Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

It’s all a matter of common decency. The right wing is decent. The left wing is not. Not long ago, we had the Tea Party, a fully diverse group who share appreciation for traditional American values. Wherever the Tea Party rallied, they cleaned up after themselves leaving the venue in pristine condition. Why? Because they were decent humans.

In contrast, we saw the Occupy movement who erected tents in South Manhattan to protest capitalism. These barbarians trashed the city, crapped on the side walk, damaged real and personal property, and they left the venue littered and trashed like human rodents. Who can forget that famous Occupier who lowered his trousers to defecate publicly on a police car. This one act is all you need to know about the Occupy Movement. The element of decency that characterized the Tea Party Movement was absent, replaced by leftist ugliness and mayhem. These are the miscreants supported by Warden who calls them “peaceful protestors.”

GSC I’m not saying you’re doing that - but I do find it odd you continuously bring up Floyd’s past and imply it as an excuse for his death.

Bikki - you come off as less-than-intelligent with blanket statements like this.

BOTH sides can be indecent. Both have been indecent in the past.

The difference is that the left wing has done a billion dollars worth of damage to our cities this past year, and the left considers to call these barbarous acts “mostly peaceful demonstrations.” The blanket statement is a conclusion that I draw that would compel me to vote against Democrat leftist candidates. How many people have been murdered by the Tea Party? It is left wing, not right wing violence that has rent this nation asunder. In my mind, it is a general matter of contrastive decency, one side being inherently decent, the other side almost devoid of decency. America is a decent nation, and for that reason it will reject leftist misgovernance.

So was the side that broke into the capital and walked a confederate flag through the rotunda decent, or indecent?

Warden wrote: “As seen here, you see black and you make the lie that they’re Biden voters”

Ninety percent of blacks voted for Biden. I would surmise the ten percent who voted for Trump did not engage in rioting and looting.

You know, a jury just found “Unite the Right organizers liable for millions in damages for the Charlottesville incident? What about them? Decent or not?

And therein lies the disparity. I believe the right wing is not decent by any means, not today, not in any way.
The Tea Party, created using words about taxes, despite us having lower taxes at the time than at any time since Eisenhower, had nothing to do with taxes. It had to do with one thing, a black guy in office. From the Tea Party movement we got literal insurrectionists who flew a terrorist flag in the Capitol. Anytime you have Trash Barbie as your leader, there’s a problem.



and then what did they evolve into?

remind me, did they clean up the Capitol?

Also, Occupy was in 2011. BLM isn’t Occupy

You know, a jury just found “Unite the Right organizers liable for millions in damages for the Charlottesville incident? What about them? Decent or not?

I don’t know a thing about them although Trump was completely right about Charlottesville. Most of the people attended that rally where either for or against preserving Southern history. There were radical types on both sides. As for the judgment, it is unenforceable.

When I talk about discordant behavior, I don’t give a rip about protest signs. In fact, they’re constitutionally protected under the First Amendment. What I am talking about is murder, maiming, theft, violence rape, knock out games, flash mobs, arson, and willful destruction. I focus my emphasis on who commit these crimes, and a disproportionate amount of national crime is committed by young African American males, the same individuals whot occupy our prisons, the George Floyd and Gentle Giant types, societal parasites, 5 time losers…

What the left tries to say is that it is “racist” to point out the problem. Instead the left ignores the problem, and African Americans are killing one another with impunity in Democrat governed venues, and they’ve been doing same for decades. Of course, it has become worse today. When people are successful in life, they become responsible, wanting a better life, a home in the burbs, and their children attending outstanding schools. How many responsible people do you suppose dream of a home in the hood, attending schools that are like a war zone.

No wonder good citizens fear young blacks, especially those in gangs. Recall the Rev. Jackson walking late at night in New York City when he became fearful hearing numerous footsteps behind him. Then, he noticed, the footsteps were made by white people, and the Reverend expressed his relief. Under liberal interpretation, the above would make Jackson a racist, or perhaps the black face of white supremacy.

I wonder if Warden now aspires to live in the hood. I wonder how he’d feel about walking in Central Park at night. I recommend he take a family walk through the hood wearing gold chains and maybe a pair of Air Jordans. Nothing turns a liberal into a staunch conservative better than being mugged. A gentle mugging of Warden would definitely turn him into a better guy.

You don’t know a thing about Unite the Right. So that means you don’t know why they’re there.

Then you say Trump was right about Charlottesville.

You’ll pardon me for suggesting that you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about. You say he was right about Charlottesville but have no clue about Unite the Right or why they were there.

Free ammunition for people to call you out Bikki.

Trump was absolutely right stating that not all protestors at Charlottesville were thugs. Some indeed were decent people who behaved themselves. The murder mayhem in this country is primarily the bailiwick of the left. Murders, arson, rape, destruction of property, and hate crimes.

Pictured below is President Trump together with future multi-millionaire Kyle Rittenhouse, already looking like the new owner of MSNBC.

It’s funny how Bikki ignores my specific point.

The neo nazis? You’re asking if the neo nazis who killed a girl, attacked and crowd, chanted jews will not replace us, blood and soil, and were found guilty of conspiracy? You’re asking if they were decent?

Not according to arrest records, FBI data and eyeballs

Trump loves picture time



Bikki is making a blanket statement that right is the side of decency. I’m simply asking him if he seriously believes this - and listed this as an example that may prove him to be full of shit.

I think he’s just trolling. Marjorie Green believes that. But, I have a hard time believe Bikki honestly believes that.

Two wimps