have brought an anti-Trump constituency into voting for the Donald. The fence mending was one of the best results of the party convention, and it was a great convention which should be worrisome to Democrats. If not Haley, I would have chosen Tim Scott whom I somewhat dislike, but he’s another who could have lured anti-Trump voters to consider Trump.

The lower the quality of character, the more Bikki is attracted.

In the photo. I already showed you.

If it’s not you explain what it was.

What’s the difference? All presidents are related anyway. It’s an oligarchy.

At least I trust those 2.

You trust Jr and Eric Trump. Jesus - those two could not run an ice cream stand. I don’t believe families should be able to run this country. His daughter got the brains in the family. She wants nothing to do with politics.

Vance called trump Hitler. Now he is his best friend. I don’t believe for a second that he is the future of the Republican Party. I don’t think anyone realizes that only Trump can pull off being MAGA. Anyone else is going to look phony. Once trump is gone so will be MAGA. The Republican Party will go into a different direction imho. Just like the left won’t ever find another Obama - the right won’t find another trump.

I think he stays in. We will see.

Have you met Jill???

Rumors are H Clinton.

I don’t think Kamala can obtain the nomination on the first balloting vote of the Dem Convention. After the first round, the superdelegates become involved and might very well stage a satanic resurrection and nominate Hillary. Nevertheless, no politician has a more inflated opinion of himself than Joe Biden. Surely, Biden is upset by what he must perceive as a lack of loyalty Biden’s spite could come into play in refusing to cooperate with Schumer, Pelosi, and the Obama minions.

I have lost a ton of respect for Biden. This reminds me of Bobby Bowden not wanting to leave. After watching the debate it was over for me. That was scary to watch that. Whether you like Joe Biden or not the debate was the end game. You can’t watch that from either side and think wow this guy should be running the party. I remember watching with my wife and she said what do you think? I said it’s over, he can’t win.

It is time to move on. Dems have a good bench. I feel that Harris can beat trump just because trump is such a weak option. I just don’t see women voting for trump. I don’t see minorities voting for him. I also think Vance was a mistake for trump. Should have taken Rubio or this guy from florida. They say vance is the future - this will be the highest he goes in politics. Sorry but I doubt he could ever win the presidency.

The one thing is that if the Dems went to an open convention it would draw huge numbers on tv. Get someone in there that they like and it could be a big win for Dems.

I know Bikki and GSC like trump but he is a bad option. I liked Haley but her selling out for trump was a mistake. Watched Byron Daniels on billl Maher. Heard he was up for VP. Trump should have selected him. Very impressive.

Well Biden dropped out.

lol. The president with the most votes in history is forced to step down.

How would you like to be a Dem right now when you don’t get to vote for your party nominee?

Democracy is on the ballot folks. Hahah.

Too funny

What does the last election have to do with this one. Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary. Biden was not winning the election. Trump would win but the turnout probably would have been the lowest the last 3-4 elections. Dems were not voting for trump.

What Biden did in the last election was not going to make an impact in this one.