Where are our leaders?

I just posted 2 sources above proving that they’re untruthful. Did you miss that, or, like GWP you just saw what you wanted to see?

It doesn’t matter who started it. Gold star families are off limits. Period. It’s unfortunate you don’t see that.

Once again, excuse making and zero integrity. I’ve admitted Biden’s faults more than once. GSC can’t bring himself to do the same with Trump, or any other argument he’s ever tried to make.

Still don’t see them.

That’s not my point. It’s not about the argument! It’s about the censorship!

Lol- you voted for Weekend at Bernie’s

My bad - going in and out of threads - talking about similar stuff:

As I said in the other thread, stop acting like GWP is holier than thou. They aren’t.

You are assuming she was censored. You have proof? Show me.

And you voted for a pussy grabbing demagogue who would rather come to power via a coup vs have any ounce of humility or integrity.

Dude- politifact covered like 8 GWP stories out of tens of thousands. And if you read closely - they are al judgement calls.

You asked me where they have ever been dishonest. I gave you examples.

End of story.

Snopes and Politifact are not objective.

It’s pretty obvious.

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Every media outlet has a stance and can be misleading.

GWP is no different.

I’m sure they do, but like I said, the vast majority of disabled accounts is bot/user driven.

Not true

:joy::joy::joy: which don’t?

I agree GSC. All are on the spectrum somewhere.

Simply not true… At least not for anyone of substance. I mean you have some gray area with “vast majority” because I’m sure small accounts with 5 followers like myself get disabled either accidentally or intentionally constantly, but many have been intentionally banned for asking legit questions.



There’s your guy!


Trump’s fault.

I think it has to be on purpose. There is no way they are this dumb/incompetent.
