Holiday Greeting from Brandon

Lol… No one gives a fuck…And so am I…And I’m not a fucking pathetic cunt, and you are. So I don’t care if your several is higher than my several. I can look myself in the mirror and not be a cunt, you cannot.

You know what? That’s insulting to cavemen. My apologies.

That’s that cornball shit.

No you aren’t. You know how I know? Educated people can vary their arguments. Uneducated people just say cunt and faggot over and over.

Sound familiar?

I can look at myself in the mirror and say that I don’t have a criminal record.

Maybe so but it’s true.

Biden said it’s going to be a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated. Who says that kind of garbage?

Fear mongering at its finest.

Mexico sends their criminals, their rapists….

Who says that kind of garbage?

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Imagine comparing these two…Who in the living fuck is talking about Trump to begin with?

This cunt has lost his mind

You know how I know you aren’t?

You fabricate your argument and move goalposts

Stop being the biggest fucking cunt known to man and move on cunt. Once again…You’re fucking beat like a drum.

Wow. This proves my point exactly. Take your mouth off Trumps balls and pay attention.

Apparently Qkeeter thinks the way to win debates is to use the words cunt and faggot over and over.

Words of a sad angry little man in the basement of his mom’s house in Pennsylvania standing on his seat typing on his keyboard.

You’ve not made a single valid argument in god knows how long.

What are you even doing?

You brought it up you…No one was talking about him, cunt

You’ve not made a single valid argument in god knows how long.

I destroy your faggot ass over and over again and you run and hide like the fucking cunt you are.

I did. Because it’s entirely comparable. All the toilet wine has destroyed your ability to realize that.

You claim I run and hide while constantly posting that I’ll come back with more posts immediately. Got it.

Par for the course for the admitted ex-con. Off parole yet?

You run and hide and spit gibberish…I’ve broken down math to you, I’ve explained the English language to you… You’ve embarrassed yourself trying to prolong a cunty message board argument and then back it up with “I win so there”…You haven’t made a point worth a fuck in months on this message board. You’re just a bratty little Trump hating fucking sheep

You’re a fucking cunt, just accept it and quit embarrassing yourself.

When did I admit I was an ex-con you faggot motherfucker?

I did. Because it’s entirely comparable.

No it’s clearly not…Next

(Bratty cunt incoming response coming)

I’ve never ran and hid. And newsflash - calling someone a cunt and faggot is gibberish. And apparently you know very few English words

  • mostly the words cunt and faggot.

I have made a point - plenty of times - that you’ve admitted I’m right about. And the best part with this quote is you admit you’re all over Trump’s balls. You claim to be in the middle but it’s clear you aren’t. You’re a Trump loving QANON supporter - which kind of goes along with your lack of education and criminal record.

Not that anyone didn’t already know.

12 year old girl response - engage! :joy::joy::joy:

Go scrape ice of someone else’s car. It’s probably part of your community service agreement anyway.

I call you that after you spit gibberish and act like a cunt and faggot…The arguement doesn’t start with that.

I know many words…The ones that most apply to you are sheep, cunt, and faggot. That’s what you are…Own it.

Don’t follow QAnon…
Don’t give a fuck about Trump and don’t want him to run
You have never been right in an argument with me on this message board…And you’ve been exposed

Go scrape ice of someone else’s car. It’s probably part of your community service agreement anyway.

That cornball shit

Move along faggot

Yeah, you do. You’re lying.

Really? Never? After all those times you’ve admitted I was right? Dude. Lay off the toilet wine.

Nothing left. You’ve lost. Better to move along than to be owned over and over. Qkeeter.

This is this faggot’s idea of winning an argument…Telling me what I really meant, tell me when I’m lying, and telling me what Biden really meant.

Really? Never? After all those times you’ve admitted I was right? Dude. Lay off the toilet wine.

Lay off the semen you faggot

You were telling me what you think Biden really meant. Jesus. I’ve never seen a man on two 75+ year old balls more than you.

Let me guess: you also hate gays.

I’m not shocked.

Nope, I’m just calling you a faggot and every word I can think of to insult you because you are one of the most pathetic piece of shit people I’ve ever come across. A fucking sheep, and a complete fucking coward and cunt…If/when we cross paths I’m spitting on you and your family and beating the fuck out of you.

You were telling me what you think Biden really meant.

No cunt…I’m simply quoting Biden. His words speak for themselves…“No matter what” is my accurate description because that’s how the English language works. Due to the absence of an adverb or modal verb to further specify, define, or describe the verb “looking at” or quantify the action of looking or quantify or describe the winter itself…Then yes “no matter what” and the definitive nature of his statement are apparent.

If the man meant something other than what he said

“you ARE looking at”

then he should have said so

you “MAY be looking at” for instance…Or better yet “You are at greater risk”

This is simple English…Quit reaching and give up your absurd fucking bratty cunt argument. It’s pathetic as it always is with you.

Merry xmas

Awesome! Threatening assault again! Beyond pathetic that you can’t operate outside of insults and threats. But hey, it’s you so….

You clearly don’t know the definition of “quoting.” Not that I’m shocked.

I agree. And you have very limited use of it. And outside of cunt/faggot/“I’ll spit in your face,” you don’t know how to use most of it.