Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

I find this a hilarious narrative all within itself. Someone tried pushing that Drew Holden Bullshit on me as well. I sliced and diced it, in about 2 seconds. Not a thing he brought up had a shred of truth to it.

Again, it is more of the conservative lie that “the media is a bogeyman under my bed.” So the conservative says “I don’t agree with it, therefore it IS FALSE.”

Instead of talking about the real issues, we have to shift our focus to this Rittenhouse idiot. So, while he is technically right as it pertains to the law, we have shifted focus away from the real issues:

  1. Another black got shot by cops and paralyzed
  2. The cops who offered water bottles to the white militia even tho a curfew was in place, basically shaking hands and saying ata good ole boy, y’all are fine but these protesters for aforementioned incident are not
  3. When Rittenhouse runs at cops with his gun in hand after killing 2 dudes and shooting another and they have a conversation with him and don’t make an arrest till next day
  4. Reverse the race of the individual of 1-3 and you get the pic

Travesty. Now the signal that it sends is also FUBAR. You can now agitate an already agitated situation as a vigilante and claim you were a cowboy in self defense.

Don’t disagree with the outcome, but that we are on here beating our chests and not really discussing what should be talked about is what is wrong with our country

I guess lastly you can be legally correct and morally bankrupt. Which is why conservatives love this Rittenhouse moron.

I realize this is way after the fact……but WTF does a 17 year old think he’s going to do with an AR at a riot? He’s a fucking idiot for being there in the first place. Where were his parents?

He’s lucky he didn’t get killed.

Who loves Rittenhouse?

I couldn’t care less about the dude.

I’m starting to think this case and the Arbery case were just distractions from the Maxwell case. Some big names being released in that one.

I listened to Rittenhouse interviewed by Tucker, and I was impressed by the young man. Luckily he brought his Ak to the rally or he’d now be extant. The riiot had gone on for three days before he arrived on the scene., His intentions were actually noble, to belp people injured and to guard the property of a used car lot owner who lost his inventory of cars on two other lots during earlier riot days. Rittenhouse as a citizen had every right to be there, and he also had the right of self defense at the hands of thugs who wished to harm him. The idea that he should have put his weapon down and been beaten senseless or killed by the leftists is absurd. Reittenhouse like his predecessor George Zimmerman did NOTHING wrong saving their own lives. Now I regard the young man as a hero. The left tried to punish him for defending himself, and the jury justly absolved him of guilt. Now its time for the young man to pursue slander charges against MSM as well as Biden. Slander after the facts were revealed at trial is no longer legally protected as opinion. Slander was committed against Rittenhouse, and he will, like young Sandmann, enjoy judgments against the slanderers.

Just as I have maintained in earlier quotes, there is remarkably less threat of terrorism from the right compared to that of the left which has wrought billions in damage to property, resulting in dozens of deaths, and thousands of injuries. June 6 was a nothingburger probably led by leftists and FBI agents pretending to be part of the crowd. Only one person died, and she died at the hands of the capital police who in many cases allowed the demonstrators into the building without trying to impede them. June 6 compared in perspective to the over 500 leftist riots and burning is really a nothingburger and just has resulted in the unconstitutional imprisonment of many innocent people.

The jury usually get it right. They didn’t in the Chauvin case, but that will be adjusted in appeal. Actually Chauvin broke no law whatsoever. He should be released.

The jury ruled in Arbury case just as i predicted. You have no business stopping a person jogging in the neighborhood without actual proof of wrongdoing. I didn’t follow this case closely, but the supposition that whites act with immunity to prosecution is consummately absurd.

I mean, I’m not making a blanket statement, but in this specific case these guys were about to get away with this scot-free. It’s only after media outrage and, in fact, the video went public that these guys got in trouble. Luckily these guys stupidly released the footage that damned them.

I agree with Bikki that he’s lucky that he wasn’t killed that night.

But I go back to him being a dumb ass kid and deciding to go there in the first place. The kid is no hero. He’s a fucking idiot.

A 17 year old goes to a riot with an AR. What could possibly go wrong?

Why isn’t that case being live streamed…

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Could you imagine?

From what I’ve heard, Jay Z (Shawn Carter), Beyoncé, and other big names being dropped as co-conspirators.

You have never sliced and diced anyone in the history of politics on this message board. Your simply another maddow echo…And you routinely get embarrassed on here.

Don’t disagree with the outcome, but that we are on here beating our chests and not really discussing what should be talked about is what is wrong with our country’

No the following is what is wrong with our country

  1. Reverse the race of the individual of 1-3 and you get the pic

Lol…That’s a fairy tale.

Pretty soon, everyone in the world will be involved :smiley:
:smiley: :laughing: