Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

That’s a curious statement. When and in what context? White supremacy predates Marxism. You do realize the slave trade we BEFORE Marxism, right? Poor guy, when your base ideology is insulted, you just melt down, huh?

In the end, you’re nothing but a simple racist. Nothing special.

We get it Warden…. Those who don’t agree with you are Fascists, Racists, or both.

You’ve said it 8,000 times on this board over 6 months. Everyone gets the point.

Speaking of juror safety surprised no one mentioned the news producer who followed one of the jurors to the juror’s house.

This trial may very well have been determined prior to a single piece of evidence being presented in court. Instead, blue check marks and irresponsible media hacks condemned this kid because their ideology supersedes justice and the law.

Crazy times

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We get it Warden…. Those who don’t agree with you are Fascists, Racists, or both.

He’s pure comedy…

“The Great Racism Destroyers”…To the rescue…Per Usual

Creat it…Define It…Further It…And then tell us all how we all have to change our lives to do away with this big bad monster.

It’s a cult.

For the record, I don’t dislike Warden. I dislike the unkindness I find in his discourse, but I’d be the first to object to banishing him from our board. I find it incongruous that he can be a business owner while supporting such hate groups as Antifa and BLM and even finds redeeming qualities among the Palestinians. Warden’s default response is to call others racist which is the standard response of Marxists worldwide since capitalism has enriched workers and wealth envy just doesn’t work where and when workers are prospering. Not all his posts are aggressive. Some months ago, he wrote several posts about management in a discussion with 90’scane. I found myself agreeing with him regarding corporate treatment of workers. In fact, I think corporations work best when workers are able to obtain ownership interest in the company.

One of my friends who is a great entrepreneur born in India gave me a cigar last night after we dined at an Indian restaurant. Indian food is an acquired taste. When I first tasted it, I didn’t like it, but quite a few of my friends and business associates are from India, and eating tiki masala became unavoidable when invited to their homes for dinner. Now I love the stuff, and it’s like spaghetti inasmuch as it tastes even better the next day.

The cigar he gave me was a Rocky Patel, and though I find Rocky a charming guy, I met Rocky a couple times in Fairhope, AL, which is wealthy, California-like town on the East side of Mobile Bay–a beautiful town. However I’ve never been an RP fan. The cigar he gave me was an RP Connecticut, and I found myself politely lying about its taste. It was an awful cigar. I hope he doesn’t give me more of them. My favorite Connecticut cigar is the San Cristobal Elegancia which was originated in a partnership between Ashton and My Father Cigars whose Don Pepin Garcia is probably the preeminent creator of vintage cigars. You can buy a San Cristobal for ten bucks and it is every bit as good as the thirty dollar Davidoff, a super luxury cigar made by a venerated company in Switzerland. There is an unusual camaraderie among cigar smokers worldwide, and you meet wonderfully interesting people in cigar lounges.

One of favorite cigar hangouts is no more. It’s called the 1850, and it’s a wood paneled bar attached to Arnaud’s Restaurant in New Orleans. I used to have season tickets for Saints games, and I’d always drop into the 1850 which was filled with people from all over the world. While in the bar, I’d order one plate of either escargot or New Orleans shrimp after another. It was a great place until they banned smoking in the French Quarter. I own an apartment in the French Quarter on Toulouse Street which I now plan to sell. They’ve taken all the sin out of New Orleans and crime in the city has gotten worse. Latoya Cantrell is a terrible mayor, another Democrat misgoverning one of the most interesting cities in America. They’ve taken down the statues of Robert E. Lee and Gen. P.T.G. Beauregard, and I anticipate that one day they’ll go after the statue of Andrew Jackson in the center of Jackson Square, the very heart of New Orleans.

I have never been a fan of jazz music, because I despise improvisational horn blowing. Nevertheless, I love blues singers. Strangely, I find Porgy and Bess one of the greatest musical creations by an American. Gershwin is certainly America’s answer to Beethoven and Mozart. Leftists are already coming down hard on classical composers. Instead they want you listen to rap music which I am certain is used extensively in Hell as part of the Everlasting Punishment protocol. Since I was raised by a Mexican family, I love ranchero music from Mexico. Your trivia question of the day is: Who was a famous Mexican general known for having red teeth?
So much for rambling.

And I’d be beside you. I’m just pointing out that he’s an immature prick.

Lol. I love hip hop…And I’m basically a connoisseur. Lol…Got knowledge and tapes from 90s that DJs in remote corners of Brooklyn probably don’t exist.

I love Latin music and Latin dancing. When I lived in Miami, I used to go often to El Toledo night club that was downtown right on Biscayne Blvd. My late wife and I would dance the merengue, cha cha cha, samba, and even the tango. One night, in 1964, we were busy dancing when a shot rang out, and a guy fell dead right on the dance floor. Hysteria broke out in the crowd as they stampeded to the exit. That was our last foray to El Toledo, but it was a great club.

You witnessed the downfall of Biscayne right before your eyes! I wouldn’t have been caught dead in that area growing up.

I miss the Cuban music at the parties in Miami. Mexican music is okay, except I absolutely despise what I think is Banda music. I’ve heard it referred to as Mexican Circus Music and I wholeheartedly agree. That background tuba grates the ears.

Not guilty on all charges

Surprised the jury did the right thing.

Kyle will be a rich when he takes on the media in a civil litigation… He even has an action against Biden. This should be very interesting as it takes shape. Cannot wait until MSNBC is served process.

MSNBC has already started amending their rhetoric calling Rittenhouse a white conservative and not a white supremacist which they have used extensively leading up to the trial and throughout the proceedings. MSNBC’s coverage - in addition to their producer following one of the jurors in what looked to be an attempt to dox the juror - has been beyond disgraceful framing the narrative around race and white privilege.

I’m surprised no one here has mentioned the prosecutor’s closing arguments especially when Binder argued that Kyle Rittenhouse should have allowed the men to beat him up.

Here’s the roadmap to Rittenhouse’s defamation case against corporate media:

Rittenhouse should see a settlement north of the $250 million the Covington kid won.

Can’t say I’m surprised given the available evidence and how the trial proceeded.

Do you disagree with the verdict?

Personally, I blame “White Supremacy” for the fact the Hurricanes have sucked lo these many years.

He never should have been charged in the first place. This was a political show trial.

It’s the right verdict. Only the race baiters (the Warden types) are disputing it.

Full disclosure: I didn’t dig into this event at the time as much as I did, say, the Zimmerman and Arbery incidents, so I’m not fully versed on things. I didn’t watch a peep of the trial either.

Just based on the video footage in the days after, my impression was that Rittenhouse was a disciplined shooter acting in self defense, so yes, I agree with the verdict. I don’t know much about the local gun laws or his actions to get the weapon so I can’t comment on that part, past that I mostly trust the courts to get it right.


I don’t have enough information to agree or disagree. I will accept the verdict as rendered and move on.