Looks like Biden will drop

I don’t read this forum that often and rarely comment here, but when I do read it, I’m always amazed at how incredibly stupid some people are.

My god reel it in… So fucking dramatic.

You can’t force him out. You can annoy and beg him and he can quit, but nope…he can’t be forced out. He quit. Such is life.

You’re not used to a person putting anything or anyone else above their own personal interests…like how Trump has never put anything or anyone above himself.

Would you prefer difference phrasing? How so?

Lol…You don’t believe this bullshit.

You’re not used to a person putting anything or anyone else above their own personal interests…like how Trump has never put anything or anyone above himself.

Ya ya ya…You and Joe Biden are Mother Theresa…Classic putter above selfers

Sanctimony Season is back in I see

Warden, he was forced out. Biden was not going to leave but it became unsustainable. Eventually the odds of him winning were basically zero and Biden knew at that point. I remember in the scene of JFK when they said the walls were closing in. That is the visual I got with Biden. He knew his time was up. It is fine. I have no problem with him being forced out. I don’t see what the big deal is.

How? Did they punch him? People telling you to do something isn’t forcing you. There was nothing that could be done to him, outside of saying you should drop out. In the end, one man had to make the decision and that was Biden.

That was one of the least reliable movies on the subject matter in history. Good movie though. Care to offer a scene from Big Daddy next?

That still indicates it was his decision.Again, they didn’t hit him. They didn’t kidnap his wife and threaten him. They told him it was a bad idea and he should leave the race. That’s not forcing him out. There was no legal way to force him to do anything. You’re using hyperbole.

Mother Theresa was a cunt.

Got a time when Trump put anyone above himself? Just one would do.

As for including myself in being sanctimonious, I don’t. I’d had made the GOP a terrorist organization the day the Supreme Court ruled on immunity and removed them from ballots and ceased all funding for GOP organizations.

I’m sure it’s happened? Or maybe not…I don’t really give a fuck.

Got a time when Biden did it? When Harris did it? There I can play to

Yep, when Biden funded Ukraine and when he stepped down.


Just stop…You aren’t this fucking stupid.

Nah… Obama/Hillary/Soros etc…

Tapped him on the shoulder and said…“Joe, it’s time”. They pulled on his little puppet strings and it was a wrap. And like that “he’s gone” (Usual Suspects voice)

You don’t have any? I have a few more to help jar your mind

He expanded overtime guarantees for millions
The move: Biden’s Department of Labor reopened the issue and proposed a rule at the end of August that would push up that cutoff by nearly $20,000 — to $55,000. The draft regulation, which still needs to be finalized, would also include a mechanism to automatically adjust that level every three years by yoking it to the 35th percentile of annual income

First over the counter birth control pill
The move: Despite concerns from FDA scientists about consumers’ comprehension of the drug’s proper use and risks, in July 2023 the agency endorsed making the pill available over the counter.

Preventing discriminatory mortgage lending
The move: The Federal Reserve and its fellow independent bank regulators drafted a new anti-redlining framework, which will go into effect starting in January 2026. It requires banks to lend to lower-income communities in areas where they have a concentration of mortgage and small-business loans, rather than just where they have physical branches.

Sweeping crackdown on junk fees and overdraft charges
The move: The CFPB in January released a long-awaited proposal to cut the fees that large banks and credit unions can charge consumers for overdrawing their accounts. The proposal would allow banks to charge fees to cover the cost and losses associated with courtesy overdrafts — either a “breakeven” fee based on the bank’s own calculation or a benchmark fee — both of which would be lower than the punitive $30 or $40 fees that many banks impose now. The CFPB proposed several options for the benchmark fee, ranging from $3 to $14. The agency is also expected to finalize a proposal cutting credit card late fees to $8.

Brokered deal to save Colorado river
The move: The Bureau of Reclamation, led by a Biden appointee, issued an ultimatum last summer, when reservoir levels were careening toward crisis points, and put legal teeth behind a threat to intervene unilaterally. That forced recalcitrant negotiators to the table. The Biden administration and Congress also successfully muscled through a $4 billion pot of money to help pay for conservation efforts.

Giving smaller food producers a boost
The move: In 2021, Biden signed an executive order directing agencies across the government to promote competition and take on monopolies. That included reviving a set of USDA regulations, first proposed during the Obama administration, to promote fairness and increase transparency in meat and poultry markets. In addition, legislation negotiated by the Biden administration is providing billions for rural communities, including at least $1 billion to help small and midsize meatpackers compete in a highly consolidated market. The laws also provide millions in debt relief for farmers who have faced discrimination, funded record increases in farm conservation efforts and boosted programs that help shorten supply chains, directing food from local farms to nearby schools and food banks.

Loosens federal restrictions on marijuana
The move: HHS issued its recommendation in August 2023 that marijuana should be moved from the most prohibitive level on the Controlled Substances Act (Schedule I) to a middle category (Schedule III). Schedule III drugs — which include ketamine and testosterone — have “moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence.” It’s now up to the Drug Enforcement Administration to make a final determination about the proper classification of cannabis, with a decision expected sometime in 2024.

He doesn’t appear to personally benefit from any of these.

I believe you’re up

You’re just writing names of GOP boogeymen. You might as well smear your shit on the wall again

When certain people do it is

He’s a “yes sir” fucking stooge… Actually he probably wanted to quit long ago and wasn’t allowed. The real people in charge wouldn’t let him.

And you’re just being willfully blind partisan fucking idiot.


Really? Like whom?

No data, no support, simply supposition. You might as well tell me a wizard was controlling him while flying on a dragon. Got support for your argument, post it.

(as he does the same thing, also doesn’t have any support)

…says the guy who voted for Trump and attacks 100% of every post that isn’t right wing. Sure, buddy. Sure. You very well might be the most partisan cat on this entire board. At least the other few attempt to post an argument or support for their argument. You simply attack anyone not posting anything right wing.

Again, not one single post to support any argument you’ve listed. Just smearing shit on the wall like a toddler

Really? You wanted examples and I posted them along with details of the bills. Are you now dishonest as well as a toddler shitbag who’s 100% a shill for Trump and the right wingers?