Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

Well said

You and silent

I respect the Floyd decision. I just disagree with it. I believe those jurors were terrified to not come back with a penalty for Chauvin.

The Floyd case was tainted from the beginning. Passions were too hot in Minneapolis, and the judge should have affirmed the motion for change of venue. Seating an impartial jury in that environment was a difficult task. With all the ruckus outside of the courtroom, the jury should also have been sequestered. The murder charge is going to be dismissed in appeal. Chauvin’s conviction for manslaughter will likely stand, howver, Chauvin didn’t kill him. Chauvin didn’t make him take an overdose of fentanyl. The guy’s heart was in miserable condition. Chauvin’s attorney should have had better foresnsic witnesses, more testimony from cardiologists. Chauvin will remain a political prisoner, and his career and life are ruined due to a five time loser and societal menace. No justice in this case.

What is missing in liberals is human decency. We’re living in an inverse universe when thugs are perceived as demonstrators and police considered right wing supremacists who wrongly target minorities. The fact that blacks commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime is falsely blamed on white supremacy. Meanwhile, we’ve suffered hundreds of riots, destruction of property, persons murdered and thousands injured. When was the last time the Klu Klux Klan has done anything. The whole supposition that our nation is threatened by the right wing is an absolute absurdity.

Really? Do tell

Imagine taking the word of someone you don’t know that someone is “far right”

Whatever that means by the way.

@Warden84 - you’re afraid of the bogey man dude.

Not according to the United States FBI

another example of zero integrity

Remember when the left was highly skeptical of law enforcement?

Was it the right wing that participated in more than 500 George Floyd riots? Are right wingers burning down police stations and court houses? Are riot wingers smashing cop cars with wrecking bars? How many right wing flash mobs have occurred? How many right wingers are responsible for urban violence in the hood? When was the last KKK lynching? Our violent crime problem is not a right wing problem. It is largely a problem of young black males running amok in Democrat governed cities, and it has been going on for decades.

It is not the right wing that is burning cities, tearing down statues, and doing billions of dollars worth of damage. Just look at the left wing martyrs: Trayvon Martin, the Gentle Giant, and George Floyd, all thugs, now perversely canonized by the left.

You cannot have a civilization giving into leftist barbarism. Hence, Americans are going to remove leftist from office both in the midterm election and in 2024. Were Democrats smart, they’d dump both Biden and Harris and rally around Tulsi Gabbard who smartly has embraced a moderate, nonwoke political message. Americans are sick of wokeness, and every time they fill up their automobiles, they are paying the price of radical leftist misgovernance. Small wonder, Let’s go Brandon is being shouted not only in the U.S. but throughout the world.

Kyle Rittenhouse is an excellent example of how off the beam the left has drifted. But for Kyle’s AR 15, he’d have been murdered by three thugs, each with criminal records. Kyle came to the “mostly peaceful” demonstration" not to light fires, bash windshields of police cars, destroy businesses, and physically abuse others. He came there to offer assistance to a car lot owner who had two lots of cars burned and asked Kyle and others to protect his remaining lot. During the day, Kyle helped remove graffiti from a building. Before being attacked by miscreants, he was offering help to others in the crowd. Kyle should never have been charged with anything, much less murder. And, there was nothing racial about the Rittenhouse trial, yet the race mongers insisted that it was a case of white supremacy or vigilantism, and they posed the question of what would have happened were Kyle a black man. All ridiculous speculation. Rittenhouse now has a billion dollar slander suit against MSM and Joe Biden himself.

Then, following Kyle’s exoneration, some maniac crashes his car into a Christmas Parade crowd, killing 5, injuring forty, many of them children. Meanwhile, a flash mob is looting Louis Vittain stores along Lake Shore Drive, and out in California 80 looters flashed into Nordstrom’s breaking displays cases, stealing luxury items, and fleeing in 25 cars. To be sure, these were leftists, no right wingers, all Biden voters.

Warden, l perused the mayhem you have listed above, . Taken all of what you posted might be equal to ONE month of the mayhem that takes place in ONE MONTH in the city of Chicago alone. Were you to add other Democrat governed cities, you’d find that same amount of mayhem occurred in a single week. The crime that afflicts America is on the hands of leftist who have misgoverned our cities, and the perpetrators are Democrat Party voters. The threat of right wing conspiracies is a huge myth created by leftists, and anyone with a functional brain knows this implicitly. You can fool some people by this myth, but persons of high intellect such as GSC, Skeeter, Indiana, Silent Observor and others on this board are not so gullible and therefore discount your faulty premise and regard your argument as lacking credibility…

A person I know who lives in Minnesota was telling me a bunch of stories about George Floyd.

Apparently he was an absolute menace in Minneapolis.

He used to scam people in the De La Salle parking lot during basketball and other games. Tell them his child was playing and he needed money to buy them food and promise to return it. People would give him money thinking he was coming back shortly with it and he would flee. They had to put a restraining order on him.

There’s another story where a friend of hers had to escort an old lady (80 years old) through the sky way because Floyd would harass her for money when alone. The chaperone almost came to blows with this piece of filth a couple of times.

No wonder the cops treated him this way. He was a con artist and a criminal.

Apparently you believe he deserved to die the way he did.

I thought we Catholics opposed the death penalty?

Or due process, or following the law…nah, GSC believes in murdering black people because a “friend of his” who lives in a state with 5.71 million people knows all about one dude, who died and has, of course, all kinds of stories about how he was a bad guy so he didn’t deserve due process, arrest, or anything else but flat out murder.

Yeah, seems on par with the filth GSC is as a human being.

Lol…“growing threat”…Hey I hope they kill all these Myers. But that growing threat bullshit just doesn’t add up…I don’t care how many cute litte interviews they give. No one believes that shit.

Actual image of Warden pontificating to others


This guy things he’s morally superior to everyone lol.

There’s a lot of basic racism to unpack here. First, there weren’t 500 riots. There were 7750 demonstrations associated with BLM in 2440 locations in all 50 states and DC. Of them 7% were not peaceful. There were 360 counter protests with 12% of them being violent, accounting for nearly 5% of the aforementioned 7% of total protests. There were a reported 220 reported violent demonstrations of the 7750. “Violent demonstrations” include anything from “fighting back against police” to vandalism, property destruction, road blocking using barricades, burning tires or other materials. The ACLED report includes protests toppling statues of Confederate figures, colonial figures, and slave owners" as violent incidents. Since Floyd’s murder, there were 38 incidents of damaged or town down statues across the country. (Demonstrations and Political Violence in America: New Data for Summer 2020)
Of course, far right infiltrators have been riddled throughout the protests as well, caught on camera in many incidents, inciting violence or damage. The accelerationists

Let’s not forget the impetus of the protests to begin with, unarmed black people like Breonna Taylor being murdered by police with little or no recourse. Hell;, you folks had a junkie traitor trying to literally stop a Constitutional process and chanting to hang the VP of the United States who was shot, unarmed, and your right wing STILL can’t shut up about it. The irony being these are the same people that praise the police for doing the same if they are black and just driving around in their car or sleeping in their bedrooms at night. But, you’ve never seen a black person dead you wished was alive in your life. We’ve seen that.
Rittenhouse, of course, was on video not stating he wanted to defend his life or defend property, but saying he “wished he had his AR-15, so he could shoot some of them.” Prosecutors: New Rittenhouse Video Shows He Wanted to Shoot at People

Simply put, you’re just an average, old man racist. You’re nothing special in any way, whatsoever.

As seen here, you see black and you make the lie that they’re Biden voters, left wing violence, despite it having literally zero to do with politics. You just see black people. You associate left with black. Anything black, you’re against. You celebrate the murders of black people at every opportunity.
It’s typical of your generation, the most entitled, least responsible generation in American history. You’re just an old, simple, racist. You provide no insight, no support of your points, no diligence or effort…just a lazy, old racist who spent his life defined by his hatred of another race simply just because. In the end, that means you’ll pass away having never looked inward, never dealt with your racist passions, a sorry individual with a dark soul, defined by his racism and little else. How pathetic

Not to many, but to a guy who praises the murder of people simply bc they don’t like their color, yeah,. totally better than you as a person.

Ya no one here is doing that…Stop exaggerating. You look fucking pathetic.

There’s a lot of basic racism to unpack here.

No there really isn’t…He’s talking about you far left wack jobs. Not saying a word about black people.


7750 x .07 = 543 (rounded).

What a fucking tool this guy is.

And your side had nothing to do with it. Lol.

Bro- just stop already. Your summaries don’t help you.

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So many assumptions in here.

I. I based my conclusions on the evidence
II. I’ve never brought color or race into anything. You keep injecting it.

I get it. It’s a strategy you have to gain leverage in arguments. If you make it about race you have people defending multiple issues as opposed to the main issue. But it’s all bull shit. So I don’t take it, like you, seriously.

I could say the same, what a fucking tool. Considering everything included didn’t designate a riot, you’re again full of shit. You’re the same guy who thinks Trump won, Flynn is Q, and the election was stolen, and those labeled far right mass shooters weren’t REALLY far right bc, ya just don’t want them to be.
You lie on a daily basis…just not a viable source for much.