Looks like Biden will drop

How do you go from the most votes in history to having to drop out three years later?

That’s after people have been telling us for years that he’s sharp as a tack and just has a stutter.

Lying to your face openly.

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He wasn’t win the election? But he was doing a great job I heard? Shouldn’t those 2 things co-relate.

Indiana, seriously. You are going to go to the election was rigged. What is amazing is republicans never bring up that trump got a million and a half more votes in California in 2020 compared to 2016. How is that possible. When trump ran in 2020 it brought out a ton of people who can’t stand him. It is that simple. That is why the numbers went up on both sides. While very popular - he is not liked on the other side. You go and look at the numbers trump did worse this year than in 2016-2020 in the primaries. That is why Haley stayed in. She knew he was flawed. This year the numbers on both sides would have most likely bene lower. Now…let’s see what happens.

I never said it was rigged. You are putting words in my mouth.

I said how do you go from the most votes in history to dropping out?

And if that many people hate vote against Trump then shouldn’t Biden win again? I’m told a wet blanket could get enough votes to beat Trump.

Why not run Biden again since he beat him once?

Have you not watched him the past month. I had no idea he was that bad. That debate did him in. There was no chance for him to win after the debate. He was up in most polls last time. This time he was getting his ass kicked.

LOL…Well that’s on you, idiot.

He no longer has the mental capacity to go on. That’s how. He’s way too old and his age is showing even more now. I honestly don’t believe he would live out a second term.

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I think the point is that we saw this 1,000 miles away.

If you didn’t see it, you were fooling yourself.

There were signs 3 years ago but we were told it’s just a stutter.

Don’t let the media lie to your face like that when you see it with your eyes.

Indiana, the one thing that I actually enjoyed about Biden is unlike trump, we did not hear about him every day. He always messed up names. I saw Biden speak once in the past year and that was the state of the union. He did fine at the event. The debate was the first time I saw him speak after the state of the union. It was shocking and honestly I wondered if he had stroke.

I can find snipits of trump and he sounded incoherent.

There were age concerns the first time around. EVERYBODY saw that. I think the majority expectation was that Biden wouldn’t run again. The problem was everybody forgot about that the last 2 years.

Everybody has the same questions about Trump. He’s old, he flubs his words, he sometimes utters complete nonsense. I would say both presidents got through their first terms, but there are questions about making it through a second.

You can say the media lies to my face, but IMO Biden had a pretty good term as president and was a hundred times better than the alternative.

JOSEPH R. BIDEN, JR. July 21, 2024

My Fellow Americans,

Over the past three and a half years, we have made great progress as a Nation.

Today, America has the strongest economy in the world. We’ve made historic investments in rebuilding our Nation, in lowering prescription drug costs for seniors, and in expanding affordable health care to a record number of Americans. We’ve provided critically needed care to a million veterans exposed to toxic substances. Passed the first gun safety law in 30 years. Appointed the first African American woman to the Supreme Court. And passed the most significant climate legislation in the history of the world. America has never been better positioned to lead than we are today.

I know none of this could have been done without you, the American people. Together, we overcame a once in a century pandemic and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. We’ve protected and preserved our Democracy. And we’ve revitalized and strengthened our alliances around the world.

It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.

I will speak to the Nation later this week in more detail about my decision.

For now, let me express my deepest gratitude to all those who have worked so hard to see me reelected. I want to thank Vice President Kamala Harris for being an extraordinary partner in all this work. And let me express my heartfelt appreciation to the American people for the faith and trust you have placed in me.

I believe today what I always have: that there is nothing America can’t do - when we do it together. We just have to remember we are the United States of America.

This is a pretty classy move.

Come on, you know he was forced out.

They asked prvitely, then nicely publicly.

Finally they had to get loud and aggressive.

I knew this would be the take. He’s George Washington now. Great American for stepping down when the pressure got high.

And whatever you want to say about Trump being incoherent or flubbing words it’s not in the same galaxy.

I think he rambled but Trump talked for 90 minutes the other night. That was a few days after being shot.

The White House said Joe is good from 10-4 during the day.

Here’s a statement from RFK jr.

I commend President Biden for stepping down. His infirmities were evident to any unbiased observer from the beginning. It was this progressive deterioration — and his abandonment of Democratic Party principles — that prompted me to enter the race and ensure American voters had a viable, vigorous alternative to Donald Trump.

Yet the response of the DNC was to try and hide President Biden’s degeneration from the American public and disable democracy to ram him through to his party’s nomination.

Many Americans fear that the same DNC elites are about to rig the nominating process again to get a monumentally unpopular vice president to step into President Biden’s shoes.

I call on the Democratic Party to return to its traditional commitment to democracy and exemplify it with an open process. Instead of anointing a candidate hand-picked by DNC elites, the party should use neutral polling to identify the candidate who can best beat Donald Trump. The delegates should then select a nominee based on this information.

If they had done this to begin with, I would not have had to leave the Democratic Party.

Lol come on man…Like he had a choice, and like he wrote any of that.

The statement was not even written by Biden. One of his speech writers wrote it and he put his signature on it.

I am going to say that Storm and some of the other posters on this site were right for over a year about this. Now they predicted Michelle Obama would take over which was wrong like many of the things he did say. Also saying she is a man is plain stupid. That being said when someone is right, I will give them credit.

This was a setup. I don’t want to hear they did not have enough time to put together a small primary. When I heard that Harris cant be pass over…WHAT. I did not vote for her, I voted for Biden. There is no way I would EVER vote for Trump. You either have morals or don’t. You either are a decent person or you are not. The fact that the right is trying to make Trump into someone that is GODLIKE is disgusting. He got LUCKY…and the poor schmuck behind him was unlucky. To say that God put his hands on him and got him out of the way while someone else died is wrong. I can’t say it enough, Trump is a POS, scumbag and he does not deserve to be our president…

Now back to the setup. I honestly did not know Biden was as bad as he was. I don’t watch much TV. When I do it is usually Bill Maher on Friday Nights, Netflix or Youtube Channel. When Trump was president it was like reality TV. He was on TV every day. HIs interviews with the media were a joke. Biden on the other hand never seemed to be in the media. The fact that he was never around was actually nice after four years of chaos. There is no doubt that the people around him wanted Biden to not be seen in the state he has been in. The Debate was a disaster and those around him and supported him should be disgusted. I get it they wanted to protect Biden but who the hell is protecting us. The people around Trump are doing the same thing so I don’t want to hear it. He is not all there either. I would not be surprised if Trump had dementia. The plan is now obvious. Harris was not popular and they know if she was put in a primary the odds are Newsom, Shapiro, Wes Moore…all of them would have beaten her. This way she does not have to go through that. They will say there is not enough time or some other BS. When I started to here yesterday that you can’t pass over the first black women canidate that is also the VP…You can see this was the plan. You have a republican party who puts up Trump and Vance who may as well be one the beverly hillbillies…Why do you feel as a party that you have go the black, women route. The Dems were the first to have a jewish vice president, first to have the first women VP, the first women president canidate, the first black president. Jesus, they have hit all the boxes…heck we ran the first open gay guy. This is why Trump and Maga got started. I personally don’t care what the fuck you are. You are either qualified or not. I really like Wes Moore and think he would be a better option.

My vote…I have two choices to vote for Harris who is not going to win Florida or stay home. I do think Harris will win. If she can stay on message which is she was a former prosecutor and Trump is a criminal it will work. I do believe in the good of the american people and they will see Trump for what he is…A CON MAN…

Indiana said yesterday well if Biden had won the last time not this time. Each election was different. Trump was a disaster in Covid. Since people have the memory of a pea now they forget that time. He was a complete and utter disaster. He is the one that gave away the free money and the reality is that is what helped cause the inflatiion that we are now dealing with. Trump had an economy at the end which was trash. Everything was going against him.

Forgive me…I’m not a doctor. Don’t scars last longer than a day? Isn’t that kind of how the definition of scar works, making it a scar? Why aren’t the scars visible the next day, or even the day of the shooting? It’s just a blood spill line…from the 2 cm nick he got in his year.


If you’re shot with an AR-15, you don’t have a 2cm scratch at the top of your ear. If you get a bullet fragment or a piece of glass, you get the 2cm scratch at the top of your ear, like Trump does.

I know you’d never flat out lie…so, where exactly is that scar you keep talking about, or the “impact wound” of his 2cm scratch at the top of his ear.

See @thre305ive …Even this fucking halfwit knows it.

Like anyone on the board is going to waste a minute or two of their life sifting through this idiotic drivel.

Trump was a disaster in Covid.

This did catch my eye…Imagine still believing this ^^…Absolute fucking idiot.

You mean like ya’ll did in 2019?

Judging from the funding received in 7 hours after Biden dropped out, Democrats feel pretty good, apparently.

Considering the last guy attempted to literally overthrow a national election and admitted he wanted to be a dictator, yep.

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