10,000 The Movie?

Was I right or was I right?

Haha. People on here, Canes51 for one, said that the warrant is all we needed to see.

Wait. The noose around your boys neck tightens and you are claiming victory?

Heā€™s not my boy. If heā€™s guilty heā€™s guilty.

I had to go to CNN to see what you are excited about.

Wake me up when serious consequences come from this.

Until then, continue to cheerlead like a 15 year old girl thatā€™s obsessed with one guy.

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Um what?

Last week you guys were frothing at the mouth (you included) to see the affidavit as if were going to strengthen your case.

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I said we needed to see the affidavit to get more information, not that it would strengthen my case. And I donā€™t really have a strong lean here other than it looks like more of a witch hunt but they might find something.

If heā€™s truly guilty of selling secrets to Putin or something, sure, go get him.

If we are looking to dig and dig until we find something we can call illegal that would apply to just about anyone, well, Iā€™ll call it a fishing expedition.

What you donā€™t get about me in relation to Trump is that Iā€™m not a ride or die guy with him. I like the America first policies and can take him or leave him as long as the direction stays the same.

I can jive with everything else in your post except for this premise. Trump was allegedly afforded time to return everything. When he allegedly obstructed, they allegedly broke his door down. This was all done through an allegedly legal process, following alleged protocols. I said something similar like this early on, the feds donā€™t raid your home because you have a baking class in your kitchen. They are also not fishing, they have allegedly collected the following:

Their scathing response late last night is brutal as it attacks the Trump lclaim that he declassified everything (which may not matter anyway). They never mentioned this originally, #1 and #2 his lawyers signed stating the feds had everything when they turned over documents early on.



NOTHING about Trumpā€™s ā€œAmerica Firstā€ notions were good for the US nor did they ever have the US in mind.


Negative integrity. Bankrupt of morality. You are just a filthy, vile unhuman being.

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Youā€™re mother Theresaā€¦OMBā€¦we get it.

Come up with a better one. You both have overused this line

And we speak no lies

You are fucking white trash

Hard to be that when Iā€™m not white? How many times must I tell you Iā€™m first generation Cuban and Sicilian? So weird.

I honestly thing you fit the definition of white trash perfectly though.

You are the epitome of white trash, donā€™t care where you are from. Whoever let your family off the banana boat totally fucked up. Since you hate America so much, go back you fucking traitor

Homophobic and racist.

These guys always reveal themselves for who they truly are.

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Kash patel is your source? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Not to mention the lying GP too. I saw $ash Patel and lolā€™ed

So weā€™re tolerating racist slurs on this board?

Well we see how these ā€œanti-racismā€ crusaders really feelā€¦ Disgusting

Heā€™d be quiet as a church mouse if he was standing in front of youā€¦Heā€™s a fucking cunt.

Whoever let your family off the banana boat totally fucked up

No only is it racistā€¦But could it also be white supremacist?

I get my ā€œistsā€ mixed up nowadays.