Looks like Biden will drop

Incarcerating more people does not make cities or places safer. Jailing people has become a business.

Prostitution for example - should not be illegal. Waste of tax payers money. If a man or women wants to pay for sex that is their business. Let them do it in a safe way. On top of it you can have a sex tax.

War on crime…time to end it. Legalize drugs and have rehabs and educate people on drugs. This may be extreme but watch how drug use goes down as well. Crime will go down as well.

If you commit a mass shooting - automatic death sentence. The kid who committed Douglas should be dead. No way he should be able to live.

I think any violent crimes the punishment should be more serious. Have no problems with that.

Not to mention:

One list may may measure it one way, another another…Meaning 7 of those cities may be on one list, but 3 may be different

Not to mention it’s not like 6 out of 10 is some overwhelming majority or a huge sample size.

Not to mention these cities are usually run by democratic mayors in democratic counties. Of the top 30 argest urban areas in America….Is there any besides Forth Worth that have a republican mayor (There the only one that comes to my mind, as I think we’ve had this convo on here before) ? Of the cities 80 listed in his cherry-picked high crime list…Are any under GOP control?

You’re dealing with a fucking idiot here in nole80….Just spouts off any old shit.

I don’t get it into the cities/partisan arguments…Urban areas are always going to be higher in crime, and I can’t say republican leadership, etc would change any of that. It’s not liberals fault imo, but it’s definitely safe to say some of what they do may not be the answer, I think that’s a safe approach. And it’s tough to measure “is it working”…Because crowded areas with poverty gonna produce crime. I will agree that I think things can be differently, whether it be a more right leaning approach, or even some progressive approaches.

War on crime…time to end it. Legalize drugs and have rehabs and educate people on drugs. This may be extreme but watch how drug use goes down as well. Crime will go down as well.

“Watch how it goes down, GSC…You just watch, damn it…Crime will go down because I, nole80 said it will go down”

Why are idiots like 80 allowed to talk?

Seattle did this and you have different prostitution rings having shootouts on street corners in the city. I don’t think it will turn out the way you think it will.

Nooooooo…That can’t be!

3 of the top 30 are GOP mayors
2 are independent

Don’t have time to go thru 80’s list

He wasn’t shot. A fragment scratch his little ear at the top. That’s all.

Wasn’t that the 90 minute convention speech where he rambled?

Still waiting on where that scar is

Like with most things, you missed the point. It is cute you need to attempt to perform for your audience, though.
The point was I’m in a good place this month, no need to be unhinged. Looks like calling attention to your incel pansy-ness really seem to trigger you, though. Wimp

They did, huh?

I see the shootout you’re talking about, but it’s not legal in Seattle like you alleged.

Fair enough. Turn a blind eye or don’t go after it is basically the same thing.

And you legalize it and then watch that city turn into a cesspool.

I’m anti legalizing Marijuana too, mainly because in the states I’ve been in with it being legal it is so pervasive and pungent that you can’t go anywhere without smelling it. When I was in Michigan it was crazy how the entire hotel I was in smelled like pot.

Who gives a fuck?

And also who gives a fuck about your little gold retriever… You really tried flexing about with your golden retriever

No one cares, ya dumb cunt.

Negative, skeet.

Biden has performed well in debates AND speeches, to the point that Bikki himself commended him on multiple jobs well done. To the point that, hey, a majority of Americans voted him into office.

So yeah, NOW is very different from THEN.

Dems were backing him until the debate. Very simple facts to prove my point.

“Most” people DO NOT know that.

California has a felony theft threshold of $1000.
Texas has a felony theft threshold of $2500.
Most people know California is more strict on felony theft than Texas.

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It’s not bunk. There are a lot of questions out there about Trump’s age.

Hell, Trump supporters themselves said Joe was too old to run last time, and now Trump is the same age! That’s using their words alone!

A bullet nicked his ear. Do you expect a hospital stay with bed rest?

If golf is the marker of good health, then President Biden playing golf would clear him too.

In other words, golf is a bad argument. Try again.

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So, you want to restrict someone’s access to basically a safe substance because you don’t like the smell…of a place you don’t live and MIGHT visit? Seems very GOP of you. I don’t like bitches wearing Aquanet and really don’t like cologne on people. Can we restrict their rights for that too?

How about outlawing alcohol because it actually kills people? What’s your take on that one?

The fact you think that post was a flex shows how primitive and underdeveloped your mind is, again, basically an elementary school kid throwing shit on the wall.

That contradicts what Warden said above. Prop 47 reduced some crimes from felonies to misdemeanors did it not? Correct me if I’m off there.

Where are you seeing all these smash and grabs? I see a lot of news about folks doing it in your state. It’s not exclusive to California by any means, but I’m just pointing out that Kamala named that act safe neighborhoods and schools and it passed. But it’s softening the stance on crime.

More stuff on Kamala:

She was rated the most far left Senator on voting record by a government watch dog group gov track. She’s #1 out of 100, left of Bernie Sanders who’s number 2.

She has hinted at wanting to ban red meat. She’s in favor of equity, or in her words going farther than equality in that some people need propped up to equal other people’s level. That’s just straight Marxism, nothing new.

Even Bernie Sanders clarified that he’s for equality, but didn’t go so far as to say equity when pressed.

Again, you’re reading comprehension is disastrous. Like always, your statement is false.
Prop 47 reduced theft under $1000 from a felony to a misdemeanor. 305’s post reaffirms that, not contradicts that.
It also shows the threshold from misdemeanor theft is less than half of what it is in Texas, showing that California is harder on theft than Texas. Damn, Indie. How do you get through basic contracts with reading comprehension problems like this?

You mean like this one?

You’re reaching. Now, the problem is what she named it?

Hey man, we have a consistent pattern here you’re not addressing. You make a point, that point is disproven and you just go onto the next bullshit point. Are you ever going to address the fact most of what you post is horseshit?

Then 305’s reading comprehension is also off. I was talking about Prop 47 from the beginning, not the theft above $1,000.

Did California go more strict or lenient on crime under Kamala?

Have an answer to that? Where did I bring up Texas? I’m going on the trend in Cali under Kamala in power.

Okay, I feel like we’re in the Twilight Zone. One of us isn’t clicking.

Prop 47 made it where theft (and several other crimes) raised the threshold by which they are felonies vs misdemeanors to $1000. That’s what the law does.

Originally, you stated they weren’t prosecuted and I proved to you that you were wrong, and all it did was to raise the limit at which they were felonies to $1000 or over.

305 reiterated that, by stating California’s threshold for felony theft vs misdemeanor theft was $1000, whereas Texas had an even higher one.

The only person in this line of discussing who’s gotten anything wrong is you, who stated that they didn’t prosecute theft under $1000, which is horseshit.

What’s not adding up?