Looks like Biden will drop

Nope. We’re all married, I believe. You’re the only one who’s an incel where women want nothing to do with you. You’re an island of one…one large shitbag

and married for 4 while having 1 actual argument)

Because you’re a beta with no spine…If you didn’t stand up for yourself when your little commie cunt wife called you a racist and ordered you to change your ways…What are you actually gonna argue about? You know your place.


We were broken up and moved out long before that…Can’t live with maniacs…Stop telling lies.

knows he’ll never actually have a family considering no wife or kid wants to say their dad/husband secures our future by being a gamble

A. Never? No idea.
B. No big deal to me if I get married or not…Was engaged…she went full batshit and was in bed about 4 days when Trump was elected…Then screamed at the tv for 4 more years after that. Wasn’t my cup of tea anymore, didn’t understand this maniacal behavior.
C. Why wouldn’t they? An honest living is an honest living. I just ran with what I was good at and enjoy. Nothing above a minor regret here or there but I’m sure we all have that.

and thinks anything even slightly critical a woman might say to him is moot and he’s too much of a tough guy to stand for it

What are you basing this on? I’m just mocking you being a spineless cunt. But I guess you’re partially right, because if anyone ever called me a racist I’d either correct them, laugh at/mock them profusely, or smack the shit out of them, and I don’t hit women. No one in their right mind would call me that…Got lifelong black friends who are like family me, they’d laugh you out of the building if they didn’t smack you first. It’s hilarious the way we laugh at racism crusaders like you and your little cunt wife. You cried and ran and said yes m’am…and self-fucking-reflected

Whichever suits you, man.

I don’t know what this means? Why would indy give a fuck about your golden retriever?

Insecure much?

says the pansy who can’t listen to anyone else for even a moment…which is why he’s alone, forever.

Incel :joy:

that’s because you’re an idiot…and a fragile, little incel pansy

Who the fuck are you dear abby?

Cry for me harder, pansy

This fucking cunt really bragged to Indy about his golden retriever.

I’m mocking you and your little commie Brady brunch flexes

It’s a killer Golden Retriever. Also, you seem to think you have an audience and are performing for them.
Who are you talking to?

They’re Brady Bunch flexes because the Brady Bunch had a good life, and one you won’t ever have. You’re a lonely incel who’s fragility and insecurity drip from every comment. It’s entertaining to me to watch you smear shit on the wall like a little boy, day after day.

Says the cuck who let his wife send him to wallow in self-reflection and change his racist ways. No fragility there huh? You’re a real rock.

You’re the one who just told us about his trees, golden retriever, and Audi…Who you trying to impress cunt?

Where’s the kids though, Marsha? I guess it’s hard to impregnate her when you’re sucking her lovers’ kaks cuck boy?

You and your commie wife are the couple next to the Griswalds in Christmas vacation….Congrats.

Nope. You wouldn’t know this, because a women won’t allow you in her life…but, marriage involves listening to the other person and actually contemplating what they have to say. From what I’ve seen, most people get married and have a mutual respect and listen to the other one. That’s kind of why they got married. Ironically, her only comment on the matter was the EXACT same comment you made…that poverty leads to crime and not race. Though, you would never listen to a woman, right!!! That’s why you don’t have one, and none want you, and the only shot you had ended as she threw you out for being a shitbag. Even if you grew up and learned what a healthy relationship actually is…no woman wants to say her husband secures their future by not ever having a job and being a gambler. No kids wants to bring his Dad to school to tell the class he couldn’t hack it in life and instead became a gambler. :joy:

It’s cool. It’s amusing. When I wonder what the incels are thinking, you’re always here showing it. With each post, you show more and more how fragile you are.

From what I’ve seen, most people get married and have a mutual respect and listen to the other one.

Who gives a fuck what most people do? Non-pertinent.

Even if you grew up and learned what a healthy relationship actually is…no woman wants to say her husband secures their future by not ever having a job and being a gambler. No kids wants to bring his Dad to school to tell the class he couldn’t hack it in life and instead became a gambler.

What if he’s “hacking it” just fine in life as a “gambler”…And why isn’t what I do considered a “job” (you do understand I pay taxes on this shit right)? Also I had what sounds like your versions of jobs and couldn’t stand them.

You are so fucking lost in life. That’s why you feel it necessary to join message boards to brag about your golden fucking retriever, and call everyone a racist.

Ironically, her only comment on the matter was the EXACT same comment you made…that poverty leads to crime and not race

Wait, you are a self-proclaimed progressive liberal and you needed your wife to tell you this? This made you “reflect”? You are either a phony, or just really confused.

Right…right…blah, blah, blah…you can’t get a woman to be with you and Daddy never respected you. We get it.

Well, meltdown mollie…I’ve decided to go home and I can’t stay and play with you anymore today. Make sure mom checks your diaper before you go back inside. :rofl:

Lol…Where’s the kids Marsha? Where’s the kids? You don’t get to be the pitcher in that relationship do you, little cuck?

Grasps at bunch of dumb shit while knowing nothing about me….While he mainly told us all we need to know about him. (His wife called him a racist, and he begged for her forgiveness while promising to change his evil, racist ways) …. And then described his large tonight in some really creepy type flex that no one gives a shit about.

Well, meltdown mollie…I’ve decided to go home and I can’t stay and play with you anymore today. Make sure mom checks your diaper before you go back inside. :rofl:

Cornier by the moment^^^. What a fuckin dork.

Nah…. This is bunk.

And IF they did- him getting shot in the head and making the convention the next day should put that to rest.

Guy played golf the next day.

What a reach.

That’s curious. Our offer on the house we’ve rented for 2 years was accepted a few months ago (the wife I’ve been with for 11 years and married for 4 while having 1 actual argument), I bought my dream car BMW 530i last week, the wife got her Q5 Audi a month ago, we bought a Golden Retriever puppy that is awesome to go with the 1 yr old Golden we already have, my company is having a stellar year and the only month that usually screws us is July and we’re blowing it out of the water, someone tried to woo us and put in an offer on the company in June (not selling anytime soon) and my garden is looking dope. Things are fine on my end. I need to clean my garage and prune the trees in the front yard, but that’s about it.

How about this @GardenStateCane GSC….Bunk? Or are we are all really really really message board impressed.

Yeah I don’t really care about that. It’s all driven by the Dem led cities like Indy that have been that way for decades. Really safe place outside of the inner cities.

I live in the suburbs in areas considered some of the best/safest to raise a family. All Republican led. Look up some top 10 lists and you’ll see some Indiana towns.

Indiana, big cities are always going to have more crime. Have you been to Miami. I hear about California homeless problem. Downtown Miami is terrible. You can’t go five feet without seeing a person who is homeless or asking for money. Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa these areas all have major crime. Go to Liberty City (Miami Northwestern) it is one of the roughest places to go in the country. How about Baton Rouge. It is so bad in one area of baton rouge that anyone on the staff at LSU that even by accidently takes a recruit to they are fired.

Ten worst cities for crime…
2-Memphis-(Republican State)
3-Birmingham (Republican State)
5-St Louis (Republican State)
6-KC (Republican State)
7-Cleveland (Republican State)
8-Littlerock (Republican State)
10-Stockton Cali

6 of the 10 worst states with crime are republican -Why is this…

6 of the 10 worst murder states are republican.

How is this possible.

Very shallow thinking.

The only thing these cities have in common at face value is size right?

No…. They also have a high degree of homogeneity.


All humongous cities with very low crime.

I would also argue that laws impact crime as well.

The more strict a society tends to be in terms of punishments/sentencing, the lower crime will be because there are serious consequences.