Holiday Greeting from Brandon

You said “No matter what.”

Where did I insert words?

This is a simple concept.

Clearly not for the tragically uneducated.

Lol…You absolute fucking idiot. Because there are no other words quantifying the degree to which they are “looking at”

Then we simply take it at face value…It simply means what it says. I don’t need any further words, I’m going by Biden’s. “unvaxxed are looking at a winter of death”…Period. I don’t see any gray area there do you?

You gotta be a FUCKING RETARD to not see this.

You said he said “no matter what.” He didn’t say that. You’ve claimed I’m right - again - while trying to say you “won.”

Again, I’d say you can’t be this stupid - but you’ve absolutely proven that you can be. Moron.

Look at what this lying cunt is clinging too

You’re a pathetic faggot.

It’s not what I’m clinging to. It’s what you literally said. And now you won’t defend it.

The most pathetic trait of a “man” (an uneducated one at that) is their inability to admit when they’re wrong, they know they’re wrong and they’re too much of a pussy to man up and admit it.

You must be so proud.

I already defended it cunt

If he doesn’t include any word describing

Then take it at it’s face value…Understand?

When someone says

“Unvaxxed are looking” …Period. What does that mean?

Lol…You fucking clown cunt

This is exactly what you suffer from you fucking cunt

Dead nuts on the money

If someone tells “you are looking at a rough winter”…Why would they mean “maybe” if they didn’t say “you may be looking at a rough winter”… “you are at more of a risk for a rough winter”…By not including those words, he is saying it definitely…Point blank. That’s why those words exist in the English language you fucking cunt.

It means you are looking at a rough winter…No qualifiers. And you know this is true. You are just clinging to your message board cuntiness

You know what it means you uneducated prick. And I’ve already told you what it means.

Yeah. Your risk of more severe disease if you aren’t vaccinated goes up.

You’re suggesting that he’s saying that if you are unvaxed and get COVID you will die or have severe disease, “no matter what.” That’s not what he’s saying. And you know it.

But the toilet wine, combined with your severe lack of education, combined with getting hit in the head too many times after talking shit followed by you getting your ass kicked has scrambled your brain.

Poor snowflake. He’s offended by something f that Biden said. Man up. Qkeeter.

You know what it means you uneducated prick. And I’ve already told you what it means.

No you didn’t you uneducated cunt. You are grasping for straws, moving goalposts, and in full message board cunt mode

So funny

You’re suggesting that he’s saying that if you are unvaxed and get COVID you will die or have severe disease, “no matter what.”

I’m saying that I don’t need the words “no matter what”…He either gave an asterisk or he didn’t…He chose not to. That means what he says has to be taking at face value

Fucking absolute cunt you are

By all means keep going you worthless embarrassing fucking faggot

Look…I’m pump faking the faggot like I’m typing

And he keeps starting and stopping to see what I typed

Hahahahaha…This is so fun

You lose you fucking cunt…What’s next, deleted posts?

Never moved the goal posts. I’m going by what he said. You’re going by what you’re snowflake ass interpreted, which is not correct. Like most things.

Then take it that way you moron. He didn’t say “no matter what.”

Uh, no. This is you being a 12 year old girl with your “bratty response coming…”

How many times did you get your ass kicked in prison?

You should have seen the cunt starting and stopping typing…All I had to do was type a few letter and the indicator would show 51 disappear…Then I stopped…And he started typing

Fucking comedy

Like a kitty kat (a pussy, in his case THE ONE AND ONLY CANES BOARD CUNT) chasing yarn

It’s hilarious… Try it with the little faggot.

It doesn’t matter you fucking idiot

If someone says “you are”…It means you are…your state of being…it is definitive by nature…If you want it no mean you are sometimes, you are “to an extent”…you “may be”…You include those words

Otherwise “are” is definitive.

Next…Someone drag this cunt’s corpse outta here. Just destroying the little cunt

It does matter. Because you claimed he said it. Then you backtracked and and said “that’s what he meant.” No. He didn’t.

This is at least the 3rd situation in which you’ve claimed victory while admitting defeat in the same breath. It’s amazing to watch.

What crime against humanity was it again?

Go get your GED and figure out how to actually debate someone. They still allow you to get those with a criminal record.

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Go get your GED and figure out how to actually debate someone.

I don’t need to…I’m fucking destroying your faggot ass

Oh look he’s replying. I bet it’ll involve the word cunt.

See? I can do that too!

You don’t need to means your aren’t smart enough to get one.

It’s ok. We know.

Because I’m talking to a fucking cunt

Totally embarassing and exposing him for the uneducated, bratty, fucking little cunt he is

Fuck you and your whore mother. You faggot

I just pump faked the faggt again…This is so fun. Try it guys

I’m several levels above GED. I realize you’ll never know what that’s like.

And all you’ll be able to go to is cunt, faggot and go fuck your other. You may as well be a caveman grunting.

You know what? That’s insulting to cavemen. My apologies.

You love losing.