Kyle Rittenhouse Trial


Haven’t you noticed the riots all stopped? They called off their dogs. They have enough problems.

Larry Elder is the blackface of White Supremacy.

Winsome in VA is a victory for White Supremacy.

MSNBC has “covered” this trial and has been pushing the narrative the kid is guilty without room for an alternative ending.

White Supremacy will be the narrative as they discuss the acquittal

Incredible response by state witness. It’s all over. Political prisoner Rittenhouse will be exonerated. Recall that Facebook prevented funding raising efforts declaring for all practical purposes that Rittenhouse was a white supremacist murderer. MSNBC also tried to cast Rittenhouse as a white supremacist.

Time to exonerate Political Prisoner Derek Chauvin as well.

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Most support for fascist murderers…on point, Bikki.

Just like the top of your head.

I’ve known bikki for over a decade on this board. I’ve never seen him dislike anyone. He usually reaches too far to be polite and civil.

Bikki not liking you speaks volumes about your character.

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To the left, protecting one’s person against harm is seen as fascist behavior. Were Rittenhouse’s attackers black,Rittenhouse would be joining Derek Chauvin in prison. This dynamic would be the exact opposite of white supremacy. White supremacy is of course a lie that historically goes back to strategic methods of instituting Marxism.

Marxism seems so fair and equitable,as explained by muttonheads. It’s original strategy was to engender wealth envy. The leftisit muttonheads foisted the canard that the wealthy were nothing but exploiters of the poor in order to enrich themselves. However, when entrepreneurship during the industrial revolution began augmenting commerce, workers’ standard of living was elevated so the prime strategy of wealth envy would no longer work well when workers . prospered… So the Marxists had to shift gears and find another way to convince people to become slaves of leviathan government. The left, the ones I identify as muttonheads, settled on racism as a strategy to pit one group of society against another identifying the white race as actually being innately racist… Hence, we see such baloney as CRT which originated in arcane arguments within the legal realm that was advanced into other disciplines by goofball, intellectual light weight muttonheads, so-called social scientists, who ultimately spread the divisive concept into the field of education. There are no dumber persons with earned doctoral degrees than those in the field of education. These are the kind of professors who invariably even refuse to teach. Instead they divide students in their class into groups to discuss topics that they and the group constituents know very little about. Then they title the arrangement a learning seminar when a bull session would be a more appropriate name.

Bumping this so we can discuss how the race baiters should be brought on charges due to the likely rioting

2 days of deliberation tells me that there is either going to be a hung jury or they are trying to convince one member that it’s self defense.

We’ll see.

I tend to agree. Or, they’ll go on lesser charges.

Here come those organic riots.

Hopefully the national guard will put a lid on anything that may happen.

How safe do the jurors feel? I imagine that plays a role a bit, no?

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I heard speculation that the delay is because the jurors don’t feel safe.

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Sounds like a healthy judicial system here in 2021.

If Justice doesn’t go as the angry mob believes it should based off the lies said mob was fed, then riot and destroy property until the mob gets what it feels entitled to.

I’m sure Biden’s leadership and words of peace will help…oh never mind.

Good for you. You’re a fascists so I’m not real keen on you as a person, in general.
Bikki regularly throws out support for things like the anti-Islamic blog that inspired the ChristChurch shooter and for historical racists. Bikki, while constructing a wonderful sentence, is a guy driven simply by vehement racism. Nothing special, nothing profound, nor respectable.

Simply put, you’re both characters, but don’t have character.

You mean like a 16yr old black kid protecting himself from an unhinged vigilante hunting him down at night with a gun. against police orders?
Oh wait…