Where's Bikki?

What happened to him? Did I miss something?

I was wondering the same myself.

His account didn’t vanish. He just hasn’t been around for a little over a month.

Here’s hoping all is well with him. Maybe he’s just on a bender in the Alabama low country.

Yes, his account still exists.

He hasn’t posted since 3/18?

Hope he is okay. I think he is in his early 80’s?

When was storm banned?

Maybe Bikki wasn’t cool with that?

Hope he’s well.

Bikki was around for a month or two after that. I think he was disappointed by the ban but said he understood it. He wasn’t taking a stand against it or anything like that.

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Things have been slow around here. I pray all is well.

I messaged him the same day I started this thread.

Not sure if my messages are on or not, but he has not replied yet.

Hopefully, he is simply taking a temporary break from this board … and not taking a permanent break like Canebill.

That would be very unfortunate.

@Warden84 Have you heard from Bikki? I got the impression you two, while arguing vehemently on here, still managed to have some exterior (to this site) connection that might afford you more inside information about his whereabout and wellbeing.

No, sir. I haven’t heard from him at all.

The only one that talks to him outside of here is Stormfront. And well…

… he’s still in his basement masturbating with peanut butter

305, I suppose you know the email address Bikki signed up for the board with … can you shoot him a direct email and see if he responds?

I don’t know him personally, just from the board, but he seems like a good guy, very knowledgeable and diplomatic. I guess Storm had met him in person (along with Canebill) but he can’t chime in because he got himself banned from the board (not an easy thing to do.)

Hopefully, our concerns about his well being are unwarranted and Bikki is just busy entertaining 20-something women.

Done. Let’s hope we hear back.

I’m officially becoming somewhat concerned about Bikki’s well being.

Stormfront apparently actually knows him. Maybe email him
and ask him to check on Bikki? He might have his phone number?

Hopefully, a false alarm and Bikki is just traveling or something.
It’s just weird that he hasn’t posted anything since March.

Who is supposed to contact Storm? 305? Storm was threatening 305 with lawsuits.

Not sure how that call would go…

305: Hey Storm, you don’t know me in real life but I am the guy that fought with you for years on the miamihurricanes board, then took over the board from Dallas and started a new board and kicked you out. Bikki has not posted since March so I wanted to call you randomly to ask you for a favor… would you be a pal and check in on him? Yeah, that would be great.

I wasn’t suggesting 305 call Storm, I assume he has Storm’s email.

Admittedly, I don’t keep track of the board drama and vendettas.

Besides, Storm strikes me as the forgiving type. :grinning:

Unfortunately, I don’t know if anybody who knows other posters in real life hangs on the board anymore.

I fear the worst …

Bikki has been taken hostage by FSU fans.

Could be as simple as him leaving because storm is gone.