Looks like Biden will drop


blah, blah, blah…you can’t get laid, nobody likes you, people throw you out of their lives because you’re a loser who’s unhinged and can’t work a real job…blah, blah, blah. Mommy never loved you and Dad called you a faggot too many times.

We get it, little boy.

So Biden got 14 million votes and the Dem Party elite are going to pick. Candidate that wasn’t even popular in her home state?

Kamala is the darling of the donor class and the party elite and the people don’t like her. That pretty much sums her up.

Here’s the part where some libtard moron who knows nothing about a person has us figured all out to try to contrive the best insult in a message board back and forth

Meanwhile I’m just going by his own words…He’s a supposed racism fighter, but yet his progressive chick calls him a racism, and it drove him to serious self reflection

Fucking pathetic.

you can’t get laid

I mean I’m sure we could all use a little more sugar…But I’ll always get enough to cut off any broad that tells me I’m a racist and I really need to change my ways lol. You begged for more…Sick little cuck.

Indiana, he got the votes because no one ran against him. There are going to be 60-70 million voting in the national election on both sides. I would not be shocked if the numbers in this election are way down on both sides.

Anonymous sources here, but it makes sense.

Top Democrats threatened President Joe Biden with the 25th Amendment to force him out of office if he did not voluntarily step aside, sources told the New York Post on Monday.

Top Democrats allegedly placed the “well-orchestrated” coup in motion weeks ago, which entailed allowing Biden to debate former President Donald Trump, a source close to the Biden family told the Post.

“Hunter felt he [Joe Biden] was being set up and he was very concerned about his father,” the source said. “These people, these officials were not on Joe’s side.”

Democratic Party insiders have also known for at least two years how Biden was in decline, said the source.

“When I saw him a couple of years ago, it was frightening,” said the source. “He was just repeating slogans and had no idea who I was.”

Biden was forced out. Nothing else to see here. It is fine because the guy should not be running for office. Neither should trump but their party does not have the balls to get rid of him. If Trump loses what happens to the republican party. The only person who can get away with MAGA is trump.

Considering everyone endorsed her and she raised more than $100 million in 24 hours, it seems people kind of like her. It was the largest amount raised in 24 hours of Presidential history; 888,000 were small money donors, 60% of them their first time donating in the 2024 election cycle. Seems like quite a few people like her and are pumped about the change.

You mean an anonymous source from the NY Post, owned by Rupert Murdoch of Fox News, known for fake and sensational stories with little backing, who’ve endorsed the GOP candidate in every election since 1980 and known for “sensationalism, blatant advocacy, and conservative bias”? Owned by the same people who had to pay almost $1 billion for lying about the election?


The polls disagree with you. She polled low as a candidate in her own state. As DA in 2010 she won by a small margin over a Republican, in California.

She’s not popular. Doesn’t mean she can’t win.

Biden was the best choice if you are Trump, but Kamala might be the second best. Hard to say.

Would rather her than Michelle Obama or someone like that.

Always the same with you, attack the source when you have no other answer.

Where’s Biden been the last four days?

That’s a lot of words to use fro just telling everyone you’re a weak, insecure and fragile guy who isn’t man enough to be in a relationship, doesn’t have the ability to look inward, and has decided to settle in life as a middle school level child.

Fragile incel to the core. It’s okay. There are lots of weak, fragile guys out there blaming women and telling themselves how tough and alpha they are in the mirror at night while they sit alone. Its understandable, really.

Answer for what? It’s an anonymous claim without any backing of any kind from a source that regularly lies. You want a cookie for being a lemming?

Probably getting over Covid. Who cares? Where’s your integrity been since Trump?

Cute. What did that polling site say about Hillary vs Trump or Trump vs Biden right before Biden wiped the floor with you and your ilk?

Pretty easy…we’re going to vote and we’ll see. The Democrats have won every national popular vote except one since 1988. That’s why they’re/you’re grasping at authoritarianism…because you don’t have the demographics to win in the future. This is your last shot.

Bring it. So far, we’ve got a decisive #Scoreboard advantage with the GOP under-performing in the last 3 election cycles and special elections. Click your little heels together, Dorothy

We will see. You going to move to Europe like Sharon Stone if Trump wins?

I’ll agree with Skeeter in that you seem really obsessed/unhinged lately. More than normal.

It will be ok either way. You’ll be fine.

More on Kamala’s record, just so everyone is informed. I think most know that California allows theft up to $1000. You can just walk into a store and walk out with a bunch of stuff and not get prosecuted.

That lack of enforcing the law originated under Harris as part of the Prop 47 Bill. She, as the AG was responsible for naming the Bill and she named it the safe neighborhood and schools act.

Thanks to Kamala for helping pass that bill for soft on crime California.

Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act (Proposition 47): In 2014, California voters approved this criminal justice reform act, which reduced some property crimes and simple drug possession from felonies to misdemeanors. The act also allowed prisoners who had previously been convicted of these crimes to petition for reduced sentences. The savings from the act were reinvested into prevention and county-based services, including K-12 school programs, victim services, and mental health.

You, beacon of all great phony racism fighters…Let your commie girlfriend call you a racist to your face…And your response was to……….Repent and change your phony racist ways.

You don’t get to talk here, you weak cunt

It’s not a lately thing

He’s a walking meltdown partisan cuck…His chick took his balls a long time ago.

doesn’t have the ability to look inward

Pussy whipped Warden = last of the great “inward lookers”

we’ve got a decisive #Scoreboard advantage

This cornball typed a hashtag?

I wish I could. The bigger my company gets, the less likely we can move. Ideally, we get to the point where the me and the other owner hire people to do our job and we just leave and collect income. Not there yet, though.

That’s curious. Our offer on the house we’ve rented for 2 years was accepted a few months ago (the wife I’ve been with for 11 years and married for 4 while having 1 actual argument), I bought my dream car BMW 530i last week, the wife got her Q5 Audi a month ago, we bought a Golden Retriever puppy that is awesome to go with the 1 yr old Golden we already have, my company is having a stellar year and the only month that usually screws us is July and we’re blowing it out of the water, someone tried to woo us and put in an offer on the company in June (not selling anytime soon) and my garden is looking dope. Things are fine on my end. I need to clean my garage and prune the trees in the front yard, but that’s about it.

Though, you could take your lead from the guy who’s chick threw him out of their lives and he’s been an unhinged prick ever since, knows he’ll never actually have a family considering no wife or kid wants to say their dad/husband secures our future by being a gambler, and thinks anything even slightly critical a woman might say to him is moot and he’s too much of a tough guy to stand for it…so, he’s an incel who just continuously throws shit against the wall in every comment.

Whichever suits you, man.

That’s a lie. It’s proven by your last paragraph


Is reading comprehension a serious issue with you? You wrote yesterday it was easy to look things up. You can’t even read your own words? Reclassifying from a felony to a misdemeanor isn’t making it where you’re not prosecuted.

Well, California has a Total Crime Index at 106 compared to Indiana at 104. Both are above the average in the United States, though California is the most populous state at 38 million people. Indiana has 6.87 million people. That’s less than the metroplex I live in alone. Indiana’s murder rate is higher, rape rate is higher, and nearly the same on assault. You rank worse than California on burglary, larceny, and identical on property crime. What party does the Governor and AG belong to in Indiana?