10,000 The Movie?


@Canes51 … Where is our fake ass moderator and fellow racism police warrior at when you need him?

still lazy

I was called a racist by maniac 51 on this board one day…Didn’t even give an example. He then told me I was a liar because I said I don’t have racist thoughts because we all do.

You’re just upset because you found out your boyfriend is racist.

You’re lazy…it’s a lazy argument and you know it. Weak.

If I were to come up with a reason why he’d call you racist, you’re continuous denial of anything related to racism is a pretty easy qualifier, your overt support for posts by Bikki that black is the color of crime, etc. It’s not rocket science.

Well I’m just relaying how it went down…Maybe 51’s racism police outburst was “lazy” in addition to being incorrect?

And speaking of lazy/incorrect, dickhead… There’s too much of both in this reply to unpack but I’ll try

I’ve argued with Bikki on this board about saying something I considered racist before…I’ve never supported anything from him or anyone on this board that I’d consider racist (I’d love to see an example of this)…But it’s also clear that much of the stuff racism police, which I now have to lump you in with, consider racism is not that. Including a good bit of bikki’s posts (maybe you can twist some a comment into some example of this like I said above…So I’m glad to straighten you out and correct you there)

People like you are just too stupid to not be brainwashed into this racism crusade. Wake up, idiot…

Edited title from 300 to 10,000

They found 10k docs at this traitors house

10 fucking thousand govt documents.

He’s only interested in moderating things that he doesn’t like.

The best part is…neither 51 or dj used the words “integrity” or “lack of morality, bankrupt of morality”, etc…

Not once

Until warden started using them…Then they shamelessly hopped right on his nuts and use them every other post.


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Yep, sycophants.

Oh…see what you did there

Tricky, tricky commie cunt

oh the irony

like you do Bikki, Indi and GSC

He’s running out of material folks ^^^…“like you do”…“oh the irony”

Little partisan clown.

I don’t steal words or phrases from any of them.

you sure do lick their nuts often

Not quite as bad as you and djrion in a 2 year woke 69 taking a break to fluff up to George Lemon’s broadcast while serenading each other with beautiful Vox scriptures

that was funny, I’ll admit it

Who were the guys that made a little buzz when they did the anti-woke Vox blogger skit last year, maybe 2 years ago?

I posted it on here…We all got a kick out of it. I’ll have to find it.