Trump and Vance destroy Zelensky

Trump has this effect on people. He makes liberally inclined men completely hysterical. Look at Al Green tonight. Prime example.

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No, he is a pos and we cant understand why you sold your soul to the man. Stop saying people are hysterical because they don’t agree with you. If he is so great why do you have to constantly defend the man? Reason being is your ashamed you voted for the man.

Agree with Britt Hume, Trump is the “political colossus” of our era. His speech this evening was marvelous. The Democrats are such turds, wouldn’t even applaud the kid that underwent cancer treatment who wants to be a cop. Time to enjoy marching into “the Golden Age.”

Read your posts you whiny little faggot…Has nothing to do with agreeing with us. Hell, GSC and ai don’t agree with some things and if we discussed some other things there would be more we don’t agree with. We are judging you off of your posts and behavior, not your beliefs.

They are hysterical…You are a hysterical, meltdown-prone faggot. Reel it in, maniac

Did not listen to one minute of the speech. Couldn’t care less what trump has to say. He says nothing of importance. His speeches are about blame. He is a divider. The moment he is gone is not soon enough. The damage he is doing to country is going to be hard to reverse.

Exactly right! I’ll say it again, @GardenStateCane you arrogance is beyond comprehension. You believe every word from a pathological liar, but I’m not supposed to use a dictionary definition of a word; because it doesn’t fit your ability to attempt to belittle everyone’s opinions that don’t align with yours. You sir are the Fascist!
What is really funny about all of this, is the fact that @Elite80, @Warden84, and I have completely different worldviews, yet the mutual respect of each other as posters and better yet human beings is evident. Can’t say the same for you and those I have chosen to no longer engage with.


The irony.
Your own example disproves your original premise. It didn’t say it was 'moderately hot today" or “moderately cold today.” It said “moderate today.” That’s the example of your own post.

From Canes link


Of course, he wanted to debate the concept of it not being able to stand alone, rather than discussing why he attempted to use that point in the first place, that he thinks the idea of “moderate” means exactly in the middle.

GSC has never entered into a discussion on here from a position of honesty.

Right, right…liberally inclined men



You spelled “gilded” wrong.

It’s his way of shutting down an argument, gaslighting and dismissive sexism laid on an ad hominem attack. It’s in his DNA at this point…just a little boy trying to find a safe place to hide from scary thoughts.

Said this for several years. He’s never debated it or denied it. GSC is a theocratic fascists without a shred of morality.

I have conservative views on certain things, I am progressive views on other things. I personally don’t give two shits if your gay, bi, trans or what ever else you want to label yourself. None of my business. GSC, thinks anything gay or trans is wrong and it should be abolished off this earth. WHY? What impact does it have on him or anyone else he knows? Does he have gay tendencies and is scared that maybe he is actually gay. Skeeter is gay and is hiding in a closet. That is no way to be. Skeeter would feel much better if he just came out and told everyone the truth.

Exactly right! I’ll say it again, @GardenStateCane you arrogance is beyond comprehension. You believe every word from a pathological liar, but I’m not supposed to use a dictionary definition of a word; because it doesn’t fit your ability to attempt to belittle everyone’s opinions that don’t align with yours. You sir are the Fascist!

Lol…SC learned a new word…A very trendy word with today’s meltdown leftists “Fascist”

Also…Does someone want to tell this half-retard @CaneFanSC that @GardenStateCane basically posted the same definition as him?

What is really funny about all of this, is the fact that @Elite80, @Warden84, and I have completely different worldviews, yet the mutual respect of each other as posters and better yet human beings is evident. Can’t say the same for you and those I have chosen to no longer engage with.

Again when has GSC ever attacked or not shown respect to SC or 80? (I’m waiting!) Yet they continue to attack him.

My god this little cunt is just begging for friends. Like most of these angry leftist mob wack jobs they want to feel like they are part of something so bad. Weird people.

What the 3 of these maniacs all do share is…THE MELTDOWN. Read it in their posts, hell we have a whole thread committed to one of them, and we are all laughing at him. The meltdown and their delusional obsession/hate for Trump has all brought them together in beautiful Voltron like manner.

Wack-job leftist cunt maniacs unite under 1 common meltdown bond!

Zelensky now begging.

Should have shown some respect in the Oval buddy.

Such a knuckledragger

No need to when it’s true 100% and incontrovertible.

So the Jan. 6 Offenders are liberally inclined then?

He should have shown respect. Trump avoided Vietnam making up a lie about bone spurs. This guy is trying to save his country and got ambushed by two morons.

So if one gets ambushed by two morons, what does that make him?

Lol…The Zelensky fan club still thinks he “owned” Trump though.

Someone will sit the ukraine leader down and tell him to suck up to the orange moron and you will get what you want.

The art of the con. Trudeau bitchslapped trump yesterday.

Imagine rooting for a commie maniac like Trudeau. The levels of absurdity and anti-Trumpism on this board right now. Zelensky and Trudeau? Two board favorites lol?

Someone will sit the ukraine leaser down

Hopefully someone sits 80 down and explains the quote box

“Shilling for Russia” is attempting to lead a ceasefire without any compromises on Russia’s part.

Yes, you’re saying I’m not a moderate because I have an opinion against Trump.

This is my exact point. You think moderates aren’t allowed to have opinions.

Great everybody, so I’m not a moderate, I’m a moderate liberal.

In fact, moderates don’t exist.

True, but nobody said moderates need to be “dead center.” Of course moderates are on the spectrum of political leanings, just like conservatives and liberals are. There’s a range, just like for all political leanings. Moderates aren’t special in that regard.

I lean left in some views and lean right in others. I would consider candidates from both parties. I can see the dangers of the Democrat party just as easily as the dangers of the Republican party.

Most people in America would consider that a moderate or centrist or some other wording to that effect.

That is the very definition of a moderate!

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