Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

Good for Kyle. The prosecution did an awful job trying to prove its case.

He acted in self defense.

At the end of the day - Kyle is a child who shouldn’t have put himself in that situation to begin with. He’s lucky he wasn’t killed, and he’s also lucky he’s not in jail forever.

Because there was no case. He should sue the state and the media immediately. They ruined his life.

He has a hell of a case. I expect that he will.

The coverage of this trial and the narrative crafted by the corporate media is really unsettling. I wonder what the end game is when everything gets turned into a race issue

When everything is racist then nothing is racist. The term losses its value.

While CNN and MSNBC were chanting racism and white Supremacy, they deliberately ignored this story of a black man being acquitted of murder:

Why wouldn’t CNN and MSNBC cover this story? Why wouldn’t they champion the narrative of a just court system?


When everything is an outrage nothing is an outrage.

They’ve dialed the rhetoric so far up that it’s all meaningless.

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For all the people crying out about the verdict’s injustice calling the system systemically racist and that if Rittenhouse were black etc. they sure shut up quickly when presented with the Andrew Coffee acquittal (self defense case and the non guilty verdict came out same day as Rittenhouse’s).

It’s clear speaking to people about the Rittenhouse case that they didn’t follow the trial and they were spoon fed narratives by CNN and MSNBC.

I give 305 a lot of credit for his earlier reply in this thread about not knowing the details and agreeing with the verdict.

The best:


It’s amazing how wrong everyone who “covered” this case was almost as if they had an agenda to push.

Now, what we are seeing are blue check marks on Twitter continuing to perpetuate blatant lies while Twitter and the rest of those bit tech goons sit idly by allowing for more misinformation to spread.

Trump was correct but Politfact flagged him a liar in 2020. Trump, Rittenhouse and anyone associated were labeled and continued to be labeled White Supremacists.

Honestly, what in the actual fuck is going on here? Truth and reality are no longer objective. We have leaders, influences, and voices who have been allowed to alter truth into a subjective whim.

It is happening in real time and they dont care who gets hurt.

For the most part, the jury system works. It has worked in the Duke Lacrosse fiasco, Trayvon, the Gentle Giant, and now we see complete exoneration of Kyle Rittenhouse. It failed in the George Floyd case largely due to the video and the expression on Derek Chauvin’s face. A Hollywood actor could not have looked more menacing. However, Chauvin was innocent. He followed police manual instructions with respect to suppression of hysteria, and it is simply impossible not to think there is reasonable doubt incurred by the miserable condition of George Floyd’s heart. Floyd died not by Chauvin’s knee but by an overdose of fentanyl, four times the toxic level coupled with the extreme exertion of violently resisting arrest.

Chauvin’s lawyer tried valiantly, but he did not have comparative resources with those of the state. Nor did Chauvin’s lawyer have thespian appeal that might have persuaded the jury to accept the truth and reject sensationalism which spawned a very false narrative of what actually transpired. How perverse it is that liberals have constructed statues of George Floyd who in actuality was a societal menance, imprisoned five times, and had he survived he would have been sent back to prison for a sixth term. This is the great BLM hero.

Surely, Kyle Rittenhouse is no hero. He doesn’t strike me as being an intellectual marvel, but his motives for attending a BLM riot were demonstrably better than those of the rioters who for three previous days were burning down businesses and carrying on riotously. To call Rittenhouse a white supremacist is an absurdity as well as a slander. Persons without evidence who slandered Rittenhouse have engendered themselves legally. This includes the President of the United State. Biden has no immunity from civil law suit any more than Clinton did in the Gennifer Flowers case. MSNBC was especially intemperate in their slander of Rittenhouse, and I for one will be celebrating the triumph of justice over these leftist muttonheads. Were I Rittenhouse’s attorney, my lawsuits would not be for hundreds of millions but for a billion dollars. That seems a fair judgment for young Kyle who was is now stigmatized for a lifetime.

How ridiculous was the state argument that Rittenhouse should have acceded to a beating by the rioters instead of aggressively defending himself. It was just like the Zimmerman case when Trayvon was beating his head against a concrete sidewalk when Zimmerman reached for his Roscoe and saved his life.

I notice a quietness has settled on my friend Warden and his alter ego Djrion. Since these guys are more expert on detecting racism than the rest of us, I await their assessment of the judgment.

The problem here is a lot of people say the court is proof that libs are wrong.

And the same people DON’T say the court is proof conservatives were wrong about Floyd.

I generally agree with both those verdicts, which is probably the moderate in me talking.

What libs and what conservatives are you referring to?

The issue with both cases - at least the issue I have - is that the cases were tried well before the jurors heard the case due to corporate media pushing their narratives.

In the case of Rittenhouse, he was lucky there was so much video footage and Rosenbaum’s testimony clearly demonstrated grounds for self-defense.

I won’t go so far as GSC and say there needs to be a take over of the media in order to fix the issue. But something must be done to hold these people accountable. Sandman’s $250 million settlement should have slowed it down but it didn’t. Hopefully, Rittenhouse goes after every single one of those bastards who strung him up as guilty before the facts were ever presented and that includes Biden. Biden as the democrat hopeful did not act responsibly by trying to fuel the frenzy of the mob. He very much should be sued in civil court (he can to because he didn’t have immunity at the time).

I’m talking about libs and cons in general, and then replying with bikki in mind.

I would argue the same in Floyd’s case, though he wasn’t so fortunate.

I agree about the media. We need accountability for these shills. maybe a return to the 80s/90s when media orgs were required to give time to both sides of the issue.

I dont think mandating each media outlet should do x or y. But I do think there should be more legal action to reign in the ridiculous narrative spinning to simply push a political ideology

If CNN never had a republican on any of their shows or Fox a liberal, I really don’t care. But those networks as well as the social media platforms better be held accountable when they push false narratives

The courts in this case ruled on the merits. They observed the evidence. They went to trial. They had a jury decide.

The ones in the election fraud case all got tossed on standing or procedure.

But nice try.

PS -


Are you confused?

Got election fraud on the brain?

I never mentioned those cases.

I hear you, but it’s hard to argue that the old system worked better than what we have now.

Telling “both sides” of the story might help rein in some of the more ridiculous claims. So if liberal media says Trump told people to inject themselves with bleach, they would also need to add that the White House clarified this or that. Then, if the two things are too different, it would make the rhetoric stand out, and those using it look bad.

Just read it too fast.

Regarding Floyd- courts can and have gotten cases wrong. That happens when you put a decision in the “hands” of a jury.

I thought the Floyd case was open and shut when you reviewed the facts against the written word of the law. But it is what it is.

I got that, and it’s obviously true. My comment was that a lot of conservatives use the Rittenhouse verdict as proof the libs were wrong, but use the Floyd verdict as proof that the country is too woke. It’s weird to rely on a jury for evidence in an argument when you don’t think juries are especially reliable.

Notice, for example, all the strengths of a jury verdict you mentioned:

The courts in this case ruled on the merits. They observed the evidence. They went to trial. They had a jury decide.

Strange that all these strengths go by the wayside in the Floyd case.