Holiday Greeting from Brandon

You’re 0-for-life

Figured you’d deflect cunt

Run and hide

You’re a faggot…You’re mother’s a whore and you couldn’t curb stomp her…Move along.

Never deflected. Never ran and hide. These responses from you are literal deflection. I’ve gotten used to it.


I literally just isolated the part of Biden’s quote that illustrates my “not matter what” and the absoluteness of his big, bad, foreboding statement.

That isn’t “literal deflection”…you literal fucking moron

You ignore it, deflect, and start telling me you won…You’re a fucking cunt.

He never said no matter what. He’s telling people that if you’re not vaccinated you’re at higher risk. It’s not about being nice. It’s about being truthful.

Better to be truthful than say “like a miracle it’ll disappear.”

For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death)

Yup looks like it to me…(Where are the words “higher risk”, “Could be”, etc…

You are fucking embarrassing yourself YOU FUCKING CUNT

The one who thinks “higher risk” and “could be” are the same as “no matter what” is the one embarrassing himself.

You’re flat out lying now about what he said. Just stop. You’re wrong. Again.


Lol, you can’t make this shit up…

Hell if he doesn’t find those words necessary, then just say what you said “you are higher risk”…Instead the moron goes with “you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death”

He’s being honest. I find it hilarious this little snowflake is offended by some honest words but never batted an eye at all the shot Trump has said over the years. Pure hypocrisy.

First he tells me Biden didn’t say it, now he’s telling me he’s being honest…

Honest?? So everyone not vaxxed is dying this winter? Death awaits us all?!?! (With nasty, point teeth, Monty Python enchanter voice)

Who the fuck is talking about Trump you absolute cunt! And meanwhile I may have argued with GSC, Storm, mfcanes, etc…About a lot of the stupid shit Trump said.

You’re lost you fucking moron

What am I saying he didn’t say? You’re criticizing what he said and implied that he meant “no matter what.” Completely untrue.

And where did he say every invaded person is going to die? Stop making shit up.

And I simply bring up Trump because you’ve never said a word about the dumb shot he’s said - yet your panties are in a bunch over what Biden said. Moron.

I argued so many times I lost count…Ask GSC. You’re embarrassing yourself again you fucking idiot

What am I saying he didn’t say? You’re criticizing what he said and implied that he meant “no matter what.” Completely untrue.

HAHAHAHA…I’m just quoting, you fucking cunt

Show me.

For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death

How many times do I have to quote these exact words cunt?

And when will you understand that this doesn’t mean “no matter what.”

You’ve lost snowflake.


Mental gymnastics…Biden’s personal translator strikes again

Plus another sign of your hypocrisy…Biden didn’t really mean this…But skeeter’s pure evil because he didn’t include the word “very very very very very very small” when kids aren’t at risk to covid.

Your stupidity, hypocrisy, and bratty cuntetdness continues to be exposed.

Personal translator? That what you’re claiming to be.

You’re trying to say he said “no matter what” when he literally didn’t.

Why are you so upset over what he said? If you don’t like it, ignore it. Go have some toilet wine.

I simply quoted

He doesn’t need need to say it… I took his statement at face value. His actual words

You are the one inserting words lol.

You’re looking at a winter of severe illness *YOU ARE…You are the one translating it into “Some of you are”…“You may be looking”…“You have a greater risk of”. If he meant what you are saying, all he had to do was say it. Instead he chose the word “you are” …Do I have to define “you are” …I mean technically there are unvaxxed still dying too…So “they are” too?

Stop talking man…You are dull and embarrassing. And a fucking cunt.

You’re saying you simply quoted. Then you say you took his statement at face value and……inserted words.

I’ve never seen anyone claim to be right and admit theyre wrong in the same breath. But you do it. All the time.

And now you’re just making shit up by saying I inserted words. Where? Show me.

For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death

Where did I insert a word? ^^^^^

Again you are the one inserting words.

This is a simple concept. You are either retarded…Or just being a bratty cunt.