Why is Biden ignoring this?

Wait, What???

He took two months of paternity leave while we’ve been dealing with this shipping backlog.

I have no words.

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Things like this would have been solved by Trump who was a genius at curing logistic problems. Look at the rapidity, he stewarded the development of a vaccine, even if it doesn’t work very well. Biden is just in over his head. He has always been a moron and historically has made the wrong decision on matters of importance. Trump was one of the great presidents in our history, and in few decades his fame will be well established.

Warden has described a problem with which he is familiar, however, these terrible conditions simply did not happen under Trump, at least not by my perspective. I didn’t see huge swaths of empty store shelves. or gasoline at 5 dollars gallon, or third worlders invading our borders. Lumber was relatively cheap, and there was no huge run up in real estate prices as we’ve seen under Biden. It’s all a matter of executive competence. Trump was able; Biden is not, and furthermore is a complete demented fool.

Sorry, Warden, things are falling the hell apart under your preferred liberal government, and the majority of people are starting to feel the effect of misgovernance. They don’t like high gasoline prices. Soon under Biden, a lot of people will have tasted their last steak… Nothing sows dissatisfaction faster than high food costs. Biden does NOTHING right. Another failure just like Barack Obama, our worst president in history.

You do deserve Warden a modicum of praise for your authoritative post on shipping. You worked hard on it, and I think you made a credible argument although I think your man unlike Trump is incapable of solving the problem. Indeed there are times for governmental intervention. Humans are incapable of getting along with one another. That’s why invading aliens would destroy all humans but spare canines for wagging their tails and just having better personalities than most humans.

I just had to quote this for posterity. It’s great (and proof that bikki knows what he is doing). :sweat_smile:

Babbling Nikki is usually the end of a thread… Trump would have solved this… LMFAO. Then why did he let it start in the first place?

I work in the industry as well and warden is spot fucking on owning you conspiracy peabrains. I really love how gsc started like three or four posts in this thread all talking nonsense and dreaming up theories (which are horseshit) regarding why biden is intentionally restricting the flow of commerce like he has an on/off switch. Lololololololol.

Yes, sublime wisdom sometimes is found at the end of thread, and things are then just wrapped up neatly. GSC is an erudite person, and an individual who is difficult to fool. He was one of the first, if not the first, to voice his support for the great 45th president. There’s no doubt Trump would have expediently solved the supply problem, and there would be ample fuel at greatly reduced prices. Hence, we wouldn’t be suffering crippling inflation. As I warned before, not even the great America can survive debt service in the trillions of dollars, and Biden puts America in jeopardy of defaulting. The dollar then collapses, and gold certificates will be issued in lieu of currency. Drastic budgetary cuts will have to be made, especially with regard to entitlements. Third world immigrants, newly arrived chiselers, will become an albatross around Uncle Sam’s neck Then, as Trump so portentously predicted the country will sink not into a recession but a full-fledged DEPRESSION. Again, this is a Trump prediction therefore I think pretty accurate. Liberal governance will have broken the back of middle class America. This of course is a worse case scenario, but Biden and the morons who surround him just might send us headlong into the realm of decade-long chaos. Likely Warden will become a reluctant Orangeman supporter during Trump’s second term which will be devoted to rescuing Americans from leftist misgovernance. Djrion and Warden both sensibly will refuse to remain muttonheads their entire lives and will probably then be most appreciative being exposed to some of the gifted thinkers who inhabit this message board.

It’s also nice that our transportation secretary is taking 2 months of paternity leave as a non birthing person during a crisis!

Biden may not have had anything to do with this, but he sure hasn’t helped the problem.

How about we use this as a wake up call that we need to be less dependent upon goods from China.

I believe this is already happening. The transition won’t be painless but it needs to happen.

Let me see if I understand this. If you are a woman, I refuse to use “birthing person” because it is ridiculous, you get maternity leave, That seems appropriate. However if you are living an alternate lifestyle, some would called it a perverted life style, you get paternity leave. Wrongamundo. There should be no special rights for homosexuals especially those making believe they are women. They are not women and taxpayers should not have to pay a tax to subsidize delusions. Our Secretary of Transportation is a slacker, a goldbricker, a chiseler and should either return to work, tender his resignation, or be fired by the president who also is probably experiencing delusions himself of one kind or another. Maybe we should send Warden in to fix things, but first vetting Warden to make sure he too won’t enter into a paternity leave scam.

Djrion and Warden are either the same person or both are suffering from a mind-crippling disease. I should ask Skeeter how they became so afflicted.

Yes, in motion.

Warden and DJ are two different organisms.

Never met him, just glad he’s here as our #s are growing.

I took paternity leave 15 years ago in the great State of Oregon.

Your cunt is growing…That’s what’s growing comrade

You and your mother’s filthy stank infested cunts…That’s what’s growing.

Paternal leave has nothing to do with homosexuality though…

  1. you’ve been out on the West Coast too long.

Men don’t deliver babies, women do. It’s a strain on the body, and the baby needs its mother. Paternity leave? There should be no such thing. Paternity leave is being a chiseler at your employer’s expense. It’s work avoidance, being a crap employee, a belief that you have the same right as a mother. Sorry, you don’t have that right. You can play with baby AFTER work. If you don’t like it, start your own business where you control the hours, and you can even hire a bunch of chiselers to help you should you wish. Any man pretending to be a woman having the audacity to claim maternity leave should be sent to prison for fraud… Being a queer person is not an entitlement, and taxpayers should not have to pay for any male chiselers pretending to be mothers. I’m actually THE true liberal. You have an individual right to pretend you’re something you are not. Be my guest pretend all you want, but you have no right whatsoever to demand I pay anything to support your lunacy.

Why? Men can’t take care of a newborn? They can’t help out their wife who, as you said, suffered a strain on the body?

Being old fashioned is no replacement for common sense and community.

In California the state pays it. Also in California, the taxpayers pay the state, so you’re an idiot if you don’t get your money’s worth.

When I bought my solar panels you better believe California fronted 30% of the cost. It’s just good business. Don’t pretend old bikki doesn’t take advantage of economic laws that favor him…

Paternity leave is for faggots

I’m a faggot

Nikki is trash


Is he playing stupid? He’s in a gay marriage. That’s Bikki’s point. Not that a man can’t be a caretaker for a baby.

II know what it is to pay taxes. I pay more in taxes than most people earn a year, but I don’t want one cent of my taxes to pay for paternity leave. Don’t have children if you cannot take care of them. Additionally, I don’t want my monies going to support males pretending to be females period. Djrion, you can be anything you want to be, dye your hair pink, cover your body in tawdry tattoos, even call me names, but you cannot demand money from my pocket to support your lunacy. Paying for paternity leave should NEVER be a governmental program.

BTW, calling homosexual persons queer people is quite acceptable and not pejorative as you assumed… You’re not up on your own lingo Djrion. You are a failed liberal, behind the times, guilty of microaggression using the word faggot. You need to read up on proper forms of acceptable reference or you’re going to be a very unpopular liberal and then you’ll be cancelled for having a non.orthodox opinion. Liberals are the the true fascist in our society. They cancel, burn, loot, censor, and try to foist dictatorial edicts on individuals.

305, I don’t look to government for bargains. The less I have to do with government, the better I like it. A sense of community blows 305 when it requires tolerance of what is intolerable. Sharia Law would be an example of tyranny that liberals tolerate. They’re the same liberals whose heads after being lopped from their bodies have a surprised expression on their faces.