Why is Biden ignoring this?

Umm, if you read bikki’s posts, he is against ALL paternity leave on principal. And thanks for agreeing that men can take care of babies. That was my point.

That’s fine, bikki. That’s your choice. That’s why we have 50 states.

I’m still confused about you conflating this issue with “men pretending to be women.” Paternity leave has nothing to do with women. That’s why it’s called PATERNITY leave.

I’ll call myself a faggot if I want to. Especially as a representation of your KKK level type mind. Good thing you don’t get to chose what we spend our taxes on, so sorry that paternity leave gets your diapers wet at night, but rest assured, YOU ARE PAYING FOR IT. so thanks for your contribution, scumbag.

You’re a parasitic chiseler Djrion. You have the right to live anyway you like, but you don’t have a right to have other people like it, respect it, or pay for it. No society in human history will exist for long duration if it has a large and growing group of social parasitic chiselers who live off those who produce. The difference between us Dj is that you are a taker, a chiseler, and I am a doer. Were I a father taking care of a child, I’d be ashamed accepting paternal leave knowing that someone else was paying me for not working. Strange how liberal chiselers think they occupy the moral high ground being parasites.

I’m sure bikki the non chiseler has never taken a sick or vacation day in his life…

As a matter of fact, 305, I went twenty years without taking a sick day. The only time I missed work was on deaths of my parents.

It’s strange that you didn’t mention vacations…