Looks like Biden will drop

You lost this argument a couple times already…In convincing fashion. But at least you caught yourself and didn’t type “far right”. Because that was a bloodbath for you

You cry that I’m right wing…I produce a list of my stances that are moderately left, and you fade away to crickets like the fucking little cunt you are. Rinse/Repeat

The “selflessness” in those legislations are all a matter of opinion, but more importantly the fact that Joe Biden had any free will in the matter of backing them is also a matter of opinion.

How? Did they punch him? People telling you to do something isn’t forcing you. There was nothing that could be done to him, outside of saying you should drop out. In the end, one man had to make the decision and that was Biden.

Warden come on. They systematically broke biden down. They had dems each day going to the media and saying he should drop out. The pressure each day to see people you work with say that you should no longer be president. You are telling me that the pressure of all these people and then Pelosi says that it would be best. You obviously have not had pressure put on you before. Biden would have never left the race. This idea that he is some hero, come on. This was planned. If Biden had said a year ago that he was not going to run again the dems could have put a nice field of contenders out. This shit was planned. Don’t be fooled. Don’t be THEM…The right likes to pull the wool over your eyes. Biden was forced out. He would have stayed on till November, got his ass kicked and said well I did my best. The people around him did Biden a favor.

Warden, you would be best to do what I did with Skeeter. Put him on ignore. Guy had a mental breakdown and wants to take it out on everyone. Have no idea what happened to him. I think he found out his girlfried is trans. She used to have a dick. He lost it and has never come back to the reservation.

Dipshyt saying one thing and arguing the other again?

Read the last week of note80 meltdowns alone, just dabble into the last week…Imagine him accusing someone of a breakdown.

Doesn’t change that you 100% attack anyone not right wing and voted for Trump. It is what it is. You can try to act reasonable, but you’ve yet to actually put it into action. I give you a break once you write your diatribe because it’s the only time you ever put forth an attempt to construct an argument.

I totally think pressure was on him. I didn’t think he’d bow out. I wish he did a year ago. But, pressure and the world telling you you’re fucking up is heavy. I just don’t think they wait this long if it was planned.
But, I’ve been wrong before…a lot.
Yesterday I was convinced Kamala can’t win. Today, I’m not so sure.

I do know, however, I’m not sanctimonious or think I’m above or full of virtue. You don’t want me leading the country. I’m horrible. I’d have made the GOP a terrorist org and had people detained and had some put in CIA prisons. Immunity, right? Let’s see. Luckily, I’ll never run and would never win any election if I actually ran.

I don’t think Biden is a saint. I just think nearly every other person has an edge on Trump in that nearly everyone does at least a few things somewhat selflessly and Trump doesn’t, ever, not once. So, it’s kind of an easy argument

Lol…The abuse of the words selfless, empathy, etc…By libs… is pure fucking comedy.

Wisely lightens his stance…

100% attack anyone not right wing and voted for Trump

Incorrect… I attack you because you have done nothing but attack long-term posters on this board since you joined the site.

Look at the way you and fuckhead 80 post and address people…And compare it to the way GSC and Bikki do

They are gentlemen you go out of your way to be a snarky, cunty, trolling clown. So that’s what you get back from me. Really nothing else to it. Look at the way I clowned Stormfront, for instance.


Do you really want me to go find the posts of GSC and Bikki being shitheads? It’s not that hard, really.
Mind you, they are both less direct assholes than I am. I admit that. I, like you, am just kind of an asshole.
That’s why I like you. You remind me of my brother. We could be related. You’re inherently angry and kind of a dick 100% of the time. I can relate to that.

Trump was forced out but he went kicking and screaming like a child the whole way.

Besides, Biden could have doubled down and stayed if he wanted. There were plenty of Dems who supported him. He’s the most powerful man in the world. No one was being forced here.

Obviously not enough.

No, Biden would have liked to have 100% support from his party. He had a disastrous debate that got people questioning if he could do this job another 4 years. Outside observers saw that, but Biden himself had to be convinced.

But the point is, HE WAS CONVINCED. He decided to willingly step down.

Note that this is something Trump would never do. Biden is choosing to place his country above his interests, because he’s the president of the United States right now, and he could damn well run again if he wanted to.

Now, if Elite and some others want to play with semantics and equate public pressure with being forced out, that’s fine with me.

The important thing is Biden chose class over crass.

I mean, we could talk about how JD Vance created a charity in Ohio for opioid victims, spent more on hiring his political advisor Jai Chabria as executive directer than it ever spent on opioid abuse, shut down after posting 2 tweets, declined to provide any documentation of the project, and hired Sally Satel who worked for Purdue Pharma and wrote op eds questioning the role of prescription painkillers in the national opioid crisis, citing Purdue-funded studies and was paid a million by Purdue. Funny, he used the money from the charity to fund his original campaign while avoiding any request for accountability, hiring the very people who contributed to the crisis, and then closed it when things got found out.

OR, we could talk about the children’s cancer charity the Trumps stole from to the point they are legally not allowed to operate or work with a charity in the state of NY.

I mean…if you’re bored. Or, we could talk about how Peter Thiel funded and essentially created JD Vance and gave him the largest contribution in political history, and how he believes in a monarchy, zero individual rights, no voting rights for women, anti-democratic obviously, etc


Biden doesn’t think she can win. Obama, Pelosi, Schumer and others don’t want it to be a coronation because it looks bad and they know she’s really unpopular. Five thirty eight had her at just slightly more popular than Biden but under 40%. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

If you guys want to do some digging, check out Kamala’s history as DA in California. There is a book out by Peter Schweizer that documents how she basically protected the pedophile priests in San Fran because their law firm was donating to her campaign. Lots more shady dealings of the like.

Really despicable stuff. It does seem like she is shrewd and knows how to navigate the political landscape, so you have to give her credit there.

If YOU want to do some digging, check out JD Vance’s bogus charity and how he stole from the people of Ohio while pushing Big Pharma’s agenda during the opioid crisis, or how when presented with how dictator Victor Orban “seized control of universities, rewrote the Constitution, and neutered the courts” and how JD Vance said he made “smart decisions and we could learn from that in the US.”

You mean Peter Schweizer, the editor of the far-right Breitbart News and fellow at the conservative Hoover Institute who wrote widely discredited book Clinton Cash where he admitted he made up bullshit and “overreached”, who co-founded the GAI with Steve Bannon who had to be pardoned for stealing money from Trump supporters and I believe is currently in prison? You mean that guy?

I’m sure he wrote a really legit book, huh?

Tell me, does she believe in the peaceful transfer of power once one loses and election? Does she think we should attack our allies and join Russia in everything they want to do? What about a monarchy, like JD Vance wants…does she believe in that? Not much to talk about if not, huh?
Did she call Jeffrey Epstein 85 times like Trump? Did she admit live on air that she forces little girls to get dressed in front of her because she owns the beauty pageant? It doens’t appear too much really bothers you except whether they have an R or a D beside their name.

Yeah, look up her record. San Fran is the only major city that didn’t have one prosecution of priests accused of abuse where allegations were made. I know that’s like your number one issue, hating on the Catholic Church. She enabled that, right? The wealthy elite in that city were tied in with the Jesuit prep schools and the law firms that represented the priests.

It’s not hard to look this stuff up.

She also prosecuted Marijuana offenders as well. It’s quite the track record as DA.

Also, rock solid job as the border czar.